Early ripening and excellent taste of the berries are the hallmark of the Saniya cherry variety. Many gardeners successfully grow crops, making sure that the choice is correct - the tree never fails, sensitively responding to the care of its owners. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to carefully familiarize yourself with agricultural technology, care rules, and find out what enemies threaten the plant.
Sania is one of the early fruiting cherries. Fruiting begins at the end of June. A distinctive feature of the variety is good frost resistance; the plant can easily tolerate frosts. The description of the variety can be extended by the period of fruiting.After planting, the first berries appear after 3-5 years. Residents of the southern regions will expect fruiting much earlier - 2 years after planting. The crop is self-pollinating—there is no need to plant other varieties nearby.
Characteristics of the tree and fruits
The tree of the variety is not tall, the maximum height is up to 3 m. The crown is compact, round in shape. The bark of a young plant is greyish, but as it matures it becomes darker.
New shoots appear every year, so you will have to do pruning. Often growth appears, which is recommended to be removed.
The fruits are burgundy, weighing up to 4 g. The taste is sweet, sourness is felt only in unripe berries. It is easy to separate the stone.
Landing rules
Basic requirements for planting Sania cherries:
- illuminated place;
- lack of wind, drafts;
- deep groundwater;
- soil with low acidity.
When planting, be sure to put a drainage layer (expanded clay, ceramics, broken brick). When planting, add organic matter and mineral compounds. Supplement poor soils with humus and compost.
Sania is quite undemanding in terms of care. You will have to follow the rules of watering, watch for the appearance of pests and diseases. Pruning is another mandatory point of agricultural technology that will have to be strictly observed.
Do not spoil the tree with watering; add water as needed only in hot summer. Pay special attention to humidity before flowering, during the formation of the ovary. One adult plant requires up to 25 liters of liquid, pre-infused in the sun.
Top dressing
On poor soils, you will have to regularly pamper the plant with nutritional compounds. For cherries, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers.If the soil composition is not too depleted, organic matter will help. A mulching layer of rotted manure and compost, laid in the fall, will saturate the soil with nutrients and protect it from frost.
Start pruning the next year after planting a young tree. Usually part of the main trunk is removed. In the second year after planting, shorten old shoots, allowing young branches to develop. After the fourth year, only old branches affected by diseases or damaged by wind or severe frosts are removed.
Pests and diseases
Sania quite often suffers from fungal diseases. Coccomycosis is provoked by improper watering - excessive application of liquid. Use copper sulfate or copper-based preparations. Irrigate the leaves before the formation of the ovary or after harvesting.
In case of moniliosis (twisting and drying of leaves and fruits), it is recommended to carry out radical pruning - remove all affected branches. After removing the shoots, irrigate with Horus or Fundazol. It will take 3 treatments, one week apart.
Pests rarely settle on cherries. Chemicals will help completely eliminate damage to the tree by insects - preventive treatment with insecticides can protect the plant. Folk remedies will also be useful - regular spraying with infusion of ash will make cherries unattractive to pests.
Sania cherry is a tree that does not require much attention. By following simple rules that are familiar to every gardener (watering, fertilizing, pruning), you will be able to grow a large tree that annually produces sweet, juicy fruits.