Summer residents have been growing the Lyubov tomato for more than 10 years in open ground, in greenhouses and under temporary shelters. Most seed manufacturers have this hybrid in their assortment. It is worth paying attention to it when selecting tomatoes with early and mid-early ripening periods. Reviews of the Lyubov F1 tomatoes do not raise doubts about the high productivity and early ripening of the variety.
Main characteristics of the hybrid
The characteristics and description of the variety from the seed manufacturer in terms of yield completely coincides with the data of vegetable growers who grow Lyubov tomatoes in their beds.Any summer resident who follows the basic rules for caring for tomatoes has a chance to get the declared yield of 20 kg/m².
Considering that this plant is determinant, the yield indicators are very good.. Bushes in a greenhouse can grow up to 1.3 m, in the ground their height is slightly less. There are many leaves formed on the bushes, they are of medium size, the color of the leaf plates is traditionally green.
The first brush, simple in structure, is formed in the axil of the 7th (less often 9) leaf. It is necessary to leave the stepson located under this brush to obtain the desired shape of the bush. The characteristics and description of the variety contain brief recommendations for its formation. A second stem will develop from the abandoned stepson, and all newly formed stepsons in the axils of the leaves will need to be removed in a timely manner.
Do not pinch small stepsons, let them grow to 5–7 cm, and only then remove them. Don't forget to leave a small stump (0.5 cm). A new shoot will not form in this place, which will save time in the future.
Features of the fruit
Large fruits are formed on medium-sized bushes. The average tomato weighs around 250 g. Characteristics and descriptions of the variety from summer residents growing the Lyubov hybrid contain a description of fruits weighing 400 g.
The shape of the fruit is smooth and round. At market ripeness, the fruits and pulp are bright red. The coloring is even, without the presence of a green spot in the area of the stalk. The skin is strong, cracking of the fruit is excluded. Tomatoes can be used in many ways:
- sandwich design;
- preparing salads;
- for seasoning summer soups (gazpacho, borscht, kharcho) and main courses;
- in winter preparations (pastes, sauces, ketchups).
The taste of a ripe tomato contains a small amount of acid, which does not spoil the taste of the tomatoes at all. A high percentage of fruits of commercial quality is the main advantage of the hybrid. Up to 96% of tomatoes have no errors in the appearance and taste of the pulp.
Timing of planting seeds and ripening period of tomatoes
The hybrid is medium-early in terms of ripening. The beginning of fruiting occurs after 3 months (105 – 110 days). In order to plant seedlings in open ground at the end of May, sow the seeds for seedlings at the end of March.
For those summer residents who plan to grow Love F1 in a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is better to postpone the sowing date to the beginning of March. Bushes planted in a greenhouse at the end of April will delight you with large tomatoes at the end of June.
Planting scheme and care
The characteristics and description of the variety contain important recommendations for planting the hybrid. Dense planting of bushes is not recommended, despite the fact that the plants are not tall. When preparing planting holes, you must adhere to a step of 40 cm in a row between two bushes and 70 cm between two rows.
When planting tomatoes, you need to add a certain set of fertilizers containing all the necessary elements to the holes:
- phosphorus;
- nitrogen;
- potassium.
If the soil is very dense, it is worth adding additives to the soil to lighten the structure: peat, sand. In case of high acidity, chalk or dolomite flour will not interfere. Lime is applied to the soil no more than once every three years.
Tomato Lyubov needs standard care throughout the summer, which includes the following types of work:
- watering - once every 5 days;
- weeding - as needed;
- loosening row spacing and removing weeds;
- removal of stepsons;
- tying bushes to a support;
- disease prevention;
- applying fertilizers in the quantity required for tomatoes.
New hybrid My love
If you are interested in new hybrids, it would not hurt to read the description of another early hybrid - the My Love tomato. These are earlier tomatoes than the Lyubov F1 tomatoes described above. The ripening period is between 80 and 90 days. Fruits with cute noses have a regular round shape and are red in color when fully ripe.
The description of the pulp is impressive: sweet, juicy, sugary. The fruit size is average (150 - 200 g), so they can be used for canning and pickling, but the best use is in salads and juices. At the beginning of summer, it is useful to eat a ripe, red tomato from your garden.
The bushes of the My Love tomatoes are low-growing (65 - 80 cm), easy to care for, as they do not need shaping and stop growing on their own after five clusters on the central shoot.
Due to their small growth, they do not need to be tied to supports, but perhaps if there are a large number of fruits, a support will still have to be installed, otherwise the bush may collapse from the weight of the tomatoes. Growing this hybrid requires a minimum of time.
Advantages of the hybrid Love
Among the valuable qualities are:
- early maturation;
- good fruit shape;
- crack resistance;
- disease resistance;
- If there is a lack of moisture, the ovaries and flowers will not fall off.
The shortcomings that also exist should not be hushed up. First of all, the disadvantages include the dependence of the yield on fertilizers. In the absence of fertilizing (root, foliar), the yield may be low. Not everyone likes the sour taste, but this is not a drawback, but a feature of the variety.
The opinion of summer residents about the Lyubov tomato
Inga, Chelyabinsk:
“For the second season I choose this hybrid. Its description on the bag completely coincides with reality.The only thing I would like to note is that ripened tomatoes have a more harmonious and sweet taste. Last year, I didn’t guess with the timing of planting, I picked brown tomatoes, which were ripe, but inferior in taste to the current ones, which ripened right on the bushes.”
Elena, Moscow region:
“Love planted this spring because many of my friends are absolutely delighted with this hybrid. I was pleased with the yield - a prolific hybrid. I took care of it in the standard way, as I take care of all “children,” I form not 2 trunks, but 3 – for more complete use of the greenhouse space.”
Elena, Saransk:
“Love F1 planted for the first time. I grew tomatoes in a greenhouse, they grew a lot, and I was pleased with the yield. I liked the round, tasty tomatoes.”
Galina, Moscow:
“The taste of the tomatoes was not amazing, the most ordinary - no better than store-bought tomatoes. The tomatoes began to ripen quite late, and not as the description states. I will not grow this hybrid again.”