Characteristics and description of the Moscow early ripening tomato variety, its yield

The Moscow early ripening tomato belongs to the category of ultra-early varieties suitable for universal use. It is a godsend for gardeners living in regions of unsustainable and risky agriculture.

Characteristics of the variety

The variety belongs to the category of determinant, early ripening. The bush is compact in size. The height is small. In open farming conditions it is no more than 50 centimeters. The volume of foliage is average. The inflorescences are characterized by simplicity and compactness. They are laid on the main trunk after 5-6 leaves, on the stepsons after 1-2.

The variety is distinguished by stable high yield. The fruits ripen 90-100 days after emergence. The shape of the tomatoes is round. The skin of tomatoes is dense and smooth. At the stage of technical maturity, the fruits are scarlet in color. There are no spots in the stalk area. The taste is excellent. The average weight of one tomato is 150-200 grams. From one bush you get up to 2 kg of harvest. Tomatoes tolerate transportation.

Taking into account the description of the variety and its characteristics, tomatoes are used fresh, sliced, and various preserves. Tomatoes show excellent pickling qualities. The characteristics of the variety indicate its resistance to diseases and pests.

Features of agricultural technology

Moscow early-ripening tomatoes are bred using the seedling method. Sowing of seeds is carried out at least 55-60 days before planting in the ground. For cultivation in open ridges, the sowing period is mid-to-late March, for greenhouses - the end of April.

Moscow early ripening tomato seeds

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a manganese solution. The material is placed in individual containers according to the following scheme: 3 seeds per 1 cm. For seedlings, universal soil for tomatoes is used. The plantings are covered with film and kept at a temperature of 20-25 degrees until the first shoots appear. After this, the film is removed. Plants are watered by spraying.

Picking is done 2 weeks after germination, when the seedlings have 2 adult leaves.

Plantings are carried out into open ground after the last frost, at the end of May. Planting in film greenhouses takes place in the first half of May. Holes for planting are dug at a distance of 30 centimeters. A distance of 40 centimeters is maintained between rows. They try to place no more than 6 bushes per 1 square meter.

Moscow early ripening tomato bushes

Growing tomatoes is not difficult.

  1. Watering. The variety is moisture-loving. Watering is done at the root of the plant, with warm, settled water.
  2. Loosening. The soil requires regular loosening. It is necessary to remove the earthen crust and improve the oxygen supply to the roots.
  3. Weeding. Timely removal of weeds avoids soil acidification and the development of bush diseases.
  4. Stepsonning and garter. The bushes are compact in size and do not require pinching. The fruits are small, the clusters are not heavy, and gartering is not required even during the period of fruit ripening.
  5. Feeding and treatment against pests. Plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizers 2-3 times per season. Additional enrichment of the soil is required during the period of fruit set and ripening.

Moscow early ripening tomato in open ground

Reviews and recommendations from gardeners

Reviews from gardeners made it possible to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the variety.

The advantages of Moscow early ripening include:

  • high resistance to diseases and pests;
  • not prone to cracking;
  • attractive presentation and good transportability;
  • high productivity;
  • friendly ripening of fruits;
  • minimum ripening time;
  • excellent taste.

Moscow early ripening tomatoes in open ground

Those gardeners who planted tomatoes could not identify obvious shortcomings. The variety showed not only high yield and good taste, but also proved to be resistant to temperature changes. It is distinguished by friendly yield and resistance to late blight, which is especially important during night frosts. The variety is suitable for northern regions and areas with variable climates. Every housewife who has planted Moscow early ripening plants at least once returns to them again.
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