This harvesting method is far from new. Recipes for soaked apples have been collected for many years and passed down from generation to generation. We propose to revive this wonderful tradition with the help of the best recipes.
How to wet apples at home?
Line wooden tubs on all sides with straw, previously scalded with boiling water.The brine temperature should not be higher than 30˚C, otherwise the workpiece will develop a very unpleasant smell and taste. It is not advisable to wet different varieties in one container.
Preparing apples before starting the process
- It is better to take autumn or winter varieties with dense pulp and a sweet and sour taste. The acid will promote fermentation and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms. Soft fruits will turn into mush and will be unfit for consumption.
- It is recommended to wet only ripe fruits removed from the branches, without wormholes. There should not be a single blemish on the skin.
- Unripe apples are allowed to age for about two weeks.
- The best varieties: White filling, Anise, Papirovka, Titovka, Antonovka, Pepin, Kamenichka, Slavyanka, Babushkino, Autumn striped, Sklyanka.
- Containers must be perfectly clean. It is better to wash barrels with a hose. Water under pressure will wash away all the dirt. Then be sure to pour boiling water over the bottom and walls of the vessel to disinfect.
The best recipes for soaked apples
Such preparations have a rich taste and pleasant aroma. They are very easy to make. At the same time, such recipes are very useful, as they retain many vitamins and other microelements.
A simple recipe for the winter
This recipe is prepared quickly. Anyone can do it, even a novice housewife.
- apples;
- For 300-400 g of sugar there are 3 tbsp. l. salt;
- For the aroma you will need a few branches (along with leaves) of raspberries, cherries, currants and lemon balm.
Cooking process:
- Remove all stems from washed fruits.
- Line the bottom of the container with half of all the leaves. Place apples on top.
- There is no need to compact them! Completely cover the fruits with the remaining branches.
- To prepare the marinade, boil 1 liter of water, add salt and sugar (they should melt completely).
- When the marinade has cooled, dilute it with cold boiled water. Completely cover the fruits. This recipe is designed for both 3-liter jars and a barrel, a special plastic bucket.
- Throughout the next week, you need to check the condition of the workpiece, adding marinade.
- After this, move the container to a cool place for about 45 days.
With mustard
- for 20 kg of apples - sugar (420 g), salt (200 g);
- malt - 4 tbsp. l.;
- clean drinking water (you can use spring water);
- cherry and currant leaves;
- mustard (powder).
Cooking process:
- Before soaking the fruits, you need to prepare a filling of salt, granulated sugar and water. Pour malt into a small container and dilute it with 200 ml of boiling water.
- The bottom of a clean barrel should be lined with leaves mixed with mustard.
- Place the apples in rows one on top of the other and pour the prepared marinade over them. The liquid should completely cover the fruit.
- Press the container on top with pressure and place it in a warm place for a week (at +18-20˚C).
- Fruits quickly absorb water, so you will have to top it up.
- Then the barrel must be taken out to the basement for 2 months.
With cabbage
To prepare the delicacy, you will need the following products:
- apples (6 kg) + cabbage (8 kg);
- salt (50 g), sugar (6 spoons);
- 4 carrots.
Cooking process:
- Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.
- Shred the cabbage.
- Combine cabbage and carrots, add salt and sugar.
- You need to mash the cabbage well with your hands (this will release more juice).
- Place the washed apples in jars and fill all the voids on top with cabbage.
- Cover with cabbage leaves and let steep for 14 days.
- Then put the jars into the cellar.In 4 weeks you will get an excellent preparation.
Important! Cabbage juice is poured into a jar of apples.
With rowan
- 5 kg of selected apples and rowan berries;
- 0.5 kg of sugar (it can be replaced with honey);
- salt at least 100 g (salty lovers can double this amount);
- For brine you will need clean water - 10 liters.
You should do urination as follows:
- Place apples and berries in layers in a convenient container, alternating them one at a time.
- Boil water and stir honey (or sugar) and salt into it.
- Cool the filling completely.
- Pour it into a container and cover with a cloth.
- It is best to use a wooden circle as a lid.
- You definitely need to put a load on it.
- The period of urination is from 20 to 40 days.
Important! In this way, apples are soaked only in the cold.
With honey and mint
- apples (20 kg);
- leaves: mint - 50 pcs., and cherry - 20 pcs.;
- The brine goes to: water (10 l) + honey (250 g) + coarse salt (150 g) + rye flour or malt (100 g).
Here's how to cook apples:
- Place ½ of the cherry leaves on the bottom of the vessel.
- Arrange the fruits on them in 2 rows.
- Next, between each row you should make a layer of mint leaves.
- At the end of the bookmark, cover all the fruits with the remaining cherry leaves and a piece of clean gauze, folded in three or four.
- Be sure to put something heavy on the gauze.
- Pour the spices for the brine into cooled boiled water (not higher than +40 ˚C) and stir until completely dissolved.
- Fill the container and leave in a warm place at +16˚C for a week.
- Then put it in a cool place for a whole month.
Advice! If you don't have a barrel, a regular bucket will do. For a full bucket of apples, take the same amount of water and 9 tbsp. l. sugar and salt. Don't forget about branches with leaves (optional).
Cold way
- 6 kg of sweet apples;
- 1.5 cups sugar;
- 2.5 tablespoons of salt;
- approximately 8 liters of water;
Cooking process:
- Make a syrup from water, salt, sugar and let it cool completely.
- Place the fruits in a container and pour in the cold marinade.
- Press down on top and place in the cold for a month and a half.
White filling
For urination you will need:
- 1 kg apples;
- 1 tbsp. l. salt;
- 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 3 tbsp. l. vinegar;
- Cherry leaves (3-4 pcs.) + 1 horseradish leaf + cloves (2 pcs.) are suitable as a seasoning.
Cooking process:
- Before rinsing, the container must be sterilized and wiped dry.
- Wash the apples well under running water. The tails do not need to be removed.
- Place leaves and cloves on the bottom of each jar.
- Place the fruits themselves compactly, but do not press them, otherwise dents will appear on them and they will lose their aesthetics.
- After this, pour boiling water into the jars to the very top of the neck.
- Cover them with lids and wrap them for 10-15 minutes. A blanket or large terry towels are suitable for these purposes.
- Drain the water from the cans back into the pan and boil again.
- When boiling again, dilute salt, sugar and vinegar in it.
- Pour water into the jars again and this time roll up with iron lids. Cover with a blanket again.
- If you wish, you can add some of your own ingredients to this recipe.
In a barrel
- apples - 10 kg;
- tarragon - 8 stems;
- rye straw;
- 5 liters of water;
- 80 grams of salt;
- 200 grams of sugar.
Cooking process:
- Place straw at the bottom of the barrel.
- Next, place the fruits and fill with pre-made brine.
- Place a weight on top and take it to the basement for two months.
In a bucket
- apples;
- sugar (for every kilogram of fruit, a glass of sweet product);
- 5 liters of water;
- spoon of salt;
- currant branches.
Cooking process:
- Place currant branches at the bottom of the bucket.
- Then place the fruits.
- Make the marinade, cool it and pour over the fruit.
- Place oppression on top and take it to the cold.
You need to store soaked fruits in the basement (where they will remain quietly until summer) or in a glacier, where they will retain their taste until the next harvest. The only option for an apartment is a refrigerator.
Soaked apples are very beneficial for the body, and they will also help diversify the table in winter.