Description, advantages and disadvantages of felt cherry Alice, cultivation of the variety and care rules

Felt cherries of the Alice variety are in demand among gardeners in many regions. This variety has practically no disadvantages. And those that exist are dashingly covered with the numerous advantages of the Alice cherry.

History of selection

The felt cherry hybrid Alice was bred in 1979 by domestic breeders. The new hybrid was obtained by crossing the Leto, Ogonyok, Damascus and Peschanofoilochnaya cherry varieties.

Description of the variety

Studying the description of the variety of any fruit tree is an important point that you need to pay attention to before buying a felt cherry variety. Felt cherry Alice is a small shrub plant, the height of which does not exceed 1.5 m.

The crown is very thick, oval in shape and slow growing.

The branches are covered with small tubercles. The leaves are small, elongated oval in shape. The tip of the leaves is pointed, the edges of the leaf are jagged. The inflorescence reaches 2 mm in diameter. The petals are light pink in color and the inflorescences have a pleasant aroma.

Characteristics of the variety

The characteristics of the tree include frost resistance and resistance to arid climates. Also important characteristics are productivity and resistance to pests, as well as the flowering period.

felt cherry

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

The hybrid is a drought-resistant variety that can withstand hot summers. In addition, Alice can withstand winter frosts.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening time

The tree begins to bloom in mid-May. The variety is classified as mid-season, since the cherries ripen in the second ten days of July. Alice is considered a self-sterile felt cherry hybrid, so other varieties will have to be planted in the garden for pollination.

Productivity and fruiting

Fruiting of the plant begins in the 3-4th year after planting the seedling in a permanent place. Productivity is high; up to 9 kg of fruits are collected from a tree per season. The plant bears fruit annually.

felt cherry

Resistance to diseases and pests

Differs in immunity to coccomycosis and klyasterosporiosis. Alice is not immune to other diseases of fruit trees. The tree especially often suffers from moniliosis.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of a hybrid:

  • Productivity.
  • Taste qualities of fruits.
  • Resistance to frost and drought.
  • Immunity to coccomycosis.

felt cherry

Disadvantages include weak immunity to moniliosis and self-sterility.

Landing Features

When planting a seedling, pay attention to the soil, the place where the cherry will grow, and the technology of planting the seedling.

Landing dates

Cherries are planted in spring and autumn. Spring planting allows the seedlings to gain strength for the winter. Next year's spring seedlings are already actively growing. Autumn planting allows seedlings to take root over the winter. In spring, cherries are planted in mid-April. And in the fall - in early October.

cherry planting

Selecting a location

Preference should be given to open areas that receive sunlight almost all day. The Alice variety is planted on elevated hills. It is not recommended to plant cherries in lowlands.

What you can and cannot plant next to cherries

It is recommended to plant other varieties of felt cherries and sweet cherries next to the Alice hybrid. Greens, garlic, onions and flowering plants are also planted. It is not recommended to plant gooseberries, nightshade crops, walnuts and conifers nearby.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Healthy seedlings without damaged roots and branches are suitable for planting. Before planting, the seedlings are left in the Kornevin preparation for several hours. Immediately before planting, the roots are dipped in a clay solution.

cherry planting

Planting process

Planting process:

  • Dig a hole, fill it with manure and wood ash, you can add nitrogen.
  • Leave it for several weeks.
  • Drive a stake into the center.
  • Place the seedling in a hole and bury it with soil.
  • Tie to a stake.

At the end of planting, water the seedling generously with warm water.


Care includes fertilizing, watering and disease control.

cherry care

Disease and pest control

To combat diseases and pests, Bordeaux mixture, fungicides and biological products are used. Among the folk recipes, there is the treatment of wood with soapy water.

Watering, fertilizing

Watering a tree:

  • The first watering is before the buds open.
  • Second watering during flowering.
  • The third watering is after harvesting.
  • The last time the tree is watered is before frost.

fertilizing cherries

Fertilizing is applied at the same time as watering. In the first half of the season, nitrogen is used. The second half contains phosphorus and potassium. In addition, ash, manure, and compost are added.


The easiest way to propagate is by seedlings. In addition, felt cherries are propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. For cuttings, cut 20 cm cuttings with 4 internodes and place them in a growth stimulator for 12 hours. Afterwards the cuttings are planted in the ground. The seeds are prepared in the fall and planted before winter.
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