Description and characteristics of the Red-sided pear variety, cultivation and care

The Red-sided pear variety is considered one of the most successful breeding achievements. The crop was bred for cultivation in regions of risky agriculture. This plant is highly resistant to low temperatures. At the same time, it is characterized by excellent productivity. In order for a crop to develop normally, it needs to be watered, fertilized, and pruned in a timely manner.

Description and characteristics of the Krasnobokaya variety

This culture was obtained in the early nineties of the 20th century.The basis of the plant was the Zheltoplodnaya and Tenderness varieties. The culture spread widely in various regions. Trees of this variety reach a height of 4 meters. They are characterized by thick and straight shoots and large, wide leaves of a light green color.

The average fruit weight is 130-150 grams. They have a typical pear shape and are covered with a delicate skin. Inside there is tender and juicy white pulp. It is characterized by a pleasant aroma.

The fruits have a sweet and sour taste and slight tartness. On the tasting scale they received 4.5 points out of 5.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages
high frost resistance parameters;
high productivity;
long storage period;
undemanding to soil composition and climate;
ease of crop care;
resistance to scab and other pathologies.
fine-grained fruits;
the presence of a tart aftertaste;
shedding of ripe fruits from the tree.

How to grow crops correctly

To achieve success in growing a plant, it is recommended to carry out planting work correctly.

Selection of seedlings

Plants 1-2 years old are suitable for planting. The height of the tree should reach 1 meter. There should be many buds at the top of the trunk. Two-year-old seedlings should have 2-3 side branches with buds. It is important that the roots have at least 3 shoots and many branches.

Place in the garden

A windless place suits the plant. The tree requires a lot of sunlight. Therefore, it should not be planted near buildings. Pears are most suitable for chernozem, sandy loam soil or loamy soil.

ripe pear

Pit preparation

It is recommended to prepare the hole in the fall - 10-14 days before planting.To do this, it is worth adding a top layer of soil mixed with organic fertilizers, river sand and superphosphate to the soil.

Planting a seedling

Before planting, the roots need to be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate with a concentration of 3%. Then it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Make a hill of soil in the central part of the recess.
  2. Place the seedling and place the root collar 6 centimeters above the ground surface.
  3. Spread the roots and sprinkle them with soil. It is recommended to ensure that there are no voids.
  4. Tie the plant to a support.
  5. Water the tree. He will need 20 liters of water.

Pear care

In order for the plant to develop normally, it requires high-quality care. At the same time, it must be comprehensive.


Red-sided pear requires annual pruning. The spring procedure should be performed immediately after the snow melts. In this case, you should remove excess branches and restore air access to the wood.

Autumn pruning should be done after harvesting. At the same time, dry, damaged and diseased branches are removed.


Pear is considered undemanding to watering. During the season, the soil should be moistened a maximum of 4 times. However, this mode is used when there is sufficient precipitation. In dry weather, weekly watering is required. In this case, it is recommended to mulch the tree trunk circle with peat or humus. This will help avoid the appearance of a dry crust on the surface.


Trees should be fertilized periodically. For young plants that have not reached 3 years old, fertilizing applied during planting is sufficient. From 3 years of age, nutrients must be added annually. In autumn it is worth using organic products. Rotted manure is used for this.Also in the warm season, liquid mineral fertilizers are applied. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of urea per 10 liters of water.

a lot of pears

Preparing for winter

In autumn, it is necessary to clear the area of ​​fallen leaves and fruits. Then apply organic fertilizers and dig up the area. The tree trunk and lower branches should be treated with lime solution. To do this, you need to mix 1 kilogram of quicklime, 150 grams of copper sulfate, 500 grams of dry clay.

Methods of protection against diseases and pests

The Red-sided Pear is characterized by strong immunity. The plant is resistant to cytosporosis, scab, and downy mildew. The plant is also resistant to gall mites, leaf rollers, copperhead and codling moth. However, experts advise not to lose vigilance and periodically process the plantings. For this, it is recommended to use Bordeaux mixture. It should be used in the spring.


The red-sided pear begins to bear fruit 5-7 years after planting. From 1 tree it is possible to obtain 80-100 kilograms of fruit. It is worth starting to harvest at the end of September. It is better to harvest the fruits slightly unripe. As they ripen, they crumble, which leads to severe mechanical damage. Premature harvesting does not affect the taste of the fruit.

It is recommended to keep pears in wooden boxes with holes. The harvest can be stored in basements. In this case, the air temperature should be 0...+4 degrees, and humidity levels should be 85-90%. Shelf life is 1-3 months. The exact duration depends on the weather.

The red-sided pear has high yield parameters and excellent resistance to frost. In order for the plant to develop normally, it is necessary to carry out planting work correctly and provide the tree with proper care.It must be comprehensive.
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