Characteristics and description of the Favorite tomato variety

Among the variety of tomato varieties, it can be very difficult to choose just one that would fully meet all the gardener’s requirements. Tomato Favorita F1 is one of those varieties of nightshade crops that are distinguished by good yield and high taste of ripe vegetables. Those gardeners who grew this hybrid were completely satisfied with it.

Description of the variety Favorite

The plant is included in the State Register as a variety intended for cultivation in open ground, greenhouses and film shelters. The tomato variety Favorite belongs to the first generation hybrids.First of all, the tomato is intended for growing in greenhouse conditions and closed greenhouses. In the southern and central regions, the crop can be cultivated in open areas.

favorite tomato seeds

The main feature of the plant that distinguishes Favorit from all other varieties is its low ability to form lateral shoots on the bushes. Manufacturers of planting material claim that more than half of the stepsons are not capable of forming lateral shoots. Or if shoots do form, they are very weak.

In order to improve productivity, it is advisable to form the bush into one main stem. The plant is classified as interdeterminate; an adult plant can reach up to 1.6 meters in height. The ovaries begin to form above the 7th leaf. Subsequent inflorescences are formed every three leaves. Tomato brushes are small and compact. Up to 6 fetuses can form in one cyst.

Favorit tomato varieties are mid-season. The duration from sowing to harvesting the first harvest is from 110 to 120 days. The first harvest can be harvested in mid-August.

The main advantage of this hybrid is its resistance to many diseases. These are fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus, and cladosporiosis. The plant tolerates slight darkening well.

favorite tomato appearance

Characteristics of Favorit tomato fruits

The description of the variety will be incomplete without detailed characteristics of the tomato fruit. The main characteristic of the hybrid is large-fruited. The maximum weight of one ripe tomato can reach up to 350 grams. On average, the weight of vegetables is about 200 grams. Ripe fruits of a rich red hue. Unripe vegetables are dark green in color with a dark spot near the stalk. The skin is smooth, not ribbed, rather thin.There may be a small depression near the stalk. From one adult bush you can harvest from 5 to 7 kg of tomatoes. When planting 3-4 plants per 1 sq. m. yield can reach about 20 kg.

The main disadvantage of this hybrid is that vegetables do not retain their integrity well during transportation. They have a good presentation and are suitable for commercial trade.

The use of this variety of tomatoes in cooking is universal; vegetables can be eaten fresh or added to salads. They are also great for making tomato pastes, sauces, lecho and tomato juices. They are not suitable for whole salting because the skin is too thin.

salad with tomato

Advantages and disadvantages of tomatoes

Reviews from gardeners and gardeners who cultivated crops in their summer cottages were generally satisfied with the results obtained. But, like any other hybrid, the Favorite tomato has not only advantages, but also a number of disadvantages.

Description of advantages:

  • The fruits are quite large in size;
  • Stable harvest throughout the entire fruiting period;
  • Resistance to many “tomato” diseases;
  • Seedlings can be planted in the shade;
  • Universal use in cooking;
  • Good appearance of tomatoes, suitable for sale;
  • Pleasant taste of ripe tomatoes.

favorite tomato harvest

Description of disadvantages:

  • Tomatoes are not stored for a long time and are not suitable for long-term transportation;
  • Due to the very thin skin, the fruits cannot be preserved in their entirety;
  • The bushes need to be tied to a support.

Rules for growing and caring for tomato Favorite F1

Many gardeners believe that to get a rich harvest, it is enough to plant seedlings and periodically water the bushes. This opinion is completely wrong.Even if with minimal effort the harvest is stable, the quality of the fruit may not be as good. Some produce sweet fruits only when mineral and organic fertilizers are applied. The future harvest must be treated very carefully.

Features of growing and caring for the Favorit hybrid are no different from cultivating other varieties, and even cherry tomatoes.

Young seedlings are planted in the soil after the weather has become warm outside. In most regions, this is the last days of May, or the beginning of June. If you plant seedlings in bad weather, they will often get sick and also grow very slowly.

favorite tomatoes on the table

Particular attention must be paid to the soil. It is advisable to give preference to light loamy soil. It is recommended to plant tomatoes on the south side on elevations. In lowlands, bushes may grow poorly because they cannot tolerate stagnant water. Tomatoes also grow poorly in soils with high acidity.

Every year the place where seedlings are grown should be changed. This is necessary so that the earth has time to recover and be saturated with microelements.

It is not advisable to choose for planting areas where potatoes, eggplants or bell peppers previously grew. Firstly, all these crops feed on the same substances. And secondly, tomatoes can become infected with late blight from these vegetables.
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