Description of the Russian Empire tomato variety and its characteristics

Mid-early tomatoes "Russian Empire" f1, this is a hybrid variety. They were bred by breeders as a high-yielding and disease-resistant type of tomato.

What is the species

The characteristics and description of the variety are an excellent help for the summer resident; with its help, you can choose the right place for cultivation. Choose the right agricultural techniques to obtain the maximum yield.


  • Bush: indeterminate.
  • Height: 2 m.
  • Inflorescence: simple.
  • Number of tomatoes per brush: 6–9 pcs.
  • Ripening time: 110–115 days.


  • Shape: elongated cream.
  • Weight: 110–130 g.
  • Color: red.
  • Taste: excellent.
  • Density: high.
  • Number of cameras: 2 pcs.
  • Transportability: high.
  • Shelf life: 1 month.

Planting and care

Seeds for seedlings are sown 2 months before planting in the ground; it is advisable to correlate them with the climatic conditions of the region of residence. At the phase of appearance of 2 true leaves, a dive is carried out.

Green tomatoes

It is recommended to harden the seedlings 7–10 days in advance. This is done as follows. The first day she is taken outside for 20 minutes, gradually this time increases to 1 day. This procedure will strengthen the plants and reduce stress when transplanting to a permanent location.

It is recommended to tie them to supports and remove the stepsons.

At 1 m2 up to 6 bushes are planted. It is recommended to form into two stems. It should be fed at least twice with complex fertilizers. Weeding, hilling, loosening and watering are no different.

Disease susceptibility

The “Russian Empire” tomato is immune to verticillium and fusarium. Insect pests should be treated in a timely manner with special preparations.

Harvest volume and application

The number of fruits that a plant can produce determines the choice of summer residents. The higher the yield, the more famous the variety is. From 1 m2 You can harvest up to 9 kg of tomatoes.

Growing tomatoes

They are used to prepare fresh salads and soups. Perfect for canning, including whole fruit. They are also processed and used in the preparation of tomato juice, paste and sauces.

Positive and negative aspects of the variety

The first criterion when choosing a variety is the presence of good characteristics. A large number of disadvantages will lead to a decrease in demand for tomatoes.


  • Productivity.
  • Unpretentiousness.
  • The fruits last a long time and tolerate transportation well.
  • Resistant to some diseases.


  • The need for plant formation.
  • Seeds collected independently do not inherit parental genes.

Tomato seeds

Opinions of summer residents regarding Russian Empire tomatoes

Reviews about the tomato “Russian Empire” f1 will help any gardener make a choice and understand how to grow tomatoes correctly.

  • Elena. I really liked the tomatoes, the description matched. Will definitely grow more.
  • Eve. Grows for 3 years. Particularly because they are best suited for canning. But tomatoes are also delicious fresh.
  • Galina. I was amazed by the high yield and taste of fresh fruits.
  • Tatiana. I grew it for the first time and formed it into one stem. The fruits turned out to be large for canning. Next year he will try to form two stems.
  • Hope. Despite the bad weather, it produced an excellent harvest. Will definitely plant it again.

“Russian Empire” is a hybrid, so many summer residents prefer to buy it. He is not afraid of diseases, the weather is not a hindrance, he still produces a harvest.
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