Planning planting a cherry orchard on your site, you should take a responsible approach to the selection of seedlings. They must be zoned for a specific region, have immunity to diseases and be frost-resistant. One of the first places in cultivation is occupied by the Lyutovka cherry variety, which has many advantages and few disadvantages.
History of origin
It is almost impossible to find reliable information about the origin of the variety. Some sources claim that Lutovka was bred by European breeders at the beginning of the 20th century.Others attribute the merit of breeding the variety to folk craftsmen. However, over time, this variety has spread and is successfully grown in all European countries and Russian regions.
Description of the variety
Judging by the description of the variety, cherries of this variety have many more positive characteristics than negative ones.
The advantages of Lutovka include:
- medium tree size, which simplifies harvesting (up to 2.5 meters);
- good transportability, which is valued by farmers who grow berries for sale;
- taste of berries and large fruits;
- self-fertility, which saves space in the garden and does not require planting pollinating varieties;
- the ability to consume berries fresh and put them into processing.
The disadvantages of the variety include susceptibility to fungal diseases such as coccomycosis, low winter hardiness of branches and short lifespan of the tree. If Lutovka is planted in a central climate, then up to 25 kg of fruits are harvested from it in one season. In warmer latitudes, the yield increases and reaches up to 30 kg per tree.
Features of cultivation
In order for cherries to bear fruit every year and not get sick, when growing, they begin with the correct choice of planting site and seedling.
Selecting a location
You should not choose shaded places for growing Lyutovka, the cherries will get sick and will not give a good harvest. Sunny places with fertile soil and groundwater levels no higher than 2-3 meters from the ground surface are best suited.
The seedling must have a developed root system without damage or dry areas. It is better to purchase cherries that are 1-2 years old from special nurseries that value their reputation and offer high-quality planting material.
You need to plan to plant cherry seedlings in mid-spring, when the ground has warmed up enough and frosts have not returned.
The soil for Lutovka has been prepared since the fall. They dig up the selected area, add nutritional components that, with the autumn rains, will penetrate the soil and saturate it with all the necessary elements for the development of the seedling.
In the spring, before planting cherries, the soil is dug up again and organic matter is added. Make a hole at least 80 cm deep and with sides 60 x 70 cm. The roots are inspected for damage, and all growths are removed. In order for the seedling to take root better, before planting, its roots are dipped in a special growth stimulator, for example, “Kornevin” for several hours.
The top layer of soil is mixed with rotted manure and a third of the hole is filled with it. They install a young tree and straighten its roots. Next, a peg is driven in and covered with soil. Experienced gardeners recommend making sure to support the seedling. It will prevent it from being damaged in the event of strong winds.
No matter how sustainable the crop is, without proper agricultural technology and care it will suffer and will not produce the stated number of berries.
Watering and fertilizing
Despite the variety’s good resistance to arid climates, the tree still needs to be watered. This is especially true for young seedlings.
The soil is moistened once a week, with at least a bucket of water poured under each tree. For mature trees, this norm is increased to 2-3 buckets. Watering is required during the formation of ovaries and before wintering.
If all the necessary nutritional components have been added to the planting hole, then the cherries will not have to be fertilized for the first 2 years. In the future, organic matter and mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring every spring and autumn.In the spring, preference is given to nitrogen fertilizers, and in the autumn, phosphorus and potassium are needed for successful wintering.
Preparing for cold weather
The Lutovka variety is not highly winter-hardy, so you will have to properly prepare the tree for the cold period. Abundant watering is carried out, the soil around the tree is mulched with peat, sawdust and covered with spruce branches. To prevent rodents from damaging the plantings, use lutrasil or other covering material.
In spring and autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out, all broken and dried branches are removed, as well as shoots that grow inside the crown. Since Lutovka is a bushy variety, formative pruning is also necessary; it is done when the tree is 2 years old.
Cherries are also grown from pits, but this is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process that does not always give a positive result. In addition, such a tree will have to be grafted in order to bear fruit. It is much easier to carry out cuttings. This way it will be possible to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the tree. The method of propagation by layering is also possible.
Pests and diseases of cherries
Of the diseases, coccomycosis is considered the most dangerous for Lyutovka. Also, in the absence of proper care, moniliosis can occur. To prevent fungal diseases, trees are treated with Bordeaux mixture and fungicidal preparations (for example, Abiga-Pik).
Of the insects, cherry seedlings are most often affected by aphids. For prevention, all plant debris is raked up and the fight against ants, which are carriers of aphids, is carried out. In case of severe damage, use the chemicals “Aktellik” or “Fufanon”.