Characteristics of the Ural F1 tomato variety, yield and agricultural technology features

In greenhouse conditions, tomatoes tend to bear fruit more abundantly than in open ground. Tomato Ural F1, in addition to its high and stable yield, is distinguished by its large fruit, which is rare for hybrids. This quality is combined with resistance to many diseases and stress factors. Based on all the characteristics, the newest hybrid Ural F1 is one of the best modern tomatoes for indoor soil.

Not only for the Urals

Thinking over a strategy for creating new varieties of tomatoes, breeders of the Russian agricultural company Gavrish set out to combine several genetic lines, embodying all the advantages in one tomato. Experienced scientists have achieved brilliant results.

In 2007, the State Register of Breeding Achievements was replenished with the hybrid tomato Ural F1. The sonorous name hints that the breeding novelty is hardy and unpretentious, capable of tangible returns even in the difficult climatic conditions of the Ural region. The first reviews of the Ural F1 tomato allow us to conclude that the variety is productive in any Russian greenhouses, from St. Petersburg to the Far East.

The Gavrish agricultural company decided to draw attention to the new hybrid with the help of a small advertising stunt. On the bags of the “1+1” series (in which 25 seeds are placed, and not 10 pieces, as usual), a spectacular name of the variety appeared - Ural Super F1 tomato. In fact, it is the same tomato, with the same characteristics. No deception, just an enthusiastic declaration of love from the authors for their selective success.

Advantages of a hybrid

Over many years of work, the Russian seed company Gavrish has earned a reputation as a reliable and truthful company. The description of the variety printed on the bag of tomato seeds is consistent with the results obtained. Vegetable growers are accustomed to trusting seeds from Gavrish.


Tomatoes of the Ural F1 variety weigh 330 - 370 grams in the first clusters. Just three of these tomatoes can add up to a kilogram or even more. The average fruit weight for all harvests is 200 grams. Most hybrid varieties are not large-fruited, and Ural F1 is a rare exception.

fruit shape

Tomatoes have a standard, round-flat shape. The surface is glossy, smooth or slightly ribbed on top. The color of the skin and pulp is classic, bright red, uniform.There is no green spot in the area where the stalk is attached - neither outside nor inside. Each tomato has an ideal presentation.

The skin and pulp of the Ural F1 tomato are characterized by increased density. This description indicates high resistance to various fruit rots, resistance to cracking, excellent transportability and shelf life.

As a rule, hybrid tomatoes are inferior in taste to simple varieties with sugary pulp, so breeders set out to obtain tastier hybrids. Ural F1 was created as a salad tomato with good taste.

Plant dimensions

The characteristics of the variety as indeterminate predetermine such features as unlimited upward growth of the tomato, laying a large number of bunches, and long-term fruiting. The height of the plant is comparable to the height of the greenhouse ceiling.

tomatoes in a greenhouse

The vegetable grower himself limits the growth of the stem for the Ural F1 tomato by pinching the top at a reasonable height - when it hits the ceiling or before the end of the greenhouse season. Actively growing side shoots can thicken the bush if they are not removed in time. The leaf apparatus is large and very powerful and needs thinning.


The fruit cluster of the Ural F1 tomato is simple, unbranched, and bears 3 to 4 tomatoes. The attachment to the barrel is strong. Even one-kilogram brushes do not break and do not require additional fastenings. Over a long greenhouse season, the bush is capable of laying 7 10 full-fledged brushes. Within one cluster, the tomatoes are equal in size and ripen at the same time.

Such a large and dense tomato cannot be filled too early. Ural F1 - mid-season.The first harvest ripens 115–116 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Plants enter the active fruiting phase on days 120–125. In any region, harvesting can last until late autumn: the specific timing depends on the temperature regime of the greenhouse.

The yield of the hybrid tomato Ural F1 is potentially very high and is directly dependent on the level of agricultural technology. Mass plantings in large greenhouse areas bring 8–9 kg per square meter. For a large salad variety, this is a very good indicator. An amateur vegetable grower who is able to pay a lot of attention to each plant can get 4 - 5 kg from each bush.

In a heated greenhouse, record harvests are harvested - 7 - 8 kg from one tomato bush.

Climate adaptability

Hybrid tomato Ural F1 is unique in its adaptability to a range of temperatures. It is not for nothing that it is called “Ural” - it is accustomed to cold snaps. The bushes actively increase their yield even in simple film greenhouses, in cool summers and cloudy weather. They do not lose their ovaries even when overheated. The tomato reacts calmly to changes in temperature and humidity. It practically does not produce ugly or bursting fruits.

Disease resistance

Such trump cards as long fruiting time and high yield may not work due to an infectious attack on the tomato plant. Successful disease resistance is the most important indicator for a tall tomato.

tomato fruit

Ural F1 is a modern hybrid, moreover, created by an experienced team consisting of the best breeders in the country. The variety is not at all affected by the tobacco mosaic virus, which cannot be treated. In addition, the Ural F1 tomato does not suffer from Fusarium wilt.The most important advantage of this tomato is its resistance to a very harmful, common greenhouse infection called cladosporiosis (this is a fungal brown spot). The crop can be grown environmentally friendly, without chemical treatments.

Ural F1 is a powerful, hardy and not too capricious tomato. However, it realizes its considerable potential only indoors and with proper care.

Agricultural technology requirements

The main task when working with the Ural F1 tomato is to ensure uninterrupted nutrition and direct it to the full formation of large and tasty fruits:

tomato ural

  1. Young plants tend to stretch, so during the seedling period they urgently need good sunlight or additional lighting. Picking tomatoes is carried out at the stage of the first true leaf.
  2. The normal age of seedlings for transplanting into a greenhouse is 55 days. Undergrown or overgrown plants will not provide a full harvest.
  3. Planting pattern: 60x40 cm. Planted tomato bushes are immediately tied up.
  4. Hybrid Ural F1 needs soil enriched with a complex of organic and mineral fertilizers. Soils with low acidity are deacidified in advance.
  5. Growing a full-fledged crop requires additional fertilizing (weekly) and regular moderate watering (2 times a week). Mulching is highly recommended.
  6. Timely pinching is the most important agrotechnical technique when working with the Ural F1 tomato. The plant is grown strictly in 1 or 2 stems, no more. In the middle of the growing season, the lower leaves are removed. At the end of the season, pinch off the top.

You should always remember that there are no tomatoes yet that are absolutely resistant to late blight. It is necessary to take all necessary measures to prevent this scourge.
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