When a summer resident chooses which fruit tree to plant on his plot, he looks for information. Then he compares it with his own desires and makes a choice. There are many positive reviews about the Winter Beauty apple tree variety. This suggests that the tree meets the expectations of gardeners and becomes a favorite in the garden.
Description of the variety, history of selection
One of the winter varieties of apple trees, Winter Beauty, has a large number of positive reviews from gardeners.It is loved for its resistance to low temperatures and excellent taste characteristics.
The peculiarity of tree selection is that it was created not in a special institute, but in an ordinary garden. For the first time, Antonovka and Red Delicious were crossed by an amateur. But I couldn’t distribute it myself. A man who also had nothing to do with selection came to his aid. But anyway, a hybrid of varieties was published; they began to specially create it in breeding institutes.
Those summer residents who want to grow late apple trees on their plots should read the description.
Pros and cons of the variety
The advantages of Winter Beauty are obvious not only from the description from the manufacturers, but also from the reviews of gardeners.
The advantages of the variety are:
- high productivity;
- resistance to low temperatures;
- versatility of use;
- 4.2-4.3 points on a five-point tasting scale;
- resistance to scab.
These are just the main advantages of the variety; study the characteristics and features in more detail after planting the tree in your garden.
To learn more about the variety, you should study the detailed description. This will help to prevent mistakes during cultivation, while obtaining the declared harvest from Winter Beauty.
One tree, with proper care, can produce 150 kg of fruit. Apples are regular in shape, round. Very tasty, sweet and sour. The main color is yellow-green, but the top of the fruit is covered with an uneven ruby tint. One apple weighs 160-200 g. Higher figures have also been recorded, the weight of one fruit reaches 400 g.
Tree height
The plant is medium-sized, so it reaches an average height of 6 m. Tree formation is required, especially in the initial stages.Immediately after planting, the seedling is shortened by 1/3. This way, crown formation will begin faster.
Every year it is recommended to thin out the branches; this will increase the yield due to greater access of oxygen and sunlight to the fruits.
Then the lower branches are removed; subsequently they will bend and make it difficult to approach the tree.
Crown width
Its shape is round-conical. Since the main branches that form the skeleton of the tree are formed at a 60⁰ angle, its width is approximately 3.5-4.5 meters.
Features of ripening and fruiting
The beginning of fruiting of apple trees of the Winter Beauty variety is the 4-5th year after planting the seedling. If it is grafted with a cutting, it bears its first fruits in the 2nd year.
The peculiarity of the apple tree is that all the fruits ripen at the same time. The period varies, depends on the climate of the growing region, ranges from the last ten days of September to the second ten days of October. Apples should be eaten immediately after picking. They are ready to eat and have pronounced taste characteristics.
Disease resistance
Winter Beauty has a pronounced immunity to diseases. But this does not mean that you do not need to take care of it. Preventive treatment in spring and autumn is mandatory. Since a cared for plant produces more fruit and rests less.
A popular way to control pests is to whitewash the base of the trunk with lime. Saves from insects and some diseases. In addition, there are other ways of fighting; choosing a convenient one for everyone will not be difficult.
When using chemicals, do not forget about safety. Apply in early spring or after fruiting. Chemical treatment during flowering is prohibited, since pollinating insects die.And not only in a single copy. Chemicals introduced into the hive kill the entire bee family.
Storage Features
For those who are just planning to grow this tree, a note. You cannot store apples in wooden boxes. They begin to rot, and the appearance and taste of the fruit deteriorate. Fruits of this variety are stored in the refrigerator or in special refrigerators.
Reviews from gardeners
An excellent advertisement for any plant is the presence of positive reviews from people who grow them:
- Sophia: “We made a mistake in the first year, we put the apples together with others in wooden boxes and left them to be stored. Everyone disappeared in January. Now we have purchased a special freezer. We store it in it until the end of spring.”
- Galina: “For me this is the best variety. We eat delicious and beautiful apples fresh and do not process them. Apples become even tastier in the refrigerator.”
The easy-to-care apple tree is used for various processing methods.