A simple recipe for making mint jam with lemon for the winter

Preparing mint jam with a refreshing hint of lemon does not require any special skills from the housewife, since below is a detailed description of the preparation of containers and products, the preparation process, conditions and shelf life of the aromatic delicacy. Before cooking the preparation, it is necessary to take into account that the taste of the finished product varies depending on the type of mint used.

Features of preparing mint jam from lemons for the winter

Experienced housewives prepare mint-lemon jam at the end of May or beginning of June, since during this period a large amount of essential oils is concentrated in the greenery, but it has not yet bloomed. To collect grass, it is recommended to choose dry, sunny weather so that there is no dew or raindrops on the stems and foliage.

Due to the fact that the beneficial properties of the plant are not long-term, the jam is made from fresh herbs, which are collected no more than 5 days before preparation.

Ingredients for jam

For preparation, any type of mint is used: lemon, pepper, menthol, for mojito, forest, indoor and others. When choosing a variety, housewives are guided by the taste preferences of their household members.

It is better to choose lemons with smooth, bright yellow skin, without visible signs of lumpiness or spoilage. Fruits must be fresh and heavy, since stale ones that have lost some of their moisture are considered low-quality products. When choosing fruits, you should pay attention to the stalk - if the cut area has already dried out, you should not purchase such raw materials.

If desired, a thickener (Zhelfix or Zhelinka) is included in the recipe if the liquid consistency of the workpiece is not satisfactory. This ingredient is added to the pan a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

If the color of the finished product, in the owner’s opinion, did not live up to expectations and turned out to be quite pale, a pinch of green food coloring will correct it.

mint jam

How to prepare products?

Before cooking, fragrant greens need to be sorted, removing wilted, insect-damaged leaves from the bunch. Then the mint is thoroughly washed under running water and placed in a colander.After most of the liquid has drained, the plants are laid out on a clean towel and lightly blotted with a paper napkin.

Before use, organically grown lemons are washed well under running water and wiped dry with a paper towel.

If the housewife is not sure about the origin of the fruit, then to clean it from nitrates, they need to be soaked in a soda solution for 50-60 minutes, preparing a mixture of a liter of liquid and a teaspoon of baking soda.

ingredients for jam

Preparing containers

Glass jars with tin lids or twist lids are used to store the lemon-mint treat.

Before sterilization, the container should be washed with hot water, with the addition of baking soda, from the internal and external surfaces.

If the washing quality is good, you can hear a characteristic creak if you run your finger across the jar. Before seaming, clean containers are steamed in an oven or microwave or undergo a steam sterilization process.

container for jam

Lids should be boiled for 5 minutes before use, after removing the rubber ring.

Cooking process

In order to properly cook a delicious, healthy delicacy of mint and lemon, you should strictly adhere to the step-by-step preparation technology:

  1. Step 1. 250 grams of mint, cut into small pieces. 2 large unpeeled lemons, cut into small cubes.
  2. Step 2. Place both components into an enamel pan and add 0.5 liters of water. The mixture is placed on the fire, brought to a boil, and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Step 3. After the time has elapsed, remove the pan from the heat, cool the aromatic liquid, cover with a lid, and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  1. Step 4.A day later, the future jam is filtered through several layers of gauze. Mint and lemon are squeezed into a filtered decoction and thrown away. 1 kilogram of granulated sugar is added to the liquid, the ingredients are mixed until the bulk substance dissolves and boiled over low heat for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. Step 5. The finished jam is poured hot into jars, rolled up and stored.

mint jam

How and for how long is the treat stored?

Mint-lemon jam must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months from the date of production.

A longer recommended storage period may adversely affect the taste and beneficial properties of the treat.

If during storage the jars are exposed to temperature changes or frost, the product will quickly become sugary or covered with a film of mold due to condensation accumulated inside the container.

Enjoy your tea!

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