Tomato varieties with small fruits are popular among amateur gardeners. They are convenient to roll into jars and have a beautiful appearance. Among the variety of similar varieties there is the Maryushka tomato, which is as beautiful and productive as other small tomatoes.
Characteristics of the bush
The bush is of a determinate type; it does not grow higher than 80 centimeters in height. At the same time, it is powerful and branched. When grown, it does not require pinching because it is limited in growth. After several clusters of fruit, growth stops. Above the 7th leaf, the first brush with a beautifully shaped cluster is formed. Up to 9 fruits can ripen simultaneously on one branch.
Tomatoes have an average ripening period - 110–112 days pass from seed germination to the first ripe tomato. Bred for cultivation in open ground. If necessary, you can get an excellent harvest in closed areas.
To do this, in the summer you need to open the doors of the greenhouse to allow insects to enter. They pollinate the flowers of plants, and the harvest will begin.
Description of fruits
The fruits are small, weighing 60–70 grams per piece, plum-shaped, red, fleshy. They have a bright tomato taste and aroma. In this regard, they are used universally. These fruits make beautiful and tasty pickled tomatoes, excellent sauces and tomato juices, used fresh, in salads and for decoration.
Since tomatoes are resistant to cracking, thanks to their elastic skin and fleshy contents, they are easy to transport over long distances. They store well, so the Maryushka tomato with its characteristics and description of the variety is often found on the market.
The bushes are resistant to popular tomato diseases.
Agrotechnics of cultivation
Maryushka is grown mainly in open areas, due to the qualities of the fruit and bush; the seeds are used on large plantations for large-scale production.
Plants are grown in seedlings to obtain an earlier harvest. Sowing of seeds begins in early March and transplantation into the ground is carried out when the temperature outside is stable above zero.
When growing bushes with tomatoes, gardeners carry out a number of manipulations for good fruiting and development of the bushes.
- Watering the beds.
- Weeding the soil under the bushes.
- Loosening the soil after watering.
- Plant staking.
- Fertilizing soil and green mass.
- Inspect plants for diseases.
- If an infection is detected, disinfect the bushes and remove diseased areas.
Since tomatoes are unpretentious to watering, this procedure is carried out in dry weather once every two days. And if it rains often, then you should stop watering altogether.
Weeding is mandatory. This applies to tomato bushes and other plants located on the land plot. Otherwise, all feeding procedures will be in vain. The grass will take all the minerals.
After watering, it is important to loosen the soil around the plants. The procedure retains moisture in the soil longer and gets rid of fungus. If the soil is stagnant, a fungus forms on the roots, devouring the roots and then the stems. In this case, there will be no harvest.
They tie it up so that the leaves and fruits do not lie on the ground. This is strictly prohibited when growing tomatoes. Late blight tomato become infected in wet and damp weather, absorbing the disease from the ground.
Fertilization is carried out at least three times per season. The first time is fertilized two weeks after planting the seedlings. The second is when the plants bloom, and the third is when the fruits ripen. In this case, organic and mineral fertilizers are used.
Thus, the harvest will not be lost due to drought, the nutrients will not go to the weeds, and the tomatoes will ripen smoothly.
Thanks to its positive qualities, this varietal tomato receives positive reviews not only in Russia, but also from neighboring countries.