The Ercol tomato is a hybrid; the compact plant attracts with its uniform fruit ripening and resistance to diseases.
Features of the variety
Description of Ercol f1 tomatoes will make it possible to easily grow them on the plot, without worrying about the harvest, simply taking into account all the necessary requirements.
- Bush: determinate.
- Height: 55–70 cm.
- Inflorescence: intermediate.
- Ripening time: 100–110 days.
- Type: cylindrical.
- Weight: 110–130 g.
- Color: red.
- Taste: excellent.
- Density: high.
- Number of cameras: 2–3 pcs.
- Transportability: high.
- Shelf life: 1.5–2 months.
Planting and care
Seeds for seedlings are planted 2 months before the intended planting in the ground. At the phase of appearance of 2 true leaves, a dive is performed. In order to reduce the level of stress, when transplanting to a permanent place, the seedlings are hardened off. This is done as follows: it is taken outside for 20 minutes. Gradually, over 1–2 weeks, this time is increased to 8 hours or more.
Formation in 2 stems is recommended.
After transplanting to a permanent place, you should feed the plant at least 2 times per season. Weeding, loosening and watering are no different. At 1 m2 6–7 plants are planted.
The tomato is suitable for growing in open ground, greenhouses and under film cover.
Disease susceptibility
As the characteristics of the Ercole tomato show, they are immune to most diseases. This:
- Cladosporiosis.
- Powdery mildew.
- Fusarium wilt.
- Verticillium wilt
- Fusarium root rot.
- Tobacco mosaic
- Nematode.
- Stemphylium.
Number of fruits and their use
With proper agricultural technology, tomatoes of the Ercol variety produce a good harvest. The fruits ripen almost simultaneously. From 1 plant you can harvest 1.5–2 kg of tomatoes.
The use of tomatoes is universal. Very good for fresh salads and festive table decorations. Suitable for winter preparations in any form, whole fruit or processed.
One of the varieties of tomatoes from which you can remove the skin can be used for harvesting in this form.
Positive and negative characteristics of the variety
The distinguished qualities, ranked as positive and negative, help the summer resident better navigate when choosing a variety.
- Suitable for long-term transportation of fruits, while maintaining their presentation.
- Disease resistant
- Suitable for mechanical cleaning.
- The fruits are universal.
- Adapts to any weather conditions.
- Productivity.
- Self-collected seeds do not retain the parental genes.
Opinions of summer residents regarding the Ercol f1 variety
Additional information that is not in the description can be obtained by reading reviews. It is here that gardeners share their experiences and talk about the characteristics of the variety.
- Nadia. The first experience turned out to be successful. The tomatoes grew to everyone's surprise. The harvest was amazing. Formed into one stem. Tomatoes were used for canning solely because of their “convenient” shape.
"Erkol", like all hybrid varieties, is very hardy. Thanks to this quality, it is chosen by many summer residents as one of the main varieties for cultivation.