TOP 20 recipes for preparing chokeberry preparations for the winter

When making preparations for the winter, you can use different recipes with the addition of chokeberry. By changing the ingredients and cooking method, you can get unusual tastes. Chokeberry preparations are useful and can be stored for a long time.

Features of harvesting chokeberry for the winter

The main nuance of chokeberry preparations is the correct processing of the berries. Depending on the chosen recipe, appropriate preparation of rowan is required. The recipe for the product is chosen taking into account the available ingredients and your own taste preferences.

Choosing and preparing chokeberries

The best way to prepare berries is to dry them or freeze them, since heat destroys vitamins. But dry chokeberry is too hard, so traditional preparations are more common - jam, compote, juice.

The fruits of many varieties of the crop, including Garnet and Nevezhinskaya chokeberries, are distinguished by dense skin, which is preferably softened before preservation.

For this purpose, blanching is performed by placing the washed berries without stalks in boiling water for 10 minutes. Thanks to processing, the skin allows sugar syrup to pass through better.


If the tartness of the berry is not to your taste, you can reduce it. Astringency is created by tannins, which can be softened by adding apples to the recipe.

Preparing containers

To ensure long-term storage of workpieces, it is important to properly prepare containers. To do this, jars are sterilized using heat or steam treatment. The easiest way is to thoroughly wash the containers, put them in the oven and heat at a temperature of 140-150 degrees until the drops of water disappear. You can also sterilize the container in a steam bath by placing it on a metal sieve fixed to a pan of boiling water.

container preparation

How to prepare black rowan for the winter?

Chokeberry can be prepared in many ways.Recipes for preparations differ in the ingredients used and the complexity of preparation.

Chokeberry with sugar without cooking

The berries are washed and allowed to dry on a waffle towel. The dried fruits are mixed with sugar and crushed in a blender to a puree. Place the mixture in a clean pan and, stirring, wait until the crystals dissolve. Then set the pan aside, cover with a lid for 10-15 minutes, after which the workpiece is poured into sterilized containers.

chokeberry nazmu


The classic recipe for making jam involves performing a number of simple steps. According to the recipe, you need:

  1. Select berries without defects and signs of rot, clean them from branches and leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of water into the pan, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  3. Pour the washed fruits into boiling water and stir gently for 5 minutes so that all the berries are in the water and become softer.
  4. Return the pan to the stove and cook at a temperature above medium. Add sugar and stir the mixture to dissolve.
  5. Once boiling begins, reduce heat and continue cooking for 15 minutes.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove and wait for the jam to cool to room temperature. Then bring to the boil again and cook for 16 minutes, adding a drop of vanillin at the end.

chokeberry jam


A simple method of canning is to bring a mixture of water and sugar to a boil and cook the syrup for 15 minutes. Hot syrup is poured over berries with lemon slices.

Rowan juice

You can make chokeberry juice using different devices. The cooking method does not affect the taste.

Using a juicer

The berries are placed in a juicer and the juice is squeezed out. To make it less concentrated, you can add water.

berry juice

Using a juicer

Using a juicer is the easiest way. The rowan is poured into the device compartment and the cooking mode is started.

Through a sieve or cheesecloth

The juice from the berries can be squeezed by hand. To do this, the berries are placed in gauze or a sieve and squeezed.

Rowan wine

To make wine, the berries are crushed, covered with sugar, mixed thoroughly and left to ferment. A week later, the juice is squeezed and filtered, after which it is left in a container for fermentation, closed with a water seal.

rowan wine

Drying methods

There are several options for drying berries. The procedure can be performed naturally or using technology.

In the oven

Drying in the oven is not difficult. Simply wash the berries, remove the stems and place them on a baking sheet.

In the sun

Rowan can be laid out to dry in the open sun. The fruits are washed and laid out on a towel.

sun drying

In an electric dryer

An electric dryer helps speed up the process. The berries are placed inside the device and the drying mode is started.


Chokeberries can be frozen for long-term storage. The washed berries are placed in cellophane and placed in the freezer.

Chokeberry jam

The berries are crushed in a blender, but not homogeneous. Then water is added to them and cooked throughout. After adding sugar, cook for another 7 minutes on high heat and 5 minutes on low. The jam is constantly stirred with a wooden spoon.

rowan jam

Syrup with cherry leaves

To make the syrup, you need to infuse rowan and cherry leaves for 48 hours. Add 1 kg of sugar to the infusion and boil the liquid over low heat for 15 minutes.

Jam with apples

Berry jam is prepared in a similar way to jam. Apples are also crushed in a blender and added at the first stage of cooking.


Grind berries and 0.5 kg of sugar are placed on low heat, stirred and brought to thickening. The mass is placed on a greased baking sheet and dried until a crust forms at a temperature of 160 degrees.

rowan marmalade


The rowan is crushed by hand in a saucepan, the juice is separated and boiling water is poured in. The mixture is boiled for 15 minutes and filtered. Then add sugar, continue to cook and 5-7 minutes after boiling, add gelatin and juice. After another 5 minutes the jelly is ready.


You can make raisins by boiling the berries in sugar syrup and then drying them. You can dry the fruits naturally or in the oven.

Soaked rowan

Rowan is soaked in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, added to sugar syrup and boiled for 10 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, it is poured into jars and left for a month.

healthy rowan

Rowan kvass

The washed chokeberry is poured with boiling water, diluted yeast is added, the container is hermetically sealed and left in a cold place for 5-6 days. Sugar is added to the brewed kvass.

Rowan Powder

Preparing rowan berry powder requires two simple steps. Rowan is dried and ground on a grater or crushed in a coffee grinder.

Rowan liqueur

Chokeberry with sugar is poured with vodka and left for 4 weeks. As the vodka absorbs, you need to top it up.

rowan liqueur


Water and sugar are added to rowan juice and then left to ferment. By mixing the fermented juice with the tincture, a berry liqueur is obtained.

Candied chokeberries

Preparing candied fruits requires a series of step-by-step steps. The recipe consists of the following steps:

  1. Pure chokeberry is poured with water and left for 1-2 days, periodically changing the water.
  2. Boil the sugar syrup, add berries to it and cook for an hour. The syrup must be constantly stirred.
  3. Before the end of cooking, add citric acid, after which the syrup is drained.
  4. The chokeberries are left in a colander for a couple of hours and then laid out on a flat surface to dry.
  5. The finished candied fruits are sprinkled with sugar and placed in a jar.

candied rowan

You can use cooked candied fruits to decorate desserts and eat them fresh. Candied fruits are also often used as a filling for baking dough.

Red rowan candies

To prepare sweets from the red variety of rowan, grind the egg white with sugar, add lemon juice and stir thoroughly until a thick consistency is obtained. Each selected berry, previously washed and freed from the stalk, is rolled into the mass. Then the rowan is sprinkled with powdered sugar and left to dry.

How long can rowan berries be stored fresh?

Aronia fruits tolerate cold well and can retain all their benefits and taste, provided that storage rules are followed. The optimal place to store fresh chokeberries is the refrigerator. A cool, dry place, such as a cellar or basement, is also suitable. To preserve the crop, the humidity temperature should not exceed 70%.

The shelf life is 4-5 months.
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