Tomato Valentina is a unique variety in taste and shape. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. It is not fussy to care for and is immune to many diseases. The plant is low-growing, high-yielding. Can be grown in open ground. This variety is recommended for beginners in gardening, as it is very easy to grow and is adapted to any weather conditions. The characteristics of the variety are described on the seed packet.
More about the variety
Valentina tomatoes are very unpretentious, have many advantages, and belong to the early ripening varieties. The description of the variety allows you to understand the features of cultivation and care. The fruits usually ripen within three months after the seeds germinate.
The variety has a small bush that does not grow more than 60 centimeters. This is one of the advantages of this variety, because it does not need to be tied up, pruned, and it rarely needs to be pinched. They usually tie them up only in cases where there are a lot of tomatoes and they pull the branches down. The foliage is not very dense, the inflorescences are simple.
Tomatoes hang on the stems in clusters. There are usually a lot of them, but they are not very large. The shape of the fruit is similar to a voluminous oval. Color ranges from orange to red. Weight can reach up to 90 grams. Mostly they are not very large, but there are many of them. The flesh is fleshy, the skin is smooth, not prone to cracking.
These tomatoes can be grown for sale; up to 4 kilograms of fruit can be harvested from one bush. They tolerate traveling in vehicles normally. Growing them is usually not difficult.
How to grow
Anyone can raise Valentina. It is important to remember that in the northern regions germinated seedlings from seeds are planted in greenhouses. Seeds of this varieties You have to buy new ones every time to make the harvest happy.
They are sown in special containers, keeping distances, and wait for germination. Before the first shoots appear, it is recommended to cover the container with film. After germination, the shoots are planted separately to enhance growth. During germination, we must not forget about fertilizing, light and high-quality watering.
Plants with strong stems and hardened roots are planted in a greenhouse or open ground. The land should be prepared in the fall. It should be soft, loose, fertile. You should put peat, sand, and manure in it. Tomatoes love it.
From the moment of planting until fruiting, you should pay attention to the tomatoes so that the fruits are tasty and there are a lot of them.
Care and concern
The peculiarity of this variety is its strong immunity and tasty fruits. Those who planted such crops know exactly how to care for them so that there is a good yield.
- High-quality watering is necessary at least once a week.
- It is better to loosen the soil and hill it up.
- Remove weeds as they take away water and nutrients.
- Spray the bushes against pests to prevent them.
- If a tomato grows in a greenhouse, it must be ventilated periodically to regulate the humidity level.
- Don't forget about mineral and organic fertilizers.
- You shouldn’t plant tomatoes in the same place every time.
- Watering should be carried out exclusively with warm water, settled in a barrel.
- If tomatoes are planted in open ground, then they need to be covered with film.
- Perform pinching as necessary.
Gardeners' opinion
Reviews from those who grew the Valentina variety of tomatoes are always positive. Anyone who once grew them wants to plant them again.
Lydia, 56 years old: I planted this variety for two years in a row. Very pleased with the taste and quality. All tomatoes ripened healthy. Our family are lovers of these small sweet fruits. And they taste even better marinated.
Ulyana, 46 years old: Tomatoes of the Valentina variety have simply extraordinary taste, meaty, sweet, neat. I planted it fresh for food. The salads are simply delicious. It was normal to reschedule while the family was on vacation. The harvest was good.
Valentina - tomatoes with amazing properties. They hardly get sick, store well, and have a rich tomato taste. They can be grown for sale and for fresh eating. Before planting this variety, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of these tomatoes.