Hybrids of American selection are not only of better quality, but are also suitable for cultivation on an industrial scale. For those who want to produce tomato products, the Heinz 2206 tomato and its brothers are suitable, which are easy to grow in large quantities.
Ultra early hybrid from Heinz seed
Among the Heinz tomato seeds, 2206 F1 is distinguished, which bears fruit 85 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Already in June you can enjoy the first tomatoes, which are located on powerful bushes.
The variety is distinguished by:
- high productivity;
- excellent taste of medium-sized red fruits;
- resistance to diseases such as fusarium and verticillium;
- plant adaptation to temperature changes, drought;
- versatility in using tomatoes.
Determinate tomatoes Suitable for growing both in open and closed ground.
Features of mid-early tomatoes
Heinz 3402 tomatoes are very popular among vegetable growers, their popularity throughout the world is growing year by year. During mass production of vegetables, up to 120 tons are harvested per hectare. The ripening period of a tomato reaches 110 days after germination. The description of the tomato indicates the high quality of the fruit.
They are shaped like a plum and, when fully ripe, have a deep red color without any green spots. Juicy tomatoes weigh about ninety grams. They are used to prepare tomato pastes, ketchups, sauces, and juices. The advantages of the vegetable product include:
- high quality fruits;
- the highest level of tomato color and structure;
- resistance to adverse environmental conditions;
- ease of care;
- excellent keeping quality, transportability;
- Excellent fruit set even at high temperatures.
Heinz 3402 F1 is considered the number 1 hybrid in the world.
Rules for preparing tomato paste
You can prepare delicious natural tomato paste at home. It will have a pleasant taste, you can add herbs to it as you wish. Prepare the pasta by simmering the tomatoes over low heat for some time. After cooling, the mass is rubbed through a sieve.
After the procedure, place a saucepan with tomato puree on low heat, boiling until the mass thickens. Then add salt and sugar to taste.Jars of tomato paste must be pasteurized and sealed.
Early hybrid 1015
In addition to tomatoes 3402 F1, there are plants that bear fruit 95 days after the first shoots. Determinant is distinguished by a powerful bush of medium growth vigor. Red cube-shaped fruits form on the clusters. Their weight reaches up to one hundred grams under favorable conditions. Like all hybrids, the plant is not susceptible to fungal diseases, bacteriosis, or attacks by pests - nematodes. If you grow tomatoes in industrial sizes, they can be easily harvested mechanically.
Harvesting tomatoes using combines
Since variety 3402 F1 is ideally created for growing tomatoes for subsequent processing, it is planted in large areas. In this case, it is better to harvest using a combine. Then the agricultural methods will be slightly different.
They plan to plant vegetable crops taking into account the turning lanes for the car. The distance between the rows is more than 120 centimeters. Harvesting with tomato harvesters results in some damage to the fruit. But the 3402 F1 hybrid is not afraid of this. The skin of the fruit is strong and does not crack. And the characteristics of tomatoes are such that tomatoes can be stored for fourteen to twenty days without spoiling.
Heinz tomatoes are suitable for preparing canned products because they ripen ninety percent at the same time. It is not without reason that they are recommended for growing on large farms.
To mechanize the tomato harvesting process, combine harvesters are used, both self-propelled and trailed. The technique will help not only separate fruits from stems, but also sort green fruits from red ones and remove rotten tomatoes.
It is Heinz hybrid varieties that are suitable for those for whom growing tomatoes has become a business.But summer residents will also appreciate them when planting vegetable plants on their plots.