Characteristics and description of the Lakomka tomato variety

Early ripening types of tomatoes are valued by summer residents, because in summer the body already craves the vitamins hidden in ripe tomatoes. That’s why the Lakomka tomato is grown in almost all summer cottages; it bears fruit already 85-100 days after the seeds germinate.

Features of the plant

Characteristics of Gourmand tomatoes contain such qualities as:

  • short stature of the bush, reaching a height of sixty centimeters;
  • average foliage of the stem;
  • semi-spreading plant;
  • formation of the first inflorescence at the level of the eighth or ninth leaf;
  • laying the next brushes at intervals of one or two sheets.

Depending on the structure of the tomato bush, a planting scheme and care for the vegetable will be organized.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • obtaining high yields from the bush;
  • drought resistance of tomatoes;
  • good fruit set even in unfavorable weather;
  • excellent immunity that protects against some fungal diseases.

Anyone who has planted Lakomka knows how easy it is to grow the variety even in open ground.

Basic qualities of fruits

Gourmand tomatoes have excellent properties:

  1. The fruits have a round shape.
  2. The pulp under the thin skin is tender and juicy.
  3. After the green color, as they ripen, the tomatoes become filled with crimson ripeness, without a spot near the stalk.
  4. The number of seed nests is three to four.
  5. The weight of the fruits reaches 100 - 120 grams.
  6. The taste of the tomato is truly tomato, sweetish.

harvest in the basket

The yield of tomatoes per square meter of planting reaches six or seven kilograms.

Among tomatoes there is a similar variety that produces dark-colored fruits. It is called the Black Gourmet. The tomato also produces medium-sized fruits similar in color to pomegranates. But the vegetable differs in the height of the bush. This is already a tall type of tomato, because its stems reach a height of 180 centimeters.

Black gourmet begins to bear fruit a little later, and is suitable for planting in a greenhouse. But its fruits are just as tasty and suitable for fresh consumption.

Rules for cultivating tomatoes in open ground

The description of the Lakomka variety allows us to classify it as a determinant species of heat-loving vegetable. They prefer to cultivate vegetable plants in open ground. The best way to start growing the variety is to sow tomatoes into seedlings.As usual, planting is carried out 55-60 days before planting the seedlings in the garden.

delicious delicacy

In mid-May, holes are prepared for seedlings. If frosts still continue, then you can plant tomato seedlings obliquely, covering them with soil on top. A one or two day stay under such a tire is not dangerous for a vegetable crop. Many people use paper caps for each bush as protection. They are rolled from cardboard or newspaper.

Tomato planting scheme Gourmand 60 x 60 centimeters. One square meter can accommodate up to six to seven plants. The volume of the holes for tomato seedlings is 30 x 30 x 30 centimeters. In each planting hole, be sure to put two handfuls of humus, fifty grams of wood ash, mixing all the components with the turf composition of the soil.

seeds for planting

The seedlings are immersed in the soil up to the first true leaf, but with elongated seedlings - deeper. After the procedure, the tomato plantation must be watered abundantly. The best time of day for planting seedlings will be evening. This is a guarantee that the seedlings will outpace the plants planted in the morning by two to three days. Two weeks after placing tomato seedlings in open ground, you need to treat the bushes with one percent Bordeaux mixture. This will save them from diseases. Spraying is repeated after ten days.

Although Gourmand is a determinate species, for proper cultivation, the tomato is tied up so that the stems do not break under the weight of the fruit.

Rules for caring for tomatoes in open ground include:

  • abundant watering, which is reduced before the plant begins to flower;
  • feeding with mullein diluted in a ratio of 1:5, then with minerals - superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium nitrate;
  • weeding of plantings;
  • loosening the soil after watering or rain;
  • formation of a bush of two or three stems.

preparation for winter

In order for tomatoes to ripen faster, be sure to remove the leaves that shade them. If the flowers of tomatoes begin to fall off, then it is necessary to reduce watering, remove excess shoots, and apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

What vegetable growers say about the variety

The truth about tomatoes of any variety will be told only by those who grow determinate tomatoes. It is not for nothing that gourmet is considered one of the most delicious and productive tomatoes. Reviews indicate that the low-growing bush produces fruits of the same size, as if selected. Despite unfavorable climatic and weather conditions, those who grew the sweet variety enjoy the ripe fruits already in early July.

Daily preparation of vegetable salads improves the health of all members, young and old. Lakomka, like Slastena, is a favorite dessert for children. They are ready to eat juicy fruits from morning to evening. And they get a good mood, a surge of strength, and health from this.

determinate tomato
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