Description and characteristics of the Skazochnaya pear variety, planting and care rules

Fairytale is a variety of summer-ripening pear. A tall, fast-growing tree that tolerates even critically low temperatures. Therefore, the culture is widespread mainly in the northern regions of Russia with a harsh climate. It is unpretentious in cultivation and care, requiring only basic care. Can be cultivated at home and on an industrial scale.

History of variety selection

The pear variety was bred at the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing with summer-ripening fruits. Obtained as a result of crossing 2 varieties - Tenderness and Drooping. The authors of the type of culture under consideration are E. A. Falkenberg, M. A. Mazunin, V. I. Putyatin. In 1993, the Skazochnaya variety was accepted for state testing.

Description and characteristics of the Fairytale pear

A tall tree is characterized by rapid growth. The crown is dense, narrow pyramidal in shape, compact, slightly spreading. The branches are straight, their ends point upward. The shoots are of medium length, straight in shape, and dark red in color.

The buds are small, their surface is smooth, and their shape is round. The leaves are small, oblong, short-pointed, dark green in color. The leaf blade is flat, smooth, without pubescence.

Pear fruits are medium in size, regular in shape, one-dimensional. The skin is smooth and dry. When picked from trees, the fruits are green in color; when fully ripened, the color changes to yellow. The pulp is white, fine-grained, juicy, with a weak aroma.

The pear fruits abundantly from the end of August. At the same time, the fruits are firmly held on the stalks without falling to the ground.

Positive and negative sides

Culture has positive and negative sides. Let's start with the advantages, including:

  • beautiful, clear shape of the fruit;
  • pleasant dessert taste;
  • high commercial qualities;
  • winter hardiness;
  • ability to tolerate drought well;
  • resistance to phytopathologies;
  • non-shattering of fruits;
  • ease of care.

Among the disadvantages, one can only mention the tallness of the tree, which complicates the harvesting process.

Growing rules

To grow the pear variety in question, it is important to choose the right place. Otherwise, the seedlings will not take root or the tree will not bear fruit. Favorable areas for the plant are those where:

  • groundwater is deep;
  • there is good lighting;
  • the soil is flat and unsalted;
  • clay deposits are located at a depth of at least 3 meters;
  • there are no buildings nearby;
  • the soil is enriched with humus;
  • the hole for planting the crop was previously fertilized with fertilizers.
On a note. For planting, only healthy seedlings without any defects should be selected. If the roots of the tree have dried out, it is recommended to place them in a container with water for 12-24 hours before planting. Complete immersion of planting material in liquid is required when the leaves of the plant wilt.

penny tree

Further care

Caring for this variety of pear is easy. To do this you need to follow basic procedures.


Pear trees do not need frequent irrigation in general, but the exception is during flowering and fruiting periods. If you give the crop plenty of moisture at this time, it will bear fruit well and produce juicy, tasty fruits. In hot, dry weather, the tree should be watered daily using 5-10 liters of water. But this is an approximate volume of liquid. Its exact amount depends on the type of soil and climatic conditions in which the Fairytale pear grows.


Even the most fertile soil is depleted over time, which affects the yield of pears. Therefore, you should regularly apply fertilizers that will feed the tree.

In autumn, it is advisable to saturate the soil with humus and mineral fertilizers. Additionally, ammonium nitrate should be used.In spring, the crop needs vitamins and minerals, so the soil should be fertilized using special mixtures that can be purchased in the store. And to maintain the optimal level of soil acidity, lime is suitable.

sprinkle fertilizer


Pear pruning is carried out every season when the air temperature drops to 5 °C. Basic Rules:

  • branches extending 90° from the tree trunk are removed;
  • the cut-off areas are sealed with clay;
  • branches with a diameter of more than 3 centimeters are cut down from above and below;
  • Fertilizers can be applied 30 days after pear pruning.

The procedure is performed in the spring, and by autumn the tree will produce a generous harvest.

Protection from diseases and pests

The Skazochnaya pear variety is resistant to phytopathologies, but the risk of their development cannot be completely excluded. If the crop is not properly cared for, the following may occur:

  1. Sooty fungus. For its prevention, the insecticide “Calypso” is used, and for its treatment, the drug “Fitoferm” is used.
  2. Fruit rot. Prevented with lime mortar. Treatment is carried out in the spring.
  3. Powdery mildew. Spraying the tree with a solution of potassium permanganate will help prevent phytopathology. Damaged leaves that need to be burned should also be removed.
  4. Leaf rollers. The destruction of the pest is carried out using the drug "Karbofos".

Sometimes a pear is affected by a scale insect, to combat which lime is used in combination with copper sulfate. The same remedy is used to prevent this disease.

Collection and storage of pears

With heavy rainfall, fruit harvesting begins in the second half of August. But in dry and warm weather, this process can be postponed to September. The harvest should be done one at a time to prevent the pears from spoiling.

The shelf life of fruits is no more than 10-12 days.After this period, the pulp of the fruit turns brown, they lose their taste and begin to rot. Therefore, they are not suitable for long-term storage - it is better to recycle them. Pears of this variety make excellent compotes, jams, and juices.

Fairytale is a variety of pear tree that gardeners speak positively about. Despite some disadvantages, the variety has more advantages, since its cultivation does not cause trouble. The culture produces a generous harvest of fruits, which are used to produce various culinary products.
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