The Bere group pear has many varieties that are united by the unusual taste of fruits that melt in your mouth. Many breeders from different countries worked on the creation of varieties. The plants are tricky to care for and grow, but the resulting harvest of delicious fruit is worth the effort. From year to year, gardeners continue to plant them on their plots, thanks to which Bere’s popularity has not fallen for many years.
- Description and characteristics of the pear
- Varieties
- Giffard
- Klerzho
- Russian
- Kyiv
- Winter Michurina
- Ardanpont
- Luke
- Piano
- Bosc
- Williams
- Features of cultivation
- Deadlines
- Technology and agricultural technology
- What is the best thing to grow from?
- Distances between trees
- Plant care rules
- Watering
- Fertilizer
- Wintering
- Rejuvenation
- Diseases and pests
- Which regions is the variety more adapted to?
Description and characteristics of the pear
Pear Bere has been known for more than 150 years. Most varieties of the variety were obtained in France and are rightfully considered classics, having spread throughout the world. The trees of this group are distinguished by their tall growth and highly pyramidal asymmetrical crown. Bere's branches are thick and gray in color. Plants are not afraid of returning spring frosts, since they bloom late.
The Bere group includes summer, winter and autumn varieties of pears, which have some similarities in taste, but differ in the characteristics of growing, storing and using the harvested crop.
It is considered one of the oldest species of the Bere family. The variety was bred in 1810. The tree is small in height and undemanding to soil composition. With age, pear growth slows down, but winter hardiness increases. It is resistant to scab, but is prone to fruit rot. It is used by breeders to obtain modern hybrids and varieties.
The variety is named after its French originator. Fruiting occurs 4 years after planting the seedling. Frost resistance is good. The fruits are prone to shedding, so it is important not to overexpose the crop on the branches. Ripe pears retain their quality for about 1 month and are suitable for transportation. Resistance to scab is high and is affected by the codling moth.
This variety of Bere was bred by employees of the Rossoshansk fruit and berry station. Pear exhibits increased frost resistance and is characterized by stable and high yield. The skin of the fruit is dense, making it suitable for transportation and long-term storage. The taste is excellent.Resistance to diseases is high.
The variety was bred in Ukraine; fruiting occurs 4 years after planting the seedling. Pear yield increases with age. The tree is frost-resistant and drought-resistant, and exhibits high resistance to major types of diseases. The harvest retains its quality for up to 3 months.
Winter Michurina
Self-fertile pear obtained in Russia. Winter hardiness is average, resistance to scab is low. The tree begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting the seedling. The harvest can be consumed fresh or used for all types of processing.
The winter pear of this variety was obtained in Belgium and received its name in honor of the originator. It is the latest and most capricious species. It is distinguished by very high frost resistance, productivity and long shelf life of fruits. Yields vary depending on the growing region. Pears retain their quality when stored for 4 months.
The tree of this variety develops and grows quickly, and begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. It is characterized by increased resistance to diseases, minimal requirements for growing conditions and care. Fruiting is regular and abundant. The pear exhibits increased resistance to scab, the crop does not fall off the tree for a long time, after harvesting it retains its quality for 3 months, and tolerates transportation well over long distances. Used for growing on an industrial scale.
A distinctive feature of this variety are large fruits that can retain their quality until the end of March. The tree has poor frost resistance and is therefore suitable for growing only in warm climates. Resistance to scab is low. The taste of pears is excellent.
The variety has been cultivated for 3 centuries, and was bred by French breeders. The tree is tall, the crown shape is pyramidal. The fruits are large, bottle-shaped, covered with yellow skin. Pear tastes like almonds.
The summer pear actively grows and develops up to 10-12 years, after which these processes slow down. The tree is medium-sized with an asymmetrical crown. Fruiting is abundant, the weight of one fruit is about 170 g. The skin is thin, beautiful, glossy. The fruits have a strong classic aroma.
Features of cultivation
Pears of the Bere family have some features in growing and planting that gardeners must take into account.
The planting time for Bere pears is April. During this period, the buds have not yet swelled, and the tree takes root well. You can plan the work for October, when the leaf fall season has passed. The tree does not tolerate transplantation well, so you need to choose a place for it accurately and without mistakes.
Technology and agricultural technology
Bere should be planted in a well-lit area, protected from wind and drafts. It is preferable to choose soil with a neutral acidity level. Pears do not like areas close to the groundwater level or wetlands. In a damp place, ensure good drainage or build a small mound.
The root system is buried to an average depth so that when the soil is planted, it does not become bare.
What is the best thing to grow from?
For planting, it is preferable to use annual Bere seedlings. Older trees do not tolerate transplantation well and do not take root well. Under no circumstances should you buy or plant plants with exposed and dried out root systems.
Distances between trees
A gap of 3-4 meters is left between neighboring trees. The distance between rows should be a little larger, about 4-5 meters.
Plant care rules
Proper care is not only the key to a good harvest, but also helps to keep the tree healthy.
Watering pears of the Bere variety is carried out from a hose into the circle around the trunk. In one season, 4-5 irrigations are carried out, as a result of which up to 30 liters of water are poured per square meter of area.
The pear should be fed depending on the rate of its growth and development. In young plants, shoots produce 40 cm of growth per year, and in adults - 2 times less. If these indicators are less, then it is necessary to apply fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out 2 years after planting the seedling.
At the same time, Bere needs minerals annually, but it is recommended to add organic matter to the site once every 3 years.
Most varieties of Bere pears are not particularly frost-resistant, so they must be carefully prepared for winter. The trunk is insulated with paper or straw. Such measures are considered sufficient to protect against frost and gusts of cold wind.
After the pear reaches 15 years of age, rejuvenation is required. Initially, shoots that are at an acute angle to the trunk are removed, and then they begin to thin out those that are located parallel to it. Unnecessarily, anti-aging pruning is not carried out. If it is necessary to rejuvenate the tree, then the work is spread out over 2-3 years to make injuries easier to bear.
Diseases and pests
Bere pear is highly resistant to common diseases and pests, but preventive treatments will not be superfluous.For these purposes, fungicides are used, as well as folk remedies in the form of herbal decoctions.
Which regions is the variety more adapted to?
It is known that most varieties of Bere were bred and zoned far abroad, in particular in France. However, some varieties have adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia, namely the following regions:
- Krasnodar region;
- Foothills;
- North Ossetia;
- Dagestan;
- Chechen Republic;
- Stavropol;
- Crimea;
- Ingush Republic, etc.
Bere pears are also grown in neighboring countries with suitable climatic conditions.