Even if the garden plot is located in a cold climate zone, it is necessary to plant an apricot tree. The plant will decorate the garden and will delight you with amazingly tasty fruits. When choosing seedlings, you should pay attention to the Melitopol apricot variety. It is highly valued for its constant high yield and good winter hardiness. The fruits are suitable for transportation and long-term storage.
History of the variety
In 1947, Ukrainian breeders in the city of Melitopol developed a new variety of apricot, which appeared thanks to the crossing of crops:
- Western European - Red-cheeked, which is self-fertile;
- Central Asian - Ahrori, which is self-sterile.
The newly developed variety turned out to be self-fertile. Since 1980, it has been recommended for cultivation in private and industrial gardens.
Description of the variety
There are two varieties of the variety:
- early;
- late.
Each variety has its own distinctive characteristics. Description of the early variety:
- frost-resistant;
- excellent taste of apricots;
- medium-sized fruits weighing 40 grams;
- fruit shape is oval;
- the crown is dense;
- height up to 6 meters;
- taste sweet;
- the pulp is juicy, without fibers, orange;
- the seed is easily separated, this feature allows you to quickly process the crop;
- The fruits are universal, suitable for canning and fresh consumption.
Disadvantages include poor transportability. It is recommended to remove the fruits from the tree and process them immediately. If the crown is very dense, fruiting indicators deteriorate significantly.
Description of the late apricot variety:
- characterized by rapid growth;
- crown broadly oval;
- bears fruit from the 5th year;
- maximum fruit weight 60 grams;
- apricots are oval in shape;
- the pulp is orange, sweet and sour;
- fruits are high in vitamin C;
- suitable for canning;
- the harvest requires careful handling; if mechanical damage occurs, the fruits quickly rot;
- has protection against low temperatures;
- resistant to diseases.
Melitopol apricot requires regular pruning, which will increase the amount of harvest.
Main characteristics:
- an adult tree of early ripening yields a harvest of about 100 kilograms, a late one - 50 kilograms;
- both varieties have good frost resistance;
- are resistant to the most common apricot diseases;
- trees tolerate hot weather well without regular watering;
- The variety is a long-liver, bearing fruit for about 50 years.
The fruits grow of good quality and have sufficient transportability. Trees are resistant to sudden temperature changes.
Features of cultivation
Before purchasing seedlings, you need to study the intricacies of planting and caring for the crop. A distance of 3 meters is maintained between plants.
Planting and care
It is best to plant seedlings in the spring. When planting, follow the recommendations:
- the planting hole is prepared in the spring, drainage is poured onto the bottom, which removes excess moisture from the roots, gravel, crushed stone, and broken bricks are suitable;
- nutritious soil with humus and fertilizer is laid on top; wood ash, superphosphate, saltpeter, and lime are used as fertilizer;
- the roots of the seedling are covered with the prepared soil mixture;
- the plant is tied to a peg, which helps fix the seedling in a vertical position;
- fill with two buckets of water.
Care includes:
- crown formation;
- periodic watering;
- timely feeding;
- preventive spraying against pests and diseases.
Trees planted in a well-lit place will result in a more abundant harvest, the fruits will ripen faster, and the seedlings will take root better.
In the last days of March or the first ten days of April, pruning is done with simple garden pruners. To prevent the development of diseases, the cut is coated with garden varnish; garden paint is also suitable for these purposes.
Disease and pest control
The variety is relatively resistant to diseases. Possible diseases:
- Moniliosis.Appears on plants growing in waterlogged soils and during heavy rains.
- Gray rot. To prevent it, spray with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, copper or iron sulfate. The preparations “Quadris” and “Chorus” are also suitable.
- Clusterosporiasis. The affected parts are cut off and burned. The wood is treated with Bordeaux mixture.
In the spring, traps are installed on the trunk against pests and the plant is treated with special preparations. To protect trees from rodents in winter, the trunks are covered with spruce.
Harvest storage
For long term Unripe apricots are suitable for storagewhich are collected from the tree. To increase the shelf life of fruits, each fruit is wrapped in paper. Store in a dry basement for about two months.
For transportation, ripe, hard fruits are removed and placed in a box in a maximum of two layers. The harvest can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month. Soft, overripe specimens must be processed immediately.