Description and characteristics of the Bulatnikovskaya cherry variety, subtleties of cultivation and care

For a gardener, it is not enough just to plant a tree; it is necessary to get a harvest from it. Therefore, many approach the choice of variety for cultivation carefully. Bulatnikovskaya cherry, despite its young age, has received a vocation among gardeners. Among the many positive characteristics are frost resistance, abundant harvest, high immunity and other qualities.

Description of the variety

Getting to know a tree begins long before it is planted on the site. Experienced summer residents and beginners, before deciding to grow a species, study the description of the crop variety.This information makes it possible to understand what characteristics plants have and how to plant and grow them correctly.

Bulatnikovskaya cherry

Compared to other varieties, the cherry is small, about 3 m. The branches are spreading, but still they cannot be called particularly dense. The flowers are white with a pinkish tone.

The bark on the tree is ashen only up to the first skeletal branch. This distinguishes the variety from others, being a characteristic feature.

Bulatnikovskaya cherries have small seeds that are easily removed. Therefore, the variety is widely used for any method of preparation. Housewives make complots, preserves, jams and other desserts from it for the winter. The berries are frozen and stored in the cold for a long time.

fruit variety

Advantages and disadvantages

Any plant has positive and negative characteristics. Each gardener has his own attitude towards these qualities.


  • harvest volume;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • winter hardiness;
  • self-fertility;
  • high immunity;
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
  • versatility of fruit use;
  • easily detachable bone.


  • low tasting score 3.9 points;
  • non-simultaneous maturation;
  • small fruit.

The presence of disadvantages does not prevent the variety from gaining popularity among gardeners.

high immunity

Features of cultivation

Taking into account the requirements for planting and care will help to grow a healthy plant that will produce a rich harvest.

Selecting a location

The site is selected in the sun, protected from drafts. Another important condition is that groundwater must be at least 3-4 m deep. There should be no stagnant water near the tree. Otherwise, the roots will begin to rot.

landing requirements


The place for the tree is prepared in the fall, dug up and humus added. After 14 days, a planting hole of 70 * 90 cm is prepared.

Gardeners recommend planting 2-year-old seedlings; they are planted in the spring. This gives young trees a better chance of taking root well and preparing for winter.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the planting hole. Then the support is restored, to which the tree is then tied. The seedling is filled in so that the root collar remains above the surface of the earth. The soil is compacted a little and watered well.


Half the success depends on proper care. By following standard techniques, the gardener will be able to grow a healthy and strong tree, which will produce crops for 10-15 years.

red bunches


Water the tree as the top layer of soil dries out. At first, Bulatnikovskaya cherries are watered once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the weather. Then the number of waterings is reduced, but the volume of water is increased.

To preserve moisture, it is recommended to loosen and mulch the tree trunk circle.


Manufacturers claim that cherries do not need pruning. This applies only to formative, but sanitary is necessary. Since dry, deformed or diseased branches impede the further growth of the tree.

ready berries

Characteristics of the fetus

The weight of the berry is 3.2 g, the color is dark red. The taste characteristics are inferior to many other varieties. But this does not stop housewives from using berries to prepare winter preparations. Ripening is uneven, the harvest is harvested in several stages.

Diseases and pests

If planting and care standards are followed, the tree can independently resist many pathogens. But preventive treatments will not be superfluous. In early spring, all trees in the garden are sprayed. Use chemicals or folk remedies. The decision regarding the use of chemicals remains with the gardener.

Bulatnikovskaya cherry is low and productive, so it is popular among gardeners with small summer cottages.

Characteristics of the fetus
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