Most vegetable growers in Russia allocate one or more beds for planting tomatoes. The healthy and tasty tomato is available for cultivation throughout almost the entire territory of the vast country. The Black Plum tomato has become one of the most unusual varieties in terms of the shape and color of the fruit. The originator of the plant was the domestic company “Ural Summer Resident”.
General information about tomato
The originator of the plant recommends it for cultivation in protected soil. Characteristics of the unusual Black Plum variety and description of the plant’s characteristics:
- Medium early, fruits are harvested after 90–100 days.
- Indeterminate.
- The height of the bush is up to 180 centimeters.
- The foliage is light green.
- Fruitful.
- Weak degree of susceptibility to late blight.
- Resistance to low temperatures.
- Long storage period with preservation of presentation.
- Unpretentious.
- Transportable.
- Stress-resistant.
- Resistance to a large number of diseases.
High resistance to temperature changes has made it possible to grow tomatoes in regions with cool summers. The plant is suitable for cultivation both in protected and open ground. Description and technical information about the fruits:
- Ovoid shape.
- Dark cherry color.
- Light weight, up to 70 grams.
- Very sweet taste.
- Juicy.
- Thin skin.
- Not prone to cracking.
- Dense.
- Smooth.
The original appearance of the fruit and good taste made the berry an excellent product for fresh consumption. The fruits of the Black Plum tomato are used as an ingredient in vegetable salads, decoration for holiday dishes, and whole-fruit canning.
Recommendations for cultivation
It is necessary to prepare seedlings a couple of months before planting. To obtain healthy seedlings you need:
- Prepare containers for seedlings and fill them with complex soil for the nightshade family.
- Sowing to a depth of one centimeter.
- Water plants.
- If there is insufficient lighting, install fluorescent lamps and provide 16 hours of daylight to the plants.
- Loosen.
IMPORTANT! Pick the tomato after two true leaves appear.
It is recommended to harden an unpretentious tomato 7–10 days before planting day. No more than three bushes are placed on 1 square meter of land. The originator advises following the 30 x 50 centimeter pattern. Care activities included:
- Loosening the soil.
- Watering as needed.
- Feed plants at least 4 times during the summer season.
- Weed removal.
- Tying.
Gardeners' opinion
Good day gardeners! For lovers of unusual and tasty tomatoes, I recommend trying the Black Plum variety. The plant is indeterminate and grows up to 180 centimeters. It is important to tie up the bushes, water and feed the tomato on time. The black, red-tinged fruits have a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. The tomato is suitable for greenhouse cultivation in regions with cool summers.
Anastasia Polikarpovna, 56 years old
Good day everyone! This summer I discovered the Black Plum tomato variety. The unpretentious indeterminate plant tolerated the cool and rainy summer of the North-Western region well. It is important to pick the plant in time and tie up the bush. The berries grew very sweet and juicy. This is ideal for table decoration. I recommend!
Ekaterina Varnava, 45 years old