Description of the tomato variety Ermak F1, features of cultivation and care

The late tomato variety Ermak F1 is a productive variety that does not require care. Summer residents value it for its disease resistance and excellent commercial qualities.

Criteria for the Ermak variety

A vegetable grower needs a detailed description in order to avoid mistakes when growing, correctly position the plant on the site and comply with all care requirements.

tomato Ermak


  • Slightly leafy.
  • Determinant.
  • Height up to 55 cm.
  • Ovaries 5-6 pcs.
  • Ripens in 135-139 days.


  • Shape: round-oval.
  • Color: orange-red.
  • Weight: 65-75 g.
  • Cameras: 3-5 pcs.
  • The density is high.
  • The skin is rough.
  • High degree of transportability.
  • Long shelf life.

A detailed description of the tomato hybrid allows the summer resident to make the right decision.

late variety

Growing methods

The Ermak hybrid is planted in 2 ways: direct sowing in the ground and seedling method. Summer residents recommend the second method. Because in this case the harvest is expected 15-20 days earlier.

Seeds are sown 2 months in advance. Be sure to pick the plants at the stage of appearance of 2 true leaves. The seedlings must be carefully looked after if in the future the summer resident wants to receive the declared volume of harvest.

high density

To do this, maintain a temperature regime of +15-17 ⁰C for the first days, then +20-22 ⁰C. Daylight hours for normal plant development are 14-16 hours; if there is a lack of sunlight, special lighting devices are installed.

Plants must be fed with growth stimulants or complex mineral fertilizers.

Plants should be hardened off before moving to a permanent location. To do this, Ermak tomatoes are taken out into the open air. 1 day for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time, reaching 8 hours. 4-6 plants per 1 m are placed in the ground2.

the skin is rough

Cultivation care

There is nothing complicated about caring for tomatoes. The Ermak variety does not require dressing or shaping. The main conditions are compliance with watering and fertilizing standards. Water in the evening with warm water. Gardeners recommend installing drip irrigation, so the moisture goes directly to the roots.

Feed with organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers. Alternating them with each other, fertilize at least 3 times.The first time is 7-10 days after transplantation, then during flowering and fruiting.

Loosening the soil will provide oxygen access to the roots and retain moisture in the soil longer. Removing weeds will retain most of the nutrients in the soil and help avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks.

high degree

Application and yield of the variety

A characteristic feature of the variety is the versatility of its use. Preparing fresh salads, canning, all types of processing, drying and other ways to use vegetables.

The yield of the variety is 4.5–7.5 kg per 1 m2. Subject to all planting and care requirements.

orange red

Positive properties of the Ermak variety

The characteristics of the variety are good and bad. To evaluate the merits of a variety, the gardener evaluates the presence of pros and cons. This plays a key role in deciding whether to grow a crop on a plot or not.


  • Ripens together.
  • Suitable for one-time cleaning.
  • The fruits are durable, easy to transport and retain their presentation.
  • Tolerant of heat, drought, poor lighting of the area.
  • Universal in use.
  • Resistant to late blight, septoria.

matures together


  • There is no way to collect seeds yourself.
  • Afraid of lowering temperature.

To evaluate the Ermak variety, summer residents are advised to grow several plants for testing, and for the gardener to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the crop.

universal in use

The opinion of summer residents regarding Ermak tomatoes

The presence of positive reviews works better than the most thoughtful advertising from the manufacturer. It is gardeners that the vegetable grower trusts most.

Valentina Georgievna: “I planted Ermak on the advice of a friend. I didn't regret it. The tomatoes taste excellent, the hybrid is unpretentious and disease-resistant.I like it very much and will continue to grow it.”

The versatility of Ermak tomatoes makes the hybrid popular among housewives and summer residents.

collect seeds
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