Description of the pear variety Naryadnaya Efimova and cultivation features

The pear variety Naryadnaya Efimova produces fruits of extraordinary beauty. These fruits are like plastic props - perfect, without a single flaw. However, no tricks are needed to grow them. It's just that sort of thing. Fruits do not spoil for a long time, they are not affected by insects and diseases. Elegant Efimova is the most environmentally friendly variety of very tasty and beautiful pears.

History of selection and region of breeding

Elegant Efimova is a new variety that appeared in the thirties of the last century. Its discoverer is breeder V. A. Efimov. This fruit was made thanks to Clapp's Favorite and Tonkovetka. The harvest can be harvested in early autumn. This feature is important for the Central region of Russia, for which this variety was invented. The fruits have taken root well in Moldova, Ukraine, as well as in Kazakhstan and Estonia. They are in no way inferior in taste to everyone’s favorite Festive pears.

Description and characteristics of the Elegant Efimova pear

The fruits of this variety have a sweet taste and remain marketable for a long time. True, his early pregnancy rate is average. The elegant Efimova bears fruit in the seventh year. After which it produces a good harvest every year (40 kilograms per tree).


The elegant Efimova grows up to five meters in height. The crown density is average. It grows very quickly. The main branches extend from the trunk at an angle of thirty degrees. The bark is smooth and gray. The shoots are straight and brown. The leaves are large, oblong, with jagged edges. The color is green, with a smooth, glossy surface and clearly visible yellowish veins.

elegant pear Efimova

The flowers are small, white, fragrant. The flower petals are oval in shape. The lower flowers bloom first, and later the upper ones. Non-simultaneous flowering helps the tree survive sudden spring frosts and produce a good harvest. Some flowers survive after zero temperatures.


Medium-sized fruits can weigh 100, and sometimes 140-175 grams. They have an elongated pear-shaped shape. The skin of the fruit is smooth, with noticeable subcutaneous dots.

The fruits are initially green, but as they ripen they turn yellow and are covered with a purple color on top.

At the moment of full ripeness, the color of the fruit is 95 percent burgundy. The calyx does not fall off; red dots are visible near it on the yellowish-green skin. Inside are large dark brown seeds.

elegant pear Efimova

The pulp of the fruit is creamy in color. It is semi-buttery and dense, but at the same time tender and juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, but a little tart.

Pros and cons of the variety

The variety has its strengths and weaknesses. It is advisable to grow pears for sale. They retain an attractive presentation for a long time. In addition, they have excellent taste characteristics.


  • winter hardiness;
  • high productivity;
  • stable fruiting.


  • begins to bear fruit too late;
  • It is difficult to determine the moment when to pick the fruits.

elegant pear Efimova

Features of planting work

Like all pears, Elegant Efimova loves light and warmth. It is better to plant trees on the south side of the site, in clearings sheltered from the wind.

Selecting a location

Dressy Efimova loves a lot of sunlight. It is not advisable to plant it in the shade of other trees. It will not be able to fully develop, and the fruits will be sour and tasteless. If the groundwater level is too high, you need to drain the soil before planting. It is better to plant the tree on a small hill. Too flooded soil leads to the death of the tree.

The tree takes root well in poor soil. It is preferable to plant pears on black soil. Loamy and sandy soil is suitable for planting. True, you will need to apply fertilizer under the roots. The acidity of the soil should be average.

planting a pear

Boarding time

Elegant Efimova can be planted in spring or autumn. Spring planting is preferable for cold regions.When the temperature outside is stable above zero, and the buds on other trees have not yet bloomed, the pear can be planted in the ground. In countries with warm climates, Naryadnaya Efimova is planted in the fall. Usually - 14 days before the onset of frost.

Selection of seedlings

It is better to buy seedlings in nurseries, along with a certificate. The age of the planting plant is 1 or 2 years. Young trees should have a well-developed root system.

The graft should be visible 10 centimeters from the root collar of a healthy varietal seedling.

Trees that are too large do not take root well. It is better to take seedlings up to 1.5 meters in height, which are in the package. Subsequently, the tree can be planted in open ground along with a lump of earth. In this case, the roots will not be injured.

pear seedlings

Correct fit

Before planting, you need to make a pit 14 days before planting. Size - 1 meter wide and 75 centimeters deep. The soil must have time to settle. Before planting, the roots of the tree are immersed in water with the addition of a fertilizer such as potassium humate (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of liquid).

You need to prepare the soil with which the roots will be sprinkled. To it you need to add 1 bucket of humus, half a kilogram of ash or 100 grams of potassium sulfide, 100 grams of superphosphate. If the soil is acidic, add half a kilogram of lime to it. Before planting, sandy soil is fertilized with 2 buckets of humus and 10 kilograms of clay.

How planting occurs: fertilized soil is poured into the bottom of the hole, the tree is lowered from above and covered with soil up to the root collar. After planting, pour 2 buckets of water under the roots.

planting a pear

The yield of this variety depends on the correct planting not only of Naryadnaya Efimova herself, but also on the trees that will be nearby.The following types of pears should be planted in one area: Marble, Lyubimitsa Yakovleva, Bessemyanka.

Features of plant care

Elegant Efimova requires care. If you take care of the tree, trim off unnecessary branches in time, water in dry weather, it will give a good harvest.

Watering and loosening

In dry weather, the tree needs additional watering. The number of waterings per week is 3 times. If the weather is normal, Naryadnaya Efimova can be topped up once every 7 days. The soil should not be allowed to dry out at the time of flowering and bud opening. It is during this period that the formation of ovaries occurs. Lack of water can subsequently affect crop yields.

watering the apple tree

The soil near the tree needs to be loosened. The soil should not be too dense. The soil can be made more loose by adding a bucket of sand and humus to it. To prevent moisture loss, the soil is mulched with finely chopped hay or straw.

Top dressing

After planting in well-fertilized soil, the pear needs additional feeding only in the third year. In spring, the tree requires nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate is added to the soil (2 tablespoons of fertilizer are diluted in 10 liters of water). During the period of flowering and fruit formation, superphosphate is given in the same amount.

If the leaves turn yellow too quickly in summer, it means the tree does not have enough magnesium. In September, the soil needs to be fertilized with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers (one tablespoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of liquid). In spring and before frosts, trees are fertilized with humus. A bucket of dissolved mullein is poured under the roots.

a bucket of dissolved mullein.


The tree grows quickly, its branches form a dense crown, so it must be pruned annually. You need to cut the shoots at the very base, without leaving stumps. By removing excess branches, it is possible to increase productivity.The tree does not waste juices on the branches, nourishes the fruits well and is less sick. It is advisable to cut off old branches from time to time and leave young side branches. Thus, the tree rejuvenates. Rejuvenation is carried out every 4 years.


This variety tolerates snowy and frosty winters well. It does not need to be additionally wrapped or covered. The exception is young trees that have not yet reached fruiting age. These trees can be tied with straw or reeds.

ripe pear

Diseases and pests

Elegant Efimova is resistant to many diseases: scab, pear rust, moniliosis, cancer, bacterial burn. The fruits do not rot or become stained. Pests, such as pear gall mites, also do not affect this variety. This is a huge plus for this type of fruit. Gardeners may not take the time to prevent disease. The tree does not need to be sprayed with chemicals.

Harvesting, storage and use of crops

In the conditions of the Central region, it is best to pick fruit at the end of August and early September. Pears are removed from the branches in a still unripe state. The main color during this period is green-yellow with a red blush. Fruit should not be allowed to ripen on the branches. If the fruits are overcooked, their pulp becomes too crumbly, watery and tasteless.

After picking, it is advisable to let the fruits lie in a cool place for about 14 days. During this period they will have time to fully ripen. The storage period is no more than 1 month at a temperature of plus 2 degrees. Fruits are eaten raw, added to creams, cakes, pastries, and meat dishes. They make desserts, jam, compote, marmalade.
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