Description and yield of the Velika grape variety, main characteristics and history

Velika is a large grape variety, suitable for industrial and private cultivation. The plant also has decorative value, as it has a beautiful vine with colorful leaves. The grape variety is great; under optimal growing conditions, it produces a tasty, moderately sweet (but not cloying) harvest. The species belongs to the group of table grapes, not universal grapes. That is, the berries are consumed fresh, they are not suitable for further processing.

History of the variety's creation

The variety emerged in 1987 as a result of crossing two cultures: Alphonse Lavallee, originally from France, and Aleppo (Bulgara) - from Asia Minor. Both types belong to table varieties and have good ratings from tasters. The Velika hybrid was bred by the Bulgarian scientist Ivan Todor. In Bulgaria, the variety fully ripens by the end of summer and is considered mid-early.

The species began to be officially “listed” in 1997, since it was then that it was included in the state register. It was warmly received by tasters due to its unusual taste and pleasant texture. In Russia, this variety was not widespread until recently due to the high cost and complexity of cultivation.

Description of Velika grapes

The plant itself is large and unusual. Some summer residents prefer to grow vines only because of its decorative properties. In autumn, the leaves of the plant turn bright red.

Description of grapes:

  • tall bush, shoots reach 3-3.5 meters in length;
  • leaves are small, round, with several lobes;
  • the clusters are large, gradually tapering towards the end (they have the shape of a cylinder);
  • The berries are large, also cylindrical in elongated shape.

the bunch of grapes is big

One berry is the size of a matchbox. The fruits are dark, rich in color. The shade varies from rich burgundy to purple, but on the bush the ripe fruits look slightly washed out and dull. This is because they are coated with wax, which provides natural protection against damage and disease.

A bunch of grapes, on average, weighs from 800 grams to 1 kilogram, but reaches one and a half kilograms. One berry rarely exceeds 15-20 grams in weight. The sugar content of the variety reaches 17-19%; under optimal growing conditions, the fruits quickly accumulate sugar. Acid is moderate.

The species does not tolerate persistent and severe frosts and is not resistant to pests. At -23 °C it begins to die. In this regard, it is poorly suited for cultivation in the northern regions and even within the Middle Zone. Its ripening in the conditions of the Middle Zone lasts 130-140 days.

Distinctive characteristics

This grape has two distinctive features: unusually large berries and clusters, as well as extremely rapid growth. The second quality is a tangible problem for gardeners. However, this can be resolved with a rootstock. That is, grafting a rootstock grape variety onto the root. Using this method, other problems are also solved, for example, low resistance to frost and disease.

Velika is a high-yielding but unstable species that requires special care.

On average, it brings 8-12 kilograms of harvest per tree or 300 centners per hectare of land. This is provided that the grapes are grown in a region with a warm climate.

grapes are big in the hands

What are the pros and cons?

With the proper approach to growing, the pros outweigh the cons. Velika is a tasty variety that tolerates transportation well. It is high yielding and rare, making it suitable for sale. These grapes can be easily stored in the refrigerator without losing their taste. It has an elastic texture. Velika tastes like cherries. Wasps practically do not touch this grape because of its thick skin.


  • low resistance to cold, disease, mold;
  • difficulties in growing;
  • excessive growth, which can only be controlled by vaccination.

The grapes need not only to be grafted, but also to be processed.

Selection of seedlings and site

It is necessary to select seedlings with preserved root systems. Each seedling should have 3-4 roots.It’s good if the shoots give a growth of at least 25-30 centimeters. If the seedling meets these characteristics, then you can safely plant it on your site.

The part of the garden that is well ventilated and located in the south-east or south is suitable for planting. The soil should not be waterlogged, otherwise drainage must be done.

the size of the grapes is large

Planting and care

For the seedling, a hole is dug 90-100 centimeters deep and 50-70 centimeters wide. The hole consists of 3 layers: the bottom - drainage, the middle - fertilizers and soil, the top - only soil. In this case, the roots of the plant come into contact with unfertilized soil. Occasionally, grapes are planted in sandy soil. This is done to protect the plant's root system from phylloxera.

Caring for the variety consists of several rules:

  • moderate watering (at high humidity, fungi begin to appear);
  • grafting - rootstock (in particular with phylloxera-resistant varieties);
  • treatment (Fundazol - against gray rot, fungicides - against fungi, insecticides - against insects).

The plant quickly develops immunity to treatment preparations, so they need to be alternated. During the cold season, grapes are protected from frost. You should not cover it with plastic wrap, as the vine may rot. To support the plant, multi-level supports are required.

Diseases and pests

The grapes have low resistance to Alternaria, mildew, gray mold, anthracnose, and oidium. That is, to all common diseases. The thick skin protects the berries from insects, but birds and grape aphids periodically attack the bushes. Insecticides work well against aphids. Also, this variety is absolutely not resistant to phylloxera, which is why, in the absence of vaccinations, the bushes can completely die.

Features of reproduction

Reproduction occurs in two ways. Firstly, grafting is done (for other types of grapes) with green cuttings into the split. They are carried out in the spring and placed at any height. Secondly, cuttings capable of producing roots are used as seedlings. This method is not suitable if the plant is “sick” with phylloxera.

Lignified cuttings are also used for grafting. They are placed in a standard: in its underground or above-ground part. Using a sharpened knife, a cut is made into which the cutting is subsequently placed. Then this place is pressed, treated with pitch (resin, special garden “putty”) and tied with twine.

big grapes on the scales
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