Description of the tomato variety Your Honor, features of cultivation and care

Tomato Your Honor is a new variety of vegetable crop, which is famous for its large, tasty fruits. What does the plant look like and what conditions need to be created in order to reap a good harvest?


Plant height is 1.2–1.4 m. As a rule, plants in a greenhouse grow larger than those growing in a garden bed. The weight of fruits set on the first cluster can reach 1 kg.

The tomato is round, flattened at the top and bottom. The pulp is sugary and juicy. The color of the fruit is pink. The skin is smooth and dense. Thanks to this structure, the fruits do not crack. Fruiting occurs gradually. Productivity - 6 kg of fruits per plant.

The variety Your Nobility is intended for cultivation in open ground, film greenhouses and greenhouses. Tomatoes are best suited for making salads, tomato pastes and juices.

Features of cultivation and care

Despite the fact that the variety is large-fruited, it needs the same conditions as less productive subspecies of tomatoes. Seeds are sown for seedlings 50–60 days before transplanting to the garden bed. The glass-covered box is placed in a warm, illuminated place where the temperature is +23–+25C. After the sprouts sprout and get a little stronger, reduce the temperature by +3–+5 C.

tomato seeds Your Honor

In order for the characteristics of a variety to manifest themselves in practice, it is necessary not only to sow the seeds, but also to provide the plants with an acceptable environment for development. Crop care includes:

  • Watering. Since tomatoes are not water-bearing plants, there is no need for frequent watering. For normal growth, the bushes are watered once a week. In pursuit of a large harvest, it is impossible to increase the frequency of watering, since due to constant exposure to a humid environment, the bushes become infected with fungal diseases, some of which cannot be cured.
  • Dive. Since the optimal way to grow tomatoes is from seedlings, the bushes are replanted 2 times. Sprouts that have formed 2-3 true leaves are transplanted into separate containers, and into a permanent place - at the age of 5-6 leaves.

tomato bushes Your Honor

  • Garter. Unlike many medium-growing and tall-growing varieties, the stem of the Vash Noble tomato is powerful and strong. However, in order to protect the fruits of the Your Nobility variety from contact with the soil and provide them with the maximum amount of sunlight, pegs or trellises are installed near established plants.
  • Feeding. Fertilize tomatoes 2–3 times a month.Solutions based on organic matter and ash, calcium and ammonium nitrate, and complex mineral fertilizers are used as fertilizers. The best time to feed bushes is morning or evening.

As you can see, in order for the description to become reality, you don’t need to do anything supernatural.

appearance of a tomato Your Honor


Forum members agreed that the bushes corresponded to the description attached to the variety. The only difference is the weight of the fruit. In practice, it is difficult to grow fruits weighing 1 kg. Some gardeners did not like the skin of the fruit, which turned out to be a bit harsh.

Have you grown the variety Your Nobility? What impressions did you have from the tomatoes? Leave reviews so that gardeners weigh all the pros and cons and make the right decision.
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