The hybrid apple tree Aelita has been pleasing domestic summer residents for more than 20 years. Hybrid trees are also grown by industrialists. This is a universal variety that is easy to care for and suitable for growing in various climatic conditions. Aelita apple trees are distinguished by their stable yield and taste qualities of ripe apples.
Description of the variety
A detailed description of the apple tree variety must begin with the characteristics of the tree. The Aelita apple tree variety is common among summer residents, so many have heard about it.But before purchasing a seedling, it is recommended to study the appearance of the tree, yield and region of growth. Since the plant is a late winter variety, it has a number of features that are recommended to be studied in advance before planting a seedling on the site.
What type does the variety belong to?
Aelita is a winter apple tree. The first harvest ripens in mid-September. It is not advisable to pick fruits before September. They haven't matured yet. After picking, due to late ripening, apples are stored for a long time and begin to deteriorate by January.
The hybrid is included in the State Register of Agricultural Crops as a variety intended for cultivation in the northwestern region.
Appearance of tree and fruit
The apple tree of the Aelita variety is a tall hybrid with a spreading, powerful crown. The shape is pyramidal. The branches that form the tree's skeleton grow at right angles, which increases the risk of them breaking during heavy snowfalls. The bark of the trunk and branches is gray-brown. To give the tree a compact shape, it is pruned every year.
Sanitary pruning is also important. In spring, cut off all dry and damaged branches.
The foliage of the plant is a rich green hue, large, with wrinkles. The leaves have an elongated shape and are pointed at the tip. The inflorescences are light pink, the same in shape as most apple hybrids.
The fruits of the Aelita variety are round and regular in shape. The peel is predominantly green-yellow in color. There is also a red blush on the peel. There are a small number of subcutaneous points and they are barely noticeable. The length of the stalk is average. The funnel from which the stalk grows is deep and narrow, slightly rusty. The pulp is yellow in color, fine-grained. The taste is tender and juicy, with a sweet and sour aftertaste.
Aelita's selection
The selection of the Aelita apple tree variety was carried out by breeder S. Isaev. He devoted most of his time in agriculture to the selection of varieties resistant to diseases and pests.
The hybrid was obtained in the 30s of the twentieth century by crossing the Welsey and Brown Striped varieties. The variety was officially registered in 1999. The Aelita apple tree quickly became popular among summer residents due to its productivity and winter hardiness.
Productivity of the variety
The harvest ripens in mid-September. Consumer ripeness of apples occurs later, two weeks after harvest, and lasts until January. The fruits are primarily intended for fresh consumption. But apples are also used to make juices, jams and dried fruits.
Fruiting begins in the 4-5th year after planting the seedling in the soil. The first few years, while the tree is young, the harvest is average. Gradually the yield increases. On average, 30 kg is collected from one mature tree. The yield is stable from year to year.
Region of natural growth
Aelita apple tree varieties are intended for cultivation in the northwestern regions. As its popularity grew, the variety began to be grown throughout Russia. Plants quickly adapt to any climatic conditions and produce crops.
The apple tree can easily withstand harsh winters and dry summers. Undemanding to temperature conditions and soil composition. But despite the fact that Aelita is planted in all regions of Russia, the hybrid requires regular care for normal growth.
It is important to apply mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil several times a season. In this way, it will be possible to increase the yield and immunity of the tree to agricultural diseases and insect infestations.In general, there won’t be much trouble growing an Aelita apple tree.
Diseases and pests
Apple trees of the Aelita variety are resistant to diseases and insects. But there is a possibility that the tree may get sick. Common insects and diseases include:
- Hawthorn moth. Moth caterpillars are dangerous for trees. They chew leaves, leaving holes in them. Gradually the leaves begin to dry out and fall off. Chemicals are used to control small caterpillars. Large caterpillars will have to be collected manually yourself. It is also worth inspecting the plant for the presence of pupae. They are destroyed.
- Apple weevil. Insects feed on bud juice. As soon as the weevil sucks out all the juice, the bud dies. To combat insects, the herbicides “Ambush”, “Metaphos” or “Chlorophos” are used. It is recommended to treat the plant during the period of bud separation.
- Codling moth. The harmful parasite chews out fruits and shoots. To destroy the parasite, use “Metaphos” or “Benzophosphate”. If there are no results after the first spraying, then spray again after two weeks.
Common diseases include:
- Witch's broom. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of sharp red shoots. They appear from dormant buds in the summer. It is impossible to cure the disease. Sick trees will have to be dug up and burned to prevent the virus from spreading to other plants. It is recommended to burn diseased trees away from the summer cottage.
- Bitter rot. Appears in summer in warm, humid weather. Affects fruits and branches. To combat the disease, vitriol or the chemical “Nitrafen” is used. Spray the plants before the buds open.
To prevent diseases, it is recommended to inspect trees several times a month. Despite the fact that the hybrid is immune to diseases and insects, the plant needs care and prevention.