Delicious fruits are relevant at any time of the year. They are pleasing to the eye and can decorate any table. Late Belorusskaya pear is an autumn variety with a long shelf life. This variety is frost-resistant, and caring for such trees is not difficult. To grow such a crop, it is important to know the intricacies of planting and caring for it.
- History of the late Belorussian pear variety
- Description and characteristics of the variety
- Main advantages and disadvantages
- Specifics of growing crops
- Place and time of landing
- Selection of seedlings
- Correct fit
- Features of wood care
- Watering and loosening
- Fertilizers
- Trimming
- Whitewash
- Preparing for winter
- Diseases, pests, prevention
- Scab
- Powdery mildew
- leaf roller
- Pear moth
- Harvesting and storing the Belorussian late pear harvest
History of the late Belorussian pear variety
The winter variety Belorusskaya Late was developed thanks to the sowing of the self-pollinated Dobraya Luiza pear. Since 2002, pear has been cultivated in Russia and is suitable for the central and northern regions. Breeders are gradually developing more advanced species of this variety..
Description and characteristics of the variety
The tree has a dense crown resembling a ball. The height of the pear can be up to 5 meters. The small oval-shaped leaves are light green in color. White flowers with elliptical petals emerge from cone-shaped buds. The fruits have an elongated shape with a rough skin and delicate juicy pulp. Their taste qualities are significantly ahead of another winter-hardy variety - Winter Belarus.
Belorusskaya Late is considered a partially self-pollinating variety. However, to increase productivity, gardeners artificially pollinate the plant. The best pollinators for this pear are varieties such as Bereloshitskaya, Konferents or Maslyanistaya Loshitskaya.
A tree can pollinate itself only if it is planted near these plants.
Main advantages and disadvantages
Like any other pear variety, Belorussian late has a number of advantages:
- Precociousness. The first fruits can be obtained 3-4 years after planting the tree.
- Months of fruit storage provided the necessary conditions are provided. In some cases they persist until April.
- Winter hardiness. Due to this characteristic, the variety is actively used by gardeners in cold climates.
However, there are also disadvantages:
- fruiting is not constant;
- the plant is susceptible to the harmful effects of diseases: scab and bacterial burn;
- with abundant harvests, the fruits themselves become smaller;
- The tree's tendency to thicken its crown requires regular pruning.
The existing shortcomings of the variety are compensated by excellent taste. And with proper care, minor flaws do not cause trouble.
Specifics of growing crops
In order for a crop to bear fruit regularly and not lose its qualities, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to its cultivation. It is important to consider all aspects: place, time and sequence of planting, as well as further care.
Place and time of landing
Not only its appearance, but also the quality of the fruit depends on where the tree is located. The culture prefers a warm and bright place. It is advisable to place the tree on the south side of buildings or near a fence to reduce the negative impact of cold winds. The lowland is not suitable for this variety, since cool air accumulates in it, and melt water remains for a long time.
The Belorusskaya late pear variety is planted in the spring - before buds appear, after the snow melts. You can plant a pear tree in the fall - before the onset of frost. This will allow the pear to take root before severe frosts, and the sprout will begin to grow next season.
Selection of seedlings
Saplings with bare roots or grown in containers are used as planting material. The ideal option for purchasing a seedling is a nursery, where the specimen you like is dug up before sale. When choosing sprouts with an open root system, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the plant:
- there should be no visible damage on the leaves;
- It is better to choose roots that are at least 30 centimeters long;
- root system without growths, blackness and mold;
- the bark is smooth and not dry.
If the sprout is no more than a year old, it may not have branches. The two-year-old seedling has the beginnings of small branches.
Correct fit
The planting technology involves the following sequence of actions:
- Soil preparation. It must be enriched with fertilizers and loosened. The planting hole is dug up to 80 centimeters deep, with a diameter of about a meter.
- Immersion of seedlings in the center of the hole.
- Backfilling with a mixture of soil, manure, river sand and mineral fertilizers.
- Compacting the landing site.
- Abundant watering.
- Mulching with bark or small wood shavings.
Before planting, the roots of the seedlings can be soaked in the solution. drug Kornevin, to improve root formation.
Features of wood care
It is not enough to simply plant a crop. She requires regular care and attention.
Watering and loosening
Trees of the Belorusskaya late variety are resistant to arid climates. However, during prolonged drought, it is recommended to water the pear twice a week with clean water. For one unit you need to spend from 50 to 70 liters. In order for fertilizers to penetrate deep into the root system, the top part of the soil should be loosened. This procedure will help improve the plant's air supply and fight weeds.
A couple of years after planting, the pear needs to be fed with mineral mixtures and organic solutions. Pear trees respond positively to nitrogen fertilization.
The optimal combination of feeding for pears is a mixture of bone meal and ashes of deciduous trees. In the future, fertilizers are applied twice a year - in spring and autumn. If problems arise with the appearance of the tree, it is possible to add summer foliar feeding. Fertilizing should only be done after the tree has been thoroughly watered.
To form a beautiful crown, a young tree is pruned, leaving 3-4 branches that visually look developed. About a quarter of the height is cut off from the trunk.Pruning is carried out in the spring months or autumn.
Important! To avoid harming the tree, you should use sharpened pruning shears or a garden knife for pruning.
It is important to remove all damaged branches. If they are large, they should be removed onto the ring.
In spring, the trunk should be protected from pests and sunlight. To do this, it is treated with lime. The event is also held in the autumn months - to avoid the proliferation of parasites and fungal infections. The procedure should be carried out in dry weather. To make the solution, you need to combine lime, copper sulfate, wood glue and water.
Preparing for winter
Even taking into account the fact that the variety is considered winter, the possibility of freezing still exists. To protect the pear tree from low temperatures, a high layer of wood shavings is poured around the trunk, and the trunk itself is wrapped in paper.
Diseases, pests, prevention
The pear is susceptible to damage by harmful bacteria and insects. To prevent diseases, preventive measures should be taken regularly.
When fungus appears on the soil, scab damage can be assumed. Due to the disease, light spots appear on the leaves of the plant, and the fruits are covered with a dark coating, in which cracks with rot form. To treat, the pear must be treated with a solution of fungicide and water.
Powdery mildew
This disease affects leaves and inflorescences. It affects young shoots. If damaged parts of the stem are found, they are removed and burned. To combat the disease, spraying with Fundazol or a solution of soda ash and liquid soap is used.
leaf roller
This pest feeds on leaves, rolling them into a tube.To combat it, solutions of insecticides are used: Lepidocyte, Kinmiks, Karate. To prevent re-infestation, damaged foliage and fruits should be removed and burned.
Pear moth
The insect lays eggs on the fruits and then gnaws through the pulp to the seeds. It is these that she feeds on until the moment of pupation. As a preventative measure, spraying with insecticides is used. For example, Fitoverma.
Harvesting and storing the Belorussian late pear harvest
The variety is winter, so harvesting its fruits should begin about three weeks earlier than other varieties. The fruits are picked by hand. The optimal container for this is a bag with a detachable day. This will allow you to carefully move the pears into any container without mechanical damage.
Important! To ensure proper storage, you must avoid separating the stalk from the pear..
During the harvesting process, it is advisable to carry out an initial sorting of pears. It is advisable to immediately set aside damaged fruits for processing.
Healthy fruits should be stored in wooden boxes or special containers, in rooms with sufficient ventilation. The room temperature can fluctuate from 2 to 9 degrees Celsius. To remove excess moisture from the room, it is enough to place several containers with salt or lime.
The fruits should be laid in one (maximum two) layers, with the stalks facing up. The layers are laid out with newsprint. If it is possible to place the crop more carefully, each of the fruits is wrapped in newspaper.
Growing late Belorussian pear is an opportunity to decorate your garden and fill your diet with delicious fruits for several months.