A simple recipe for pear and orange jam for the winter

Adding unusual ingredients to a familiar dessert will help add a special touch of piquancy to it. Pear jam with orange is a great way to use these ingredients. A dessert with juicy pear pulp with the addition of sour orange turns out incredibly tasty; all housewives will appreciate it.

Subtleties of cooking

Any garden varieties of aromatic pears are suitable for preparing a delicious dessert.. For this purpose, sufficiently dense samples are selected, but not rigid.Ideally, ripe fruit should remain tender and the shape of the pieces should be maintained. If fruits for preparing dessert are purchased in a store, then their choice should be approached with the utmost responsibility. The pears should be smooth, without visible signs of rot, and have a characteristic aroma. Externally they should be elastic.

orange for the winter

Pleasant sugary pear meets spice. The readiness of the dessert is determined by softness and transparency. To ensure that the selected fruits are cooked evenly, fruits of the same ripeness are used.

Preparing the main ingredients

Ripe and firm pears are carefully sorted and washed. Cut into slices without removing the peel. Carefully cut out the core with the seeds. The resulting slices are covered with sugar and left for 5 hours. Oranges are peeled, cut into cubes or passed through a meat grinder. Small jars and lids are carefully sterilized.

pear jam

Pear jam with orange

To prepare amber jam, you will need the following components:

  • Pear fruits - 2.2 kg.
  • Orange - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2.2 kg.

Peel the thick skin and carefully cut into slices. Place pear slices and orange cubes in an enamel bowl, add sifted sugar, and pierce with a fork. Leave to infuse overnight.

amber jam

Place the vessel on the fire and cook for 1 hour 30 minutes after boiling over low heat. Skim off the foam and stir gently. The finished dish is poured into crystal clear jars and rolled up.

In a slow cooker

The process of preparing a delicious dessert is simplified if a multicooker comes into play - a universal assistant for housewives. The cooking recipe is very simple. For this purpose you will need a universal vessel.For cooking, take 500 g of selected pears and an orange in equal proportions. Fresh oranges are cut into circles without removing the thick peel. Each circle is cut in half. The pears are cored and cut into neat slices. The dessert is prepared using one “Stewing” program for 1.5 hours. When finished, the dessert takes on a pleasant amber hue.

after boiling

With vanilla and cinnamon

For this recipe, choose hard varieties of pears; instead of vanilla bean, regular vanillin is suitable.

List of required ingredients:

  • Durum fruits - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 g.
  • Natural cinnamon - 2 sticks.
  • Vanilla - 1 pod (a bag of regular vanillin).
  • Lemon zest or half a lemon.

vanilla and cinnamon

Peeled fruits are cut into cubes. Pour over citrus juice, meanwhile prepare syrup: melt sugar with added spices. Add syrup to sliced ​​pears. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Shake the vessel a little and put it back on the fire. Also boil the composition for another 5 minutes. When cooked for a long time, the composition is used to make a homogeneous thick jam.

citrus juice

With lemon

The pear sweetness is neutralized by the acid of the lemon. Instead of fresh fruit, dilute citric acid can be used.

List of required components:

  • Unpeeled fruits - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Large lemon - 1 pc.
  • Purified water - 250 ml.

Unpeeled fruits

The first step is cutting ripe pears into large slices. Cut the lemon fruit into thin slices. Lemon slices are boiled in a saucepan and poured with a glass of spring water. The boiled liquid is decanted separately. Squeeze the juice from the boiled lemon. The resulting juice is placed on the stove, sugar is gradually introduced, dissolved, and pear slices are placed in the liquid. Leave the composition to infuse for a couple of hours.After this, boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes.

Cool, then boil again for 20 minutes. Pour the resulting delicious delicacy into clean jars.


This transparent dessert has not only an attractive taste, but also an excellent aesthetic appearance.

aesthetic appearance

The list of required components is as follows:

  • Ripe fruits - 1 kg.
  • Selected sand - 1 kg.
  • Citric acid - 3 g.

Thoroughly wash and dry the pears. Cut into slices of equal thickness. It is advisable to leave the thick skin to preserve the integrity of the finished slices. The slices are placed in a thick-bottomed vessel, covered with sugar, and left to release the life-giving juice. Fruits that have released their juice are boiled three times, one of which is quite long. The first 2 times cook for a few minutes.

Selected sand

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