In recent years, the early ripening tomato Pervoklaska has been among the top ten varieties with high yields. And this is among more than seven thousand species of tasty vegetables bred by breeders. Therefore, it is important for every vegetable grower to know about the qualities of common varieties.
Useful properties of tomato
One of the favorite plants in the garden is tomatoes, so special attention is paid to their cultivation. It’s nice to enjoy the large fruits of the Pervoklaska variety already in July. The skin of pink tomatoes is tender, the fleshy, juicy pulp shines through it. The shape of the fruits is round, smooth, with minimal ribbing. Their weight reaches almost two hundred grams.
For those who are overweight, Pervoklaska tomatoes will help you lose extra pounds. Thanks to the purine content in pink fruits, the body will quickly become satiated, and metabolic processes will speed up the process of assimilation of useful vitamins and microelements.
Lycopene, a red pigment found in tomatoes, has a positive effect on human immunity, suppressing the action of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, bright fruits are useful for children. Lycopene will protect older people from atherosclerosis. Fresh tomato salads
First-graders are the best prevention of the development of malignant tumors in the stomach and prostate. They should be consumed regularly, at least twice a week.
Heavy smokers need to grow red tomatoes while spending the summer at the dacha and enjoy them as often as possible. The beneficial substances contained in tomatoes help break down resins and toxins, removing them from the body.
Plant characteristics
The description of a garden plant includes the following characteristics:
- Tomato bushes look stunted, as they are up to one meter high.
- At the level of the sixth or seventh leaf, the plant's first flower clusters form.
- Ripens 92 – 108 days from the date of sprouts appearance.
- Up to six kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.
- The fruits are used fresh to prepare canned food for the winter.
If you grow tomatoes of the Pervoklaska variety, you can not only completely satisfy your hunger, but also cleanse the body of harmful bacteria. Tomatoes are suitable for making tomato juice. In summer you need to drink it so that the skin does not succumb to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
Growing rules
Determinate species are best planted in open ground.In areas with a warm climate in early May, it is advisable to sow the vegetable directly into the beds. They use the square-nest method for planting, placing the nests at a distance of sixty centimeters from each other. In each nest, five, less often eight, seeds are buried one to two centimeters.
The emergence of seedlings occurs within a week. Now comes the time for thinning. Leave up to two or four strong plants in each nest.
It is necessary to tie up stems that grow up to a meter, otherwise they may break under the weight of large fruits.
The Pervoklaska variety is planted up to three stems. Then the yield of the vegetable will increase several times.
To get tasty fruits, you need to feed the bushes on time:
- mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1:5;
- bird droppings – 1:15;
- mineral mixture - superphosphate (60 grams), ammonium nitrate (25 grams), potassium salt (15 grams);
- wood ash (200 grams per bucket of water).
Organic substances alternate with mineral ones, adding one liter of solution under each bush.
Plants should be fed at intervals of two to three weeks.
Water tomatoes moderately, reducing its frequency before flowering begins.
Sugar accumulates better in Pervoklaska tomatoes if they are not shaded by leaves during ripening. Ripe tomatoes should not be left on the bushes for a long time, otherwise they will quickly crack.
Causes of flowers falling
The growing season of a plant often leads to the flower ovaries falling off. Then there will be less fruit on the stems than normal. You can prevent the cause of flowers dropping if you know what not to do:
- leave all the shoots on the stems;
- apply a lot of nitrogen fertilizers;
- do not give plants time to drink and eat;
- leave bushes outdoors when the temperature drops sharply.
Prevent the falling of ovaries and flowers by spraying the plant with a preparation such as New Ideal, Ovary.
What vegetable growers say about the Pervoklaska tomato
Everyone, young and old, rejoices at early tomatoes. Those who planted pink Pervoklaska tomatoes give only positive feedback. After all, large-sized sugar fruits are always appreciated. They are suitable for summer salads and vegetable dishes. Cut into slices, they are used for canning in gelatin. Tomato juice made from juicy pulp is especially tasty.
The only disadvantage of varietal tomatoes is their weak resistance to disease. To prevent fungal diseases, seeds and soil are disinfected before planting.
One of the excellent early ripening varieties, Pervoklaska, is popular among gardeners because it is unpretentious in care and quickly forms tomatoes.