Garden plants do not tolerate cold and low temperatures well. This does not apply to the Shchedraya cherry tree: the bush can withstand frost down to -45 ºС, while the species is productive and tasty. Trees live for a long time - 30 years or more. During this time, with proper care, many ripe, sun-drenched berries are harvested.
Description of the variety
The name for the frost-resistant, hardy hybrid was not chosen by chance: cherries are truly generous, giving owners a lot of tasty fruits rich in vitamins and microelements. Despite such brilliant results, we obtained the variety after unexpected pollination by other brands of seedlings of the Ideal species. Next, the breeders identified and consolidated the characteristics, and developed a new variety for cultivation in the extreme conditions of Siberia and the Urals.
The description of the variety should be supplemented with a couple of details: the trees grow short - up to 1.5-2 meters, with branches widely spread to the side, like steppe cherries. The berries are medium-sized, rich dark red in color, with delicate pulp and a delicate sweet and sour taste.
Cherry appearance
Outwardly, Shchedraya does not stand out in any way: its advantages are hidden in frost resistance and endurance. An ordinary tree with a spreading crown strewn with small cherry-colored berries.
The trees of this variety will not be tall, so some are suitable for cultivation in the private sector and in summer cottages. The orientation of the shoots is vertical, the buds have a characteristic sharp shape and are small. The leaves are bright green, rounded, with small teeth along the contour. 3-4 buds grow in one inflorescence, the petals are white, freely placed.
The cherries are small, round, dark wine color, weighing up to 5 grams. When ripe, they do not crack and retain their shape. The pulp is juicy, sweet, without cloying, slightly sour. The pit easily lags behind the core. The tail is long, not thick. One berry contains:
- acids – about 1.5%;
- sugar – up to 7%;
- dry components – 12.2%.
100 grams of cherries contain up to 13 milligrams of ascorbic acid, a lot (318 milligrams) of vitamin P. The fruits are resistant to shedding.
Features of cultivation
Gardeners unanimously came to the conclusion that it is best to plant Generous in the spring. The variety is striking in its unpretentiousness and tolerance to soil composition.
It is recommended to select a bright, well-lit place on a small hill and with light, drainable soil as a growing site.
Drafts will damage cherries - you need to protect the tree from the wind. In the fall, they dig up the future planting site and fertilize it. A mixture of manure and water or mineral compositions are suitable. Form a hole up to half a meter deep, filling it with a soil mixture: soil, compost and superphosphate (30 grams). You can add wood ash. After planting the seedling, the soil is lightly compacted and a cushion is created around the perimeter - it will be useful for watering.
The young cherry is watered immediately after planting with 3-4 buckets of water, and the soil is covered with a layer of mulch. This is what caring for a plant in the first years of its life consists of: watering, loosening and getting rid of weeds. In the fall, carefully dig up the root zone (10 centimeters, no more). The first fertilizing is applied in the 3rd year: complexes containing nitrogen (urea, nitrate) are suitable. After the tree begins to bear fruit, it requires increased “nutrition”; you can gradually increase the dose of fertilizer. Liming is used (once every 5 years), fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium (in the fall, during digging).
Characteristics of the variety
The variety is valued for its hardiness: the ability to tolerate dry weather, low susceptibility to severe frosts and self-pollination. A real gift for a gardener - experienced or beginner. All that remains is to add to this good yield and excellent taste.
Drought resistance
Generous loves water, but prefers to do without excess moisture. Therefore, it tolerates periods of drought well, being a direct descendant of an unpretentious steppe plant.
Winter hardiness
Incredible, but true: the tree will not suffer even in Siberian conditions, at ambient temperatures down to -45 ºС. It can only be damaged by wind and icing of the branches, which can cause the shoots to break.
This variety is self-pollinating - there is no need to worry about the formation of ovaries and planting additional plants. Gardeners advise placing cherry trees of the species Polevka, Standard Ural, Subbotinskaya next to the tree - this will increase the yield.
Disease resistance
The species demonstrates high resistance to pathogens of common garden diseases, but is sometimes susceptible to moniliosis and coccocomycosis. If preventive measures are taken, the plant copes with diseases, maintaining a healthy appearance and productivity.
Diseases and pests
After seasonal precipitation, unwanted “guests” appear on the tree - fungal diseases in the form of gray moss (moniliosis), reddish spots on the foliage (coccomycosis). It is impossible to avoid damage; you should carefully monitor the condition of the plant, spray it with an aqueous solution of copper oxychloride, remove damaged fruits, leaves and branches. Among the pests that can settle on Shchedra are aphids and the slimy cherry sawfly.
To avoid the spread of infection in the fall, carefully loosen the soil around the plant, burn leaves and fallen branches, and treat them with chemicals.