Characteristics and description of Dobraya cherry variety, advantages and disadvantages

The original variety, distinguished by its special taste, was obtained by crossing a cultivated plant with bird cherry. The result was the Dobraya cherry variety - winter-hardy, hardy and productive. The small size of the berries is compensated by their taste - for wine, juice, jam, you can’t think of a better one.


Cherry is distinguished by qualities that are in demand in the harsh climate of Siberia and the Urals: it tolerates frost and pleases owners with abundant harvests of small but tasty fruits. The variety inherited a slight bitterness from bird cherry, but acquired extraordinary endurance and vitality.

When describing a variety in gardening reference books, breeders advise testing it where other species do not take root well: Dobraya will definitely begin to grow and bear fruit.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The benefits are briefly described by the following criteria:

  1. Frost-resistant.
  2. Hardy.
  3. Harvest.
  4. Delicious.
  5. Universal use (for home preparation, winemaking).

good cherry

There are also disadvantages. The berries are small, bitter-tart, and ripen late (fully ripen in September).

Characteristics of the tree and fruits

Outwardly, Dobraya resembles a bird cherry: the same low-growing bushes, generously strewn with frequently spaced inflorescences. The color of the berries is dark, almost black; they are round in shape, small (up to one and a half grams), aromatic and slightly bitter.

The tree, during flowering or fruiting, will decorate the garden plot. The cherry is surprisingly harmoniously developed for its size, with a slender straight stem and vertically oriented shoots.

good cherry

Features of planting and care

The kind one does not require excessive care: it only needs watering and regular feeding. It can grow in 2 varieties: standard and bush. In winter it does without shelter and calmly tolerates severe frost.

For planting, choose non-waterlogged, well-ventilated (possibly on a hill) places, with light and drainable soil.

Southern slopes are not suitable; western, northwestern and southwestern directions are preferable. The acidity of soil mixtures (loams are best) is within 6.5-7 pH. Clay soils are not recommended; liming is carried out a year before planting seedlings.

good cherry

Another important rule: in harsh growing conditions, the Good one needs to be “pampered” - prepare the soil for it more thoroughly and fertilize it more abundantly.Poor soils are fed with minerals - phosphorus and potassium, and organic matter (humus) is added. Compost is also suitable. Irrigation should be abandoned altogether if the soil is sufficiently supplied with moisture through aquifers.

Cherries tolerate drought better than overwatering. It is easy to determine a place for planting in the garden by the presence of cherry-friendly neighbors: where bird cherry, oak or maple, rowan, and beans grow, Dobraya will also take root.
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