Tomato Bagheera F1 is characterized by resistance to cold weather, so the variety bears fruit remarkably well in cool areas. The tomatoes were bred by Russian breeders. For this F1 hybrid, the description marks the variety as tomatoes with record early ripening. The first fruits can be obtained already on the 65th day from the beginning of seed germination. The plant is not susceptible to diseases such as late blight.
general information
Bagheera tomatoes are characterized by short stature and compactness, which does not prevent them from producing a rich harvest. The characteristics and description of the variety are wonderfully formulated by Russian breeders. In one season you can grow up to 100 fruits on one bush.
The plant itself is well leafy and does not require pinching.The tomato leaves are dark green, medium in size, and the inflorescences are simple.
Experienced gardeners, in order to obtain an early harvest, remove the stepsons before the first inflorescences. But in the future, this leads to a smaller harvest, since the lion’s share of the fruit is formed on these stepsons. It is worth making a choice between the speed of tomato ripening and the amount of harvest obtained.
The fruits are characterized by wonderful taste. Ripe tomatoes have a bright red, attractive color and smell wonderful. The average weight of the fruit, as stated in the characteristics and description of the variety, is 200 g. On the lower branches the fruit is larger than on the upper ones.
Tomatoes have a round and even shape, with ribbing at the base. There is no green spot at the base of the tomato. The skin is thin and elastic, and there are no white veins in the pulp. The fruit is not watery and contains only 5% dry matter. The sugar content is low - 2.1%. Due to their quality characteristics, the fruits of the variety are characterized by a wonderful taste and can be stored for more than a month without loss of taste.
Due to their versatility, the fruits are suitable for both canning and making juices and salads. Tomatoes tolerate transportation well, do not wrinkle or crack.
Advantages and disadvantages
The description of the Bagheera tomato, a fairly successful breeding crop, contains many positive characteristics:
- The culture is resistant to various diseases and has strong immunity. Tomatoes are not afraid of parasites either. The tomato produces an excellent harvest even in regions with a cool climate.
- Compared to other varieties, the crop begins to bear fruit quite early. Already on the 65th day you can get ready-made ripe natural products.Fast ripening is one of the main advantages of the Bagheera variety.
- One adult bush can produce more than 100 fruits per season.
- The fruits are not afraid of transportation. They can be transported over long distances. Tomatoes are not afraid of heat treatment and do not burst at hot temperatures.
- Tomatoes are characterized by wonderful taste.
- The fruits can easily ripen at home.
The variety has few disadvantages, the main one being that the seeds of the hybrid cannot be prepared independently for planting the next season.
How is sowing done?
The Bagheera variety is quite unpretentious. Before planting, the seeds do not require special preliminary treatment.
Before sowing, you need to prepare special soil, which will be supplemented with peat and humus. The characteristics and description of the variety do not provide for additional procedures. Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 1.5 - 2 cm. After the entire area is sown, the box must be covered with a thick film and placed in a warm place to germinate.
When the seedlings have appeared, at the stage of the first two or three leaves, the seedlings must be plucked. It is better to prepare separate pots with garden soil supplemented with fertilizers - this way the roots will not be damaged during replanting. Before planting, the plants begin to harden off. Usually they are taken out into the fresh air for a couple of hours and brought back. Healthy bushes are planted at the end of May or at the beginning of June, when the frosts are already behind.
Tomatoes of this variety are not afraid of the cold, so it is not necessary to plant them in a greenhouse. Tomatoes will take root well in open areas. When planting bushes, it is necessary to maintain a distance of half a meter. The recommended number of bushes per square meter is 4-6 pieces.At this distance the plants will feel comfortable.
If the bushes are planted more densely, the formation of fungus or parasites is possible. After planting, it is necessary to periodically fertilize with nutrients, water and loosen the soil. It is important to fertilize in combination so that the plant fully receives nutrients.
To protect the bush from pests and diseases, it is better to treat and disinfect the soil before planting. To do this, you need to spill the soil with a solution of hot potassium permanganate.
If you spray the leaves of the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this will help protect the crop from pests and their waste products.
It will not be superfluous to spray the beds with a solution of “Fitosporin” or another antifungal drug that will protect the plants from the appearance of fungus on the leaves. Slugs and mole crickets, natural pests, are collected by hand. If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, the greenhouse must be ventilated regularly.
Tomato Bagheera is a fairly successful breeding crop that is resistant to various diseases. Every year, tomatoes of this variety produce a rich harvest, which is characterized by tasty and juicy fruits.