Recently, tomato experts have been increasingly interested in “bi-colors” - multi-colored tomatoes. A large number of exotic varieties were developed by the American breeder from California, Brad Gates, including such a tomato treasure as the “Amethyst Jewel” tomato.
Features of the variety
“Amethyst Jewel” is a universal tomato that is suitable for cultivation both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. Original title: Amethyst Jewel.
- This is a medium-growing indeterminate variety. The bushes are spreading, medium leafy.
The height of the bush rarely exceeds 1.5 meters, especially if it is grown in open ground conditions.
- The “Amethyst Jewel” variety is characterized by medium ripening periods; it begins to bear fruit approximately 110-115 days after germination, subject to greenhouse maintenance.
- High yield is one of the main advantages. The ovaries are formed well, without gaps. Dense clusters of 5-6 fruits are formed.
- Fruiting lasts until September; in a greenhouse it can last even longer.
The plant is very resistant to most diseases, but is quite capricious to weather conditions. It is difficult to tolerate sultry heat and severe cold. The optimal temperature for tomatoes to develop normally and bear fruit abundantly is +25 degrees.
In Russia, this tomato variety is recommended to be grown in greenhouses, and only in the middle zone - in open ground. The description of the variety confirms this.
Description of fruits
The shape is flat-round. The skin is dense and smooth, not prone to cracking.
The tomato has an unusual color: from the shoulders, the deep purple color is splashed with blue-violet flashes to the warm pink color of the top.
- The flesh is fleshy, with a small amount of seeds, and when fully ripe has a rich red color.
- The tomato has a pronounced, enveloping tomato taste with exotic fruity notes.
- The size of the fruit is small or medium, no more than 200 grams.
- Tomatoes store well and are resistant to transportation.
“Amethyst Jewel” tomatoes look very interesting and unusual in salads and after preservation. This variety is excellent for wide use in cooking.
Growing and care
Sowing of seeds is carried out 60-65 days before planting in the ground.The seeds have good and abundant germination, so when sowing in a common container, you will need to plant them in separate pots or freer containers.
The characteristics of the variety indicate that the stems of the sprouts are characterized by a bluish tint.
“Amethyst Jewel” does not tolerate temperature changes very well, so young shoots must be protected from drafts and overheating of the air. It is recommended to plant bushes at a density of 3-4 plants per square meter.
After planting in the ground, tomatoes will not require special care, except for timely watering, weeding, hilling and periodic feeding.
As it grows, the bush should be formed into 2-3 stems. The plant will also need staking and careful pinching. You can increase the immunity of a tomato plant by mulching the soil with wood chips, pine needles or sawdust.
An important role for the color of tomatoes of the variety "Amethyst Jewel“Sunlight plays a role: the more light that falls on the fruit, the darker its color will be. Therefore, if you grow "Amethyst Jewel" in the shade, the color of the tomatoes will not have such a rich purple color, but will be more pink.
This tomato treasure will amaze with its extraordinary color, surprise with its fertility and will not disappoint with its sweet taste.