Characteristics and description of the Cornabel tomato variety, its cultivation

Tomato Cornabel is a hybrid resistant to adverse weather conditions. A very productive and tasty tomato.

What is this species

Searching for detailed characteristics and descriptions of the Cornabel tomato variety is one of the mandatory procedures. It is carried out even before the summer resident acquires the seeds. This is done in order to understand whether this variety is needed on the site.


  • Bush: indeterminate.
  • Root system: powerful.
  • Number of tomatoes in a brush: up to 7 pcs.
  • Ripening time: 60 days (from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground).


  • Shape: elongated.
  • Weight: 200 gr.
  • Length: 15 cm.
  • Color: red.
  • Pulp: juicy.
  • Density: high.
  • Taste: excellent.
  • Transportability: high.
  • Presentation: excellent.

tomato bushes

How to grow

Growing tomatoes of this variety does not require any special procedures. Everything is done in the same way as when planting any other varieties. The exception is that the bushes must be formed. Tomatoes are grown in greenhouses and open ground. Seeds for seedlings are planted at the end of March, beginning of April. The soil intended for planting seeds can be additionally fertilized. By introducing organic fertilizers and mineral additives:

  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Nitrogen.

An excess of potassium is detrimental for this variety. A high potassium content leads to an increase in the weight of the fruits; the plant cannot hold them. It also interferes with the absorption of calcium. When the plant has 2 full-fledged leaves, they are picked. Before planting, you can feed the seedlings. It is recommended to harden the seedlings, take them out to the balcony, or just outside, 2-3 weeks in advance. Then, based on the weather conditions of the region, the tomatoes are planted in the ground. It is advisable that the seedlings have not yet bloomed. This way it will take root more easily and grow faster.

elongated tomato

Form "Cornabel" into one trunk. Be sure to tie it to a support. Sometimes a plant produces too many fruits without forming a bush. As a result, the tomato will suffer; human intervention is necessary. You can increase the percentage of humidity, this will give the bush strength to grow green mass. They do this through short but short-lived watering.Another way to help the plant leave side shoots is by forming the plant into not one, but 2-3 stems.

Positive and negative aspects of the species

Any variety is characterized from two sides. Variety «Cornabel f1» not an exception.


  • Versatility.
  • Resistance to the vagaries of nature.
  • High yield.
  • Excellent presentation.
  • Disease resistance.
  • The shape of the fruit is always identical.

bushes in a greenhouse


  • High cost of seeds.
  • Difficulty in forming a bush.
  • The collected seeds do not retain the qualities that were inherent in the fruits of the parent plant.


Most often, all summer residents use this variety for preservation as a whole. But, besides this, they are perfectly used for preparing fresh salads and decorating the holiday table. “Cornabel” is used very well for drying. These tomatoes are very expensive in the store, so you can make them at home yourself. They retain a large number of beneficial properties and qualities inherent in fresh fruit. Versatile tomatoes, perfect on the outside and very tasty. Therefore, they are eaten without any processing, eating freshly picked vegetables from the garden.

cut on the plate

Disease susceptibility

Like all hybrids, Cornabel tomatoes are immune to many diseases. For example:

  • Fusarium and verticillium wilt.
  • Mosaic.

And the plant is not afraid of pests.

red icicles

Yield volume and ways to increase it

High-yielding hybrid. But if you want to get the maximum yield, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Plant bushes often, but form them strictly into one trunk. This will increase the number and size of the fruit.
  2. Horizontal landing. New stepsons grow with their own root system. They form into an independent plant and produce a harvest.
  3. Biostimulants can be used. They are not harmful to humans, and can increase the yield quite well.

Opinions of summer residents regarding the variety "Cornabel f1"

Many gardeners get more useful and accurate information from the Internet. Or rather, reading the existing reviews. Real people express their own opinions. They recommend or criticize a new variety. Give recommendations for care or cultivation

red toys

  1. Sergey. Has been growing tomatoes for 3 years, no complaints. I like everything and am satisfied.
  2. Nika. The whole family loves this variety of tomatoes. They are consumed both fresh and in marinades. The structure of the fruit and its density are preserved. The only drawback is the high price for the seeds.
  3. Tasha. He grows tomatoes in a small area, so the selection of varieties is very strict. The variety "Cornabel" is one of the favorites. The grown fruit sometimes reaches 450 grams. With proper agricultural technology. It is highly valued for its high yield and taste. He prefers to eat it fresh. Without adding sour cream, butter and mayonnaise. Fruits until late autumn.
  4. Hope. Calls the hybrid the best among pepper varieties. Valued for its taste and long shelf life.

formed bush

Growing a hybrid on a plot gives a 100% guarantee of obtaining a large harvest. You just need to grow and care for the plant correctly. Carrying out the necessary agrotechnical work in a timely manner. And the result will not be long in coming.
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