Etoile is a tomato whose popularity is not yet too high. However, summer residents undeservedly do not pay due attention to this variety. Although, of course, every gardener dreams of surprising neighbors and his family with amazing vegetables and fruits. The ripe fruits of the Etoile tomato look so original, and their taste is beyond praise.
Description and characteristics of the variety
The Etoile variety belongs to the plants of the indeterminate type; these tomatoes are mid-season - about 3.5 months pass from the moment of sprouting to the harvesting of ripe fruits. Tomatoes should be grown indoors - greenhouses or hotbeds.However, in warm areas of our country, Etoile can be grown in garden beds.
The description of the variety should be continued with a story about the shoots and fruits. The bushes are of medium height, well leafed, the shoots are erect, densely covered with rich emerald foliage. Shoot height – 1.0-1.2 m. Foliage – medium length, green. The variety requires mandatory gartering to trellises or supports and mandatory regular removal of stepsons. In order for the fruits to ripen better and faster, the bushes should be formed into 2-3 shoots.
The description of the Etoile tomato should be continued with a story about fruiting. The original, unusually shaped fruits of this tomato immediately attract attention. Their shape is elongated, pear-shaped, ribbed. From below, the fruits resemble red bell peppers.
The ovaries are collected in racemose inflorescences of 5-6 pieces each. The color of ripe tomatoes is raspberry-red, rich. But there are fruits with pronounced yellow stripes on the sides. Ripe cut tomatoes are very beautiful. Inside there are 6 chambers with seed material. The skin is dense, of medium thickness, practically undetectable in food, and not prone to cracking. The taste is pleasant; there is a slight sourness of the sweet fruits. The yield of bushes is average.
The Etoile variety is classified as a salad variety; tomatoes are used for fresh consumption, preparing stuffed dishes, and for table decoration. However, in canning, the fruits can be used to prepare tomato juice, tomato puree, and sauces.
Characteristics of transportability: the harvested crop is capable of being transported over fairly long distances without losing its presentation and taste.Average resistance of the vegetable crop to the main diseases affecting vegetables of the nightshade family is noted.
Pros and cons of the variety
The undoubted advantages of the variety are:
- original, exotic shape of ripe tomatoes;
- average yield, smooth fruit ripening;
- unpretentiousness;
- seed germination – 80-83%.
But Etoile also has disadvantages:
- the shoots are tall, so a mandatory garter to the supports is required;
- pinching and formation of bushes is necessary.
Nuances of cultivation
Seedlings for seedlings are usually planted in the second or third decade of March. All necessary procedures with seeds are carried out by companies that sell them, so you can only soak the seeds before planting in a solution of any growth stimulant.
After 6-7 permanent leaves appear, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into greenhouse conditions. Care in closed ground consists of regular watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and removing weeds.