Gardeners who want to get cherry tomatoes should pay attention to the Elf f1 tomato. The hybrid plant produces many fruits of excellent taste throughout the season, does not require special growing conditions and grows well both in a greenhouse and in the garden.
Description and characteristics of the variety
Elf f1 is an indeterminate mid-season variety obtained by crossing other types of tomatoes. A plant up to 2 m high forms many stepsons, so in order to reap a full harvest, the gardener must tie up and shoot the bushes in a timely manner.Otherwise, the plant will grow greatly and turn into an impassable lump.
The positive effect of garden manipulation is observed when a hybrid of 2–3 stems is formed.
Gardeners who don't have time pick tomatoes, tie the plant together with all existing shoots in the form of a sheaf.
Variety Elf f1 is resistant to the development of such terrible diseases for tomatoes as cladosporiosis and fusarium wilt.
When plum tomatoes reach ripeness, they turn a rich red color and acquire a sweetish taste. Thanks to the fleshy pulp and small number of seeds, the fruits are resistant to cracking and suitable for transportation. Tomato weight 15–25 g.
The hybrid's clusters, which are similar in shape to clusters, consist of 12–16 tomatoes of equal size. The drop-like fruits begin to crack and fly off after over-ripening. Tomatoes set throughout the summer. The first harvest of fruits of the hybrid variety occurs at the end of July.
Cherry Elf f1 is used for preparing salads, decorating appetizers and main courses. Small “droplets” are ideal for rolling into jars, since the strong skin and dense structure prevent the fruit from bursting even when exposed to high temperatures.
Features of cultivation and care
Taking into account that 90–95 days pass from the moment the sprouts appear to the start of active fruiting, the seeds are sown 60–65 days before planting the plants in a permanent place. Regardless of the place of cultivation, per 1 sq. m. of area, 2–3 bushes are planted.
Like most tomato varieties, the hybrid is demanding of sunlight and soil composition.In order for the bushes to bear many fruits and for them to all ripen, complex mineral and organic fertilizers are alternately applied to the plants. However, despite the demanding nature of the tomato, it is impossible to overfeed the plant with nitrogen, since this component promotes the growth of green mass, and the fruits become small or do not set at all.
Gardeners' opinions about the tall hybrid are mostly positive. Fans of small tomatoes who grew the plant in a greenhouse and open ground note the yield and excellent taste: the miniature cream is crispy and tasty.
There is an opinion among experienced gardeners that, thanks to the special microclimate, 1.5–2 times more trusses are formed on plants grown in greenhouses than on those grown in the open air.
Reviews of the Elf variety contain only one drawback: the hybrid plant forms too many stepsons that have to be removed. What are your impressions of the invention of the breeders?