Characteristics and description of the Negritenok tomato variety, its yield

The variety "Negritenok" belongs to the category chokeberry tomatoes. But the description characterizes its fruits as brown rather than black.

Exotic tomatoes are grown according to the same rules as regular varieties. By following simple recommendations, you can diversify the harvest of traditionally colored tomatoes with chocolate-colored tomatoes.

Characteristics of tomato

The color of the fruit is a varietal feature, but Negritenok tomatoes acquire their characteristic chocolate shade only after reaching full maturity.Therefore, some effort must be made so that the indeterminate bush has time to lay fruit on time. This is what the manufacturer’s characteristics of the variety look like:

  • the “Negritenok” variety is mid-season, the fruits ripen 110-115 days after the first shoots;
  • tomato is recommended for growing without shelter and in spring-type greenhouses without heating;
  • The advantages of the variety include resistance to a number of diseases: Alternaria leaf spot, cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic virus;
  • plant of indeterminate type, with unlimited growth. During the growing season it grows up to 1.5 -2 meters;
  • requires gartering, timely removal of side shoots, and formation of a bush;
  • leaves are ordinary, corrugated, dark green;
  • the first inflorescence is formed above the level of 9-12 leaves, further clusters - after 3 leaves;
  • with a planting density of 3-4 plants per square meter, the yield is not very high; is about 6.5 kg;
  • fruits are formed weighing up to 100-160 g;
  • the shape of the tomatoes is flat-round, with slight ribbing at the base;
  • ripe fruits are brown with a red tint;
  • The pulp is quite dense, soft and very juicy. Tomatoes with a pronounced tomato taste, sweet with a slight sourness, aromatic;
  • used as salads and for making juices, tomato pastes, soups;
  • Fruits collected in green form are well ripened at home and retain their consumer qualities for up to 1.5 months.

Negro tomato seeds

Everyone who planted this variety unanimously notes the very pleasant, refreshing taste of the fruit. These advantages are evidenced by the reviews of the majority of gardeners, who claim that even with such an average yield it is worth making room for the “Negritenok”.

Low seedlings are planted vertically, 2-3 cm deeper than they grew. Elongated seedlings are planted at an angle with their tops facing south, southeast, covering the stem with soil. With this planting, additional roots are formed, and the leafy stems suffer less from the sun.

Growing and caring for exotic tomatoes

Taking into account the varietal characteristics, the necessary measures should be taken to grow strong and healthy seedlings, which will be the key to the future harvest.

Growing seedlings

Prepare the soil mixture in advance. The substrate must be moisture-absorbing, breathable, and free from pathogens. The earth is heated at 80-90 degrees, adding complex fertilizers to the mixture.

  1. Seeds begin to be planted for seedlings 60-65 days before transplanting into a greenhouse or open ground.
  2. They are prepared according to traditional rules, treated with a weak solution of manganese and kept in a growth stimulator.
  3. For cultivation in a greenhouse, seeds are planted as seedlings in the first half of March, and for open ground in the second ten days of March.
  4. For seedlings, it is important to create a balance of temperature and light intensity. Seeds are germinated at 23-25 ​​degrees. Later, with the appearance of the first shoots, the temperature is reduced to 12-15 degrees during the day and 8-10 degrees at night.
  5. Seedlings are planted at the age of 2 permanent leaves into separate containers. From this point on, care consists of fertilizing, moderate watering, and loosening the soil.
  6. Watering is moderate, feeding once every 2-3 weeks. The composition of the fertilizer is selected individually, depending on the condition of the seedlings.

Seedlings of an indeterminate variety are prone to “stretching.” This problem can be prevented by adjusting the air temperature. At night it should drop to 10-12 degrees.In intense sunlight it should be maintained at 20-25 degrees, in cloudy weather it should be 15-18 degrees.

During the flowering period, non-root fertilizing with boric acid is carried out. Spraying gives the same effect as treating tomatoes with a growth stimulator. The solution consists of a liter of water and 1 gram of boric acid dissolved in it. Feeding is carried out in the evening.

Planting plants in a permanent place

Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in the second decade of May, and in open ground from mid-May to early June.

  1. Planting pattern 60 x 40, or 3-4 bushes per square meter of area. Planting density depends on how many stems you plan to form the plant into.
  2. If the bush is formed into one stem, then 4 bushes can be planted per square meter; if there are 2 stems, then the feeding area needs to be increased. Plant no more than 3 plants per square meter.
  3. After the seedlings have taken root, fertilize and tie the stem to a support.
  4. Further care of the “Negrityt” seedlings comes down to weeding, watering, loosening the soil, removing stepsons and dying foliage from the lower part of the stem.
  5. Tomatoes are grown with one or two stems. The reserve shoot is formed from the stepson under the very first brush. It is recommended to remove all lower leaves.
  6. Stepchildren are pruned regularly, preventing the shoots from overgrowing and thereby drawing off nutrition.
  7. 3-4 weeks before the last harvest, pinch out the top point of the plant, leaving 3-4 leaves above the last brush.
  8. Indents are distinguished by the gradual ripening of fruits. The plant forms the largest and earliest fruits on the two lower clusters.
  9. The variety is resistant to the most common diseases and does not cause trouble in this regard.According to an experienced gardener who grew “Negritenok” in a film greenhouse, only he withstood the vagaries of the weather without getting sick.
  10. The rest of the care is standard, moderate watering, root feeding, loosening the soil. All this has long become the norm and is relevant for tomatoes of any variety.

black tomato on a plate

It’s worth planting a “chocolate” tomato and objectively assessing its advantages and disadvantages.
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