Description and characteristics of the Melitopol dessert cherry variety, planting and care

Many amateur gardeners grow cherry trees on their plots. They do not require special care, and they manage to harvest enough for their needs. One of the favorite varieties is the Melitopol dessert cherry - a large-fruited hybrid with a pleasant taste. The berries are used to make jams, compotes, and are also eaten raw or frozen for use in the winter.

Description of the variety

Melitopol dessert cherry was created by Ukrainian breeders at the All-Russia Research Institute named after I.V. Michurin.It grows successfully in southern Europe. It has consistently high yields. This cherry tree needs the presence of other pollinators. They may be representatives of other cherry varieties.

Melitopol cherry

Ripening time

Such a fruit tree produces its first harvest already in the 4th season after the seedling is planted in the ground. If a three-year-old seedling is planted in the soil, then the harvest is harvested already in the 3rd year of cultivation.

This is an early ripening cherry. If conditions are favorable, the harvest begins in the last week of June.

dessert variety


Cherries planted on a personal plot bear fruit and also create the necessary shade in the summer, blocking them from the sun's rays. The hybrid of Melitopol dessert cherries is no exception.


The cherry tree of the Melitopol dessert is strong and tall. It grows up to 4 meters in height. It has a voluminous, spreading, rounded crown. During the flowering period it is covered with white flowers with a pleasant smell.

Cherry tree


This variety produces abundant fruit. From one mature tree it is possible to collect up to 50 kilograms of cherries. The berries appear on thin annual branches. The fruits of this hybrid are round, quite large, with a barely noticeable seam. The weight of one berry is about 9 grams (usually 6-8), but the seed inside is relatively small and is easily separated from the pulp.

The skin is tender, with a bright shine. The pulp is very sweet, combined with a wine tint, and has a light red color. When you bite into it, you feel a kind of sourness. According to expert tasting assessments, the indicator of this variety is 4.75 points when assessed on a 5-point scale.

abundant fruiting

Favorable growing conditions

This hybrid does not require care. It successfully tolerates dry weather and hot winds.Does not die during severe frosts in winter and temperature changes in spring. It is optimal to choose the side of the site for cherry trees that is protected from the winds and where there is no stagnation of groundwater. The soil can be loamy, neutral and light.

Disease resistance

Melitopol dessert cherry successfully resists some diseases to which other cherry trees are susceptible: moniliosis and coccomycosis.

growing conditions

Features of planting and care

In order for cherry seedlings to take root, it is better to plant them in the autumn, after the leaves have fallen. Being in the dormant stage, they tolerate the replanting process more easily.

Rooting is also successful when planted with green cuttings. The rooting percentage is up to 70%. Already during the first year after planting the seedling in the soil, it begins to form a crown.

green leaves


Organic fertilizers are applied to the planted tree once every 2 years. In autumn, mandatory fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out.


This cherry tree, like other fruit trees, requires timely pruning:

  1. Removing dried branches.
  2. Pruning shoots that have been damaged.
  3. Removing excess branches for thinning or crown formation.

This procedure is done 2-3 times a year. It helps increase fruiting.

shiny berries


Young trees require regular watering. The soil is watered with so much water that it gets wet to a depth of about 50 centimeters. During the first month after planting the tree, watering is carried out every 3 days. The amount of water should be about 10 liters per tree.

If dry weather sets in at this time, the amount of irrigation water should be increased by approximately 2 times.An adult tree needs watering after the flowering period has passed to ensure the filling of berries.

the harvest is ripe

Mulching the soil

To minimize moisture evaporation through the surface layer of soil, the soil next to the young seedling is mulched. Tree bark, pine needles or other organic matter are used as mulch. The thickness of the mulch layer in the tree trunk area should be about 7-10 centimeters.

Loosening the soil

It is necessary to loosen the root zone to a small depth so as not to harm the root system. Be sure to remove weeds so that they do not interfere with the growth of the cherry.

If the above conditions for growing a young cherry tree are not observed, the survival rate of the plant can be significantly reduced.

growing a tree
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