Description of the Cypress tomato variety, its characteristics and yield

Some gardeners want to achieve high productivity and late fruiting of tomatoes. The description of the Cypress variety meets these requirements. In addition, the vegetable crop is endowed with a decorative appearance and good quality fruits. When favorable conditions are created, the plant will also surprise with high and long-lasting productivity.

History of the variety

The Cypress tomato appeared on the consumer market recently. The variety was obtained by Russian breeders in 2013. Having passed all tests in accordance with the regulations, the vegetable crop was included in the State Register in 2015. Since that time, the Cypress tomato began to be cultivated in all regions of Russia.

Taking into account the description of the variety, the vegetable crop shows good yield indicators in open ground in the southern part of the country. In the middle zone, it is advisable to grow tomatoes under film covers. In Siberia and the Urals, the variety is recommended to build heated greenhouses.

Description of vegetable crop

Tomato Cypress - late ripening. The first harvest occurs at the end of summer, but fruiting continues for quite a long time, until the first frost.

tomato cypress

Description of the variety:

  • determinate bush, standard type;
  • The average plant height is 80–90 cm;
  • tomato is heavily leafy;
  • the leaf is large, dark green in color;
  • the fruits are arranged compactly.

The description of the variety also includes the location of the fruits. They fit quite compactly to the trunk of the plant and hang from it in beautiful clusters.

determinate bush

Yield Characteristics

The Cypress tomato variety is quite productive. With proper care and adherence to agricultural technology, more than 7 kg of beautiful and nutritious fruits can be harvested from one bush.

Fruit characteristics:

quite productive

  • the average weight of a tomato is 90–110 g;
  • the skin of the tomatoes is deep red;
  • The tomato pulp has a dense consistency and an attractive pink hue.
  • the taste of fruits on a 5-point scale is estimated at 4.8 points.

Unlike other similar crops, all tomatoes of the Cypress tomato have the same appearance, regular rounded shape. This feature allows you to prepare an original whole-fruit preserve that will decorate any table.

tomato skin

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Cypress tomato is a new vegetable crop, so it is currently irrational to talk about all its pros and cons.However, the description of the variety guarantees such positive qualities as:

  • consistently high productivity;
  • good transportability;
  • high immunity to infections;
  • drought resistance;
  • long shelf life.

new culture

At the moment, no tangible deficiencies have been identified in the culture. But in order to increase the quality of the Cypress tomato according to the recommendations of experts, it is worth adhering to several rules in agricultural technology.

IMPORTANT! Cypress tomatoes have a fairly long shelf life. When green fruits are picked, they ripen successfully at home.

Plant care

Reviews from those gardeners who have already tried the Cypress vegetable crop agree that it is better to form a tomato into 3-4 stems in open ground and 2 stems in greenhouse conditions. The plant is grown using the following technology:

cypress like tomato

  1. In early spring, holes of 30x40 cm are dug, with an interval of 1 m from each other.
  2. The bottom of the pit is loosened with a pitchfork and fertilized with rotten manure and high-quality humus.
  3. A stake more than 1.5 meters high is dug into the hole.
  4. Once frosts have passed, 3–4 seedlings are planted in one hole.
  5. After filling and compacting the plant, water it abundantly with warm water.
  6. 5 days after planting, the seedlings are tied to a support and fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Further care consists of pinching, timely watering and prevention against pests.

high immunity

So, having examined the characteristics of the Cypress tomato, its yield and description of the fruit, you can see for yourself that this is a good find for gardeners. By planting and growing this crop, everyone will be able to enjoy fresh and tasty tomatoes in late summer. And the decorative appearance of the plant, which resembles a cypress tree, will decorate the garden area.

compacting the plant
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