Domestic breeders have developed the Northern Express f1 tomato, which is adapted for cultivation in the northern regions. This is thanks to its early ripening period of 120 days. Tomato is ideally used in greenhouses to achieve high yields.
Characteristics of a hybrid tomato variety
The author of the Northern Express f1 variety was the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing and the Institute of General Genetics named after N.I. Vavilov. In 1992, the variety received approval for use in the Volga-Vyatka region.
Distinctive features of the variety:
- Good growth in low light.
- Undemanding to temperature.
During cultivation, the hybrid variety is resistant to cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic virus.
Description of the bush
Northern Express f1 plants are semi-spreading, semi-determinate. Their main features:
- The height of the main stem is up to 350 cm.
- Short distance between nodes.
- They branch weakly.
- There is little foliage cover.
Leaf characteristics:
- Smooth surface.
- Absence of stipules.
- The value is average.
- The color is light green with a glossy tint.
- Absence of stipules.
Features of the inflorescence:
- It has a simple structure.
- Has a weak crease or no crease at all.
- The formation of the first inflorescence occurs above the 6th–7th leaf.
- The next inflorescences are laid every 1–2 leaves.
Reviews of the Northern Express say that fresh fruits have good taste. And this despite their adaptability to growth in low light. Description of the fruit:
- The shape is round.
- The average fruit weight is 78–87 grams.
- The surface is smooth, with a glossy tint.
- At the base the fruit is smooth and has a slight depression.
- Smooth top.
- Coloring – red.
- Has 3–4 chambers.
- Doesn't crack.
There are 4–5 nests with fruits on a branch.
Maturation and results
The tomato plant Northern Express f1 is a hybrid that belongs to the early ripening varieties. Fruits in 120–127 days after germination. From a square meter of plants you can get up to 17 kilograms of fruit.
The indicated yield is achievable only if planting rules are observed and the cultivation regime is optimal for the variety.
Growing Tips
The hybrid variety express f1 is ideally suited for cultivation in northern latitudes, since domestic breeders have been working in this direction.More than 25 years have passed since the research.
Its sustainable development in low light and relatively low temperatures allows it to achieve high yields in rainy summers, which are typical for the northern part of the country. These same advantages of the variety make it possible to grow it early in unheated greenhouses. The fruits do not crack and are not prone to overripe. This allows summer residents to harvest them late, without damaging the harvest.
When growing, the following points should be taken into account:
- Seedlings are planted after 60–65 days.
- Place 3–4 plants per 1 square meter.
- Tomatoes need to be tied up.
- The garter is made on 1–2 stems.
In order for plants to grow successfully and produce healthy fruits, they require:
- Regular watering.
- Weeding from weeds, especially in open ground.
- Loosening the soil if it is a greenhouse.
- Feeding in the optimal amount.
If you follow these rules, the Northern Express f1 will show high yields. The variety can be grown on an industrial scale in the northern part of the country, as it was bred to grow in harsh climatic conditions.