Exotic Beauty King is a tomato variety bred in the USA. The tomato appears in Russian registers as the King of Beauty and attracts summer residents with its colorful appearance of fruits and long shelf life. The name of the variety reflects the consumer and taste properties of the fruit.
Features of culture
The tomato belongs to the category of mid-season variety; the period from germination to ripening is 110–118 days. Biological characteristics - a tomato bush of an indeterminate type (unlimited growth), tall, strong, reaches a height of 1.5–2 m. The brush develops above the 7–8 leaves, subsequently ovaries and fruits form on it.The following brushes are evenly distributed on the bush.
In the garden, the height of the bush is less, 1–1.2 m. The leaves are large, densely green, the tomatoes are initially light with dark streaks. Ripe fruits are round, flattened, orange in color with red stripes.
Advantages of the variety
The method of cultivating tomatoes depends on the climate of the area; they are grown in open soil or under cover. Characterized by the following properties:
- active fruit set;
- immunity to late blight;
- maintaining the presentation of tomatoes during transportation;
- suitability for preparation for future use.
The first tomato fruits are tasted in mid-July. Productivity of the variety is 5 kg per bush. The weight of a tomato is usually 200–320 g; with good agricultural technology, the fruit can reach 550 g. The tomato yield is stable, the variety will always help out the gardener. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, sweet, with slight acidity and a fruity note. Juicy, fleshy tomatoes with dense, aromatic, marbled flesh. They are consumed fresh, stored for the winter, and processed into juices, pastes, sauces, and purees.
The tomato bush productivity indicators shown on the seed packets were obtained experimentally under ideal conditions; this is a guideline to which we should strive.
By using innovative technologies and taking into account all the nuances of cultivation, it is possible to achieve the specified yield, but much depends on the specific conditions and experience of the gardener.
The productivity of tomatoes under film cover is higher than usual in the ground, the bushes are stronger and healthier.
Agrotechnics of cultivation
Tomato seeds of the King variety are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and soaked before sowing. Prepare a soil mixture of soil, humus, sand, and ash. Special soil for vegetable crops is sold.Sowing of seeds is carried out in advance, 55–60 days before the expected date of planting the tomato. Sowing depth 1–2 cm.
Important: excessively early sowing leads to overgrown seedlings, they are poorly transported, take a long time to take root, and are injured during planting.
The box with the seeds is placed under a film, creating a greenhouse effect. At the first shoots, the shelter is removed and the container is placed on a bright windowsill. Further maintenance of the Beauty King tomato seedlings is as follows:
- When true leaves appear, the variety is picked. It is advisable to simultaneously increase resistance against diseases by treating tomatoes with a growth stimulant, for example, Vympel.
- Growing sprouts are fed twice with a low concentration mineral complex.
- Before planting, the seedlings are hardened off near an open window for 10–12 days and taken out into the fresh air.
The garden bed is fertilized, dug up, and tomato seedlings are prepared. The tomato variety in question is planted sparsely, at the rate of four bushes per 1 m², and immediately tied up. Water the soil carefully at the root, avoiding the foliage getting wet with water.
Caring for bushes during the growing season
Tomato bushes are periodically pruned, thinned, and barren side shoots and wilted leaves are removed.
It is recommended to grow bushes of 2-3 stems. Loosening, hilling, timely weeding, and watering in the evening with water heated by the sun are required.
Regular application of organic fertilizers and nitroammophosphate is required. Fertilize rooted, strong tomato bushes 15 days after planting. The processes of flowering, formation of ovaries and fruits occur more efficiently with the positive influence of superphosphate.
Reviews from vegetable growers indicate that the variety grows better and bears fruit in the southern climate.The resistance of tomato against fungal diseases is confirmed; It is noted that the description of the variety King of Beauty, the characteristics of the fruit, is completely true.
If necessary, collect seeds of the variety you like; next season you will not have to buy questionable seed. Select the best tomatoes from the first two clusters of the bush and allow the fruits to ripen completely.
The gardener’s work will be rewarded not only with a tomato harvest, but also with the pleasure of growing an amazing tomato variety - the King of Beauty.