It is almost impossible to imagine Georgian cuisine without tomatoes. They are always present, fresh and as an additive when preparing various dishes. Of all the vegetables that were brought to America by Columbus, tomatoes were the most widespread. They are able to give dishes a characteristic sourness. A very tasty preparation is obtained if you cook the tomatoes in Georgian style.
Features of pickling tomatoes in Georgian style
Very often, green tomatoes are used to prepare the product, which are elastic and have a minimum of juice. Additional ingredients include carrots, onions, garlic, and hot peppers.
Features of pickling vegetables in Georgian:
- When salting, a minimal amount of preservative is used - vinegar.
- Vegetables must be stuffed before pickling.
- It is recommended to select only whole tomatoes without dents.
- If a 500 ml container is used, then the tomato is cut into pieces.
- For pickling, you need to take hot vegetables and onions. Then the workpiece will turn out with a “sparkle”.
- When sealing hermetically, it is necessary to pre-sterilize the lids and jars.
Selection and preparation of tomatoes
The good taste of the preparation directly depends on the correct choice of vegetables.
Recommendations for selecting tomatoes:
- Green fruits that are small in size, dense and without visible defects are ideal.
- Harvesting should be done immediately after harvesting the fruits. If they sit for several days, the effect will not be the same.
- The color of the tomatoes should be either green or slightly pink.
- Vegetables must be the same size.
- In some cases, red, very elastic fruits are suitable.
Recipes for pickling tomatoes in Georgian style
There are many recipes for cooking. Some people like it spicy, others like it salty. The most successful options are presented below.
Stuffed tomatoes
The most delicious tomatoes come from stuffing.
Required ingredients:
- green tomatoes - 1 kg;
- green pepper - 5 pcs.;
- garlic - 1 head;
- dill - a large bunch;
- any favorite greens.
Cooking method:
- Wash the tomatoes and spread them over a towel to drain off excess liquid.
- Cut each tomato in half, without cutting to the base.You should get a kind of pocket.
- Rub the inside thoroughly with salt and place in a container. The tomatoes should release juice.
- Finely chop the greens and pepper. You can cut it with a knife, or you can use a chopper.
- Mix well.
- Each tomato must be stuffed with green mass. The approximate amount for 1 tomato is 1 tablespoon.
- Place in a glass or enamel container and press lightly. No special fill is used. The tomatoes themselves will give the required amount of juice.
- Place in a cool place and move them from time to time so that the workpiece is evenly salted.
- Place in a cool, dark place.
- After ten days, the tomatoes will be ready and can be eaten. They turn out tasty and aromatic.
Pickled tomatoes
The recipe is not intended for long-term storage.
Grocery list:
- tomatoes - 2 kg;
- pepper - 2 pcs.;
- bouquet of herbs;
- garlic;
- peppercorns;
- salt - 2 tbsp.
Cooking method:
- For the starter you need to select small, dense red tomatoes. They must first be inspected for damage. It is better to put aside those that are cracked or with dents.
- Pour warm water over the tomatoes and let stand for a while. Rinse under running water and place on a towel. Don’t pick the tails; they make it tastier.
- Wash the pepper thoroughly and cut lengthwise into 4 pieces. Leave the seeds and tails as well, they will add a special piquancy.
- Chop a small amount of herbs: horseradish, dill, cilantro. You can use leaves from fruit trees.
- The filling liquid is prepared in the following way: you need to boil 1.5 liters of water, add salt and wait until it is completely dissolved.
- Cool. The brine should be cold.
- Fill the jar with herbs and spices and fill with tomatoes.
- Fill with filling and cover with a nylon lid.
- Send to a cool, dark place for 4 days. Be sure to place a plate under the bottom. During fermentation, the brine may leak out.
- After the specified time, send the tomatoes for further storage in the cellar or basement.
- You can eat it after a month.
- Can be stored for up to 4 months.
With garlic and herbs
Pickled tomatoes can be prepared by adding garlic and your favorite herbs.
Required ingredients:
- tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
- garlic - 1 head;
- greens - 1 bunch;
- salt;
- sugar;
- peppercorns.
Cooking method:
- Rinse the selected tomatoes under high pressure water. Dip into boiling water one at a time and remove the skin.
- Grind the remaining ingredients. Pre-disinfect the container by keeping it over steam.
- Place the tomatoes, making layers of garlic and herbs.
- Alternate until the jar is completely full.
- Prepare the brine. Boil water, add salt and sugar in the amount indicated above. The brine should have a rich taste.
- Fill the jars to the top and let stand for several days.
- Keep refrigerated
With nuts
Ingredients for preparing the product:
- green elastic tomatoes - 1 kg;
- nut kernels - 1 tbsp.;
- cilantro seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
- garlic - 3 cloves;
- wine vinegar, salt and vinegar.
Stages of preparing the workpiece:
- Wash the tomatoes under running water. Place in a container and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 20 minutes.
- Cut each vegetable into 4 parts.
- Grind the nuts, salt and garlic thoroughly in a mortar and squeeze out the oil.
- Add cilantro seeds and wine vinegar. Mix everything well.
- Add the main product and mix gently.
- Distribute into containers, tamping lightly.
- Pour nut butter on top and seal tightly.
- Store in the cellar.
Spicy appetizer with pepperoni
To prepare a snack with a spark, you will need the following ingredients:
- green tomatoes - 2 kg;
- garlic - 1 head;
- pepper - 8 pcs.;
- salt;
- Favorite greens in a bunch.
Steps for preparing the snack:
- Fruits must be selected that are elastic and dense, small in size and without visible damage.
- Wash and lay out to dry on a towel.
- Cut crosswise without cutting to the bottom. Sprinkle with salt and place in a container.
- The greens along with the pepper are finely chopped. It's better to use a chopper.
- Fill the tomatoes with the filling and place under pressure. Send to the cellar for pickling.
- After two weeks, put the tomatoes into jars and send them for further storage.
- In this case, hermetically sealed sealing is not required.
Tomatoes in adjika
Georgians prepare salted tomatoes with the addition of adjika.
Required ingredients:
- tomatoes;
- adjika - 1 tbsp. l.;
- garlic - 1 head;
- spicy herbs;
- water, salt.
Stages of preparing the workpiece:
- Pre-prepare the main product, remove dust and dirt. Cut in half.
- Prepare the liquid for pouring: add adjika and salt to two liters of water. Boil and wait for the crystals to dissolve.
- Grind the garlic in any convenient way.
- Fill the container with fruits, alternating with spices.
- Apply pressure and hold for 24 hours at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.
- For ease of storage, place in prepared jars and send to a place for further storage.
Instant recipe
When you are very short on time, you can use this recipe.
List of ingredients:
- tomatoes - 500 g;
- hot pepper - 1 pod;
- salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
- vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
- garlic - 5 cloves;
- greenery.
Cooking steps:
- Wash vegetables, removing dust and dirt.
- Remove seeds and chop the pepper. Pass the garlic through a press.
- Fill the container with tomatoes, alternating them with herbs.
- Place a few pieces of pepper on top.
- Add the required amount of salt and preservative. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water and close with a nylon lid. Wrap up and let cool completely.
- Keep refrigerated. You can eat it after two weeks.
Lightly salted tomatoes
You can use a recipe that is slightly different from the classic one - in a package. To prepare you will need some ingredients and a bag. Salting duration is 2 days. Adding a preservative speeds up the process.
Required ingredients:
- tomatoes - 1 kg;
- salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
- sugar - 1 tsp;
- garlic - 4 cloves;
- dill - 1 bunch.
Cooking method:
- Wash and dry ripe, whole tomatoes. Cut the stalk into a cone shape. And cut the nose crosswise.
- Place the tomatoes compactly in a plastic bag.
- Season with spices and herbs.
- Tie the bag well and shake to mix the contents.
- You can prevent liquid from leaking by wearing a bag or placing it in a bowl.
- Leave for 48 hours at home, away from direct sunlight. After this, put it in plastic containers and put it in the refrigerator.
Canned tomatoes, sealed airtight, can be stored at room temperature. The main thing is that the jars are located away from heat sources. The shelf life is 2 years.
Lightly salted, pickled and salted under a nylon lid should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar. The shelf life is from 6 to 10 months. Afterwards they sour and become very sour.