The variety “Geranium Kiss” was developed in America in 2009. Description of the variety is characterized by a short bush, a large number of fruits on the cluster and a long growing season. Since this variety belongs to the cherry subspecies, kiss tomatoes have round, crimson-red fruits with a spout at the end. The pulp is dense, with a pronounced sweet tomato taste. The weight of the fruit is 20-40 grams, which does not exceed the size of a walnut. Suitable for fresh consumption and for making sauces. Due to their size, they are ideal for canning. You can read reviews on various forums.
The presented hybrid is a high-yielding variety.Forms up to five large bunches of tomatoes, each bearing from 60 to 100 fruits. The variety is considered early ripening, but this is only with a fairly warm summer. In the middle zone and to the north, it is better to grow geranium kiss not in open ground, but in a greenhouse.
You can harvest the yield in whole bunches when the fruits turn brown. Wooden boxes are perfect for ripening, where you need to place one or two fully ripe fruits to speed up the process. In the same way, Geranium Kiss is perfectly transportable. However, ripe tomatoes cannot be stored for a long time.
Advantages of the tomato Geranium Kiss
Characteristics of the variety Geranium Kiss is determinate, which means limited growth of the main stem. However, in different climatic conditions the formation of the bush differs. In the southern regions, where the variety ripens on the vine in open ground, the hybrid forms low, dense bushes of dark green color. The height of the bushes does not exceed 60 centimeters. In greenhouse conditions, the Kiss of a geranium can grow up to 1.5 meters.
Due to its varietal shortness and decorative properties, Geranium Kiss is suitable for growing on balconies, loggias, and verandas. When growing a hybrid in this way, it is important to choose the right size of the flowerpot, otherwise the bush will stop growing prematurely, which means it will lay fewer bunches of fruit or not at all.
Bushes of such tomatoes do not need to remove stepsons; on the contrary, it is necessary to leave 3-4 main stems to obtain maximum yield. The variety requires regular fertilizing and drip watering. After fruit set, it is necessary to remove the leaves to the level of the lower cluster.This type of tomato prefers loose, slightly acidic soils and responds well to fertilizing with humus and nitrogenous fertilizers.
Growing Requirements
Kiss geranium is mostly grown through seedlings. Although in the southern regions it is possible to sow directly into the soil, preferably peat, in the first ten days of March. Tomato seeds are sown for seedlings in early February. Before sowing, seeds must be soaked in a 5% solution of potassium permanganate and treated with a universal fungicide.
The swollen seeds are placed in the prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm. The seeds do not require abundant watering for germination, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out either. The container with seeds should be covered with film and placed in a well-lit place.
You need to plant the seedlings after the fourth true leaf appears, immediately into the container, where they will grow until planted in a permanent place.
Tomatoes are planted at the end of May, when the first flowers appear on the seedlings. To create optimal vegetative conditions for plant development, you need to plant no more than 4 bushes per square meter. Kiss geranium is an early ripening variety, the fruits ripen already on the 90th day. With a sufficient number of warm days and moderate watering, the tomato blooms and sets fruit clusters 2-3 times per gardening season.
To maintain plants during the fruiting period, at least twice a season, it is necessary feed the tomatoes. Modern preparations for increasing plant immunity promote active growth of stems and roots. “Kornevin”, sodium humate, “Agat-25”, “Novosil”, “Epin” are suitable.
In September, the bushes, even if there are ovaries, must be removed, since the variety is very sensitive to cold.With a sharp drop in average daily temperatures, plants stop growing and fruits are affected by gray rot.
Prevention of tomato diseases
The hybrid Geranium Kiss is resistant to the most common tomato diseases due to its precocity. The fruiting period of this variety begins before the peak activity of tomato pathogens. Therefore, Geranium Kiss is practically not affected by late blight, powdery mildew, fusarium, and verticillium. But the hybrid does not have immunity against bacterial diseases.
In order not to lose the harvest even before it is set, you just need to follow a few simple rules for the prevention of tomato diseases. Detailed description of varieties with diseases.
- When preparing seed material, treat it with disinfectants and fungicides;
- Select only healthy seedlings; all stunted, asymmetrical sprouts must be removed;
- Annually update the soil in which tomatoes are planted;
- Twice a season, carry out preventive treatment with a 5% solution of copper sulfate or baking soda: when planting in a permanent place and during the flowering period;
- Once a season, carry out treatment to increase plant immunity;
- Observe the frequency of planting;
- Remove the lower leaves of tomatoes in a timely manner and do not leave plant debris near the roots.
Overall, Kiss Geranium is a disease-resistant, hardy variety that, with proper care, will delight the gardener with a bountiful harvest of small, tasty tomatoes.
You can view photos and descriptions of the Geranium Kiss tomato on the Internet.