TOP 3 recipes for making redcurrant jam for the winter without cooking

Adult children also love to eat jam. This dessert is available to every family, and when it is prepared while preserving all the vitamins, it also turns into a healthy treat. One of these desserts is red currant jam, prepared without cooking. It turns out sweet, but at the same time gives off a pleasant sourness. This jam has the consistency of jam with a clear texture and a bright, rich color.

Features of preparing cold redcurrant jam for the winter

Making cold jam for the winter is not difficult, which makes it a hit with busy housewives. The cooking technology is such that the resulting jam is raw and does not need to be cooked on the stove. In fact, cold jam is a berry pureed with sugar, retaining all the benefits of vitamins.

During storage, the jam becomes thick, like jam, due to the content of pectin - natural “gelatin”.

Recipe Ingredients

To make jam you only need two ingredients: sugar and berries - red currants.

Proportions are observed according to the specific recipe.

Specifics of product selection

Berries for raw jam must be selected ripe and overripe, so the taste of the final product will become more pronounced and bright. Before harvesting, currants must be sorted from twigs, stalks and bad berries. Then it should be rinsed under cold water and laid out on a towel to dry to drain off excess water.

currant berries

How to prepare the container?

The best containers for storing cold jam are small jars, approximately 250-500 milliliters in volume. These jars are especially convenient to store in the refrigerator.

Preparing the container before putting jam into it involves washing, sterilizing and drying:

  1. It is better not to use a chemical detergent, but to opt for laundry soap or a mixture of soda and mustard powder. You also need to use a new dish sponge.
  2. There are several ways to sterilize jars. For example, in a microwave oven: to do this, pour water into the jars 1-1.5 centimeters from the bottom and heat for 4-5 minutes at a power of 700-800 Watts.The lids are boiled on the stove in a saucepan for 5-7 minutes. When sterilizing in boiling water, jars and lids are placed in a pan of hot water and boiled for 6-7 minutes. Then they are carefully taken out and placed upside down to dry.
  3. Dry the jam containers on a clean towel until the moisture has completely evaporated.

product preparation

How to make redcurrant jam without cooking?

The technology for making cold jam is very simple, but, nevertheless, recipes differ among different housewives. Let's look at a few of them:

  1. "Quick jam." Pass the prepared berries (1 kilogram) through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, and then mix it with sugar (1.5 kilograms). Stir until the latter is completely dissolved. The jam is ready!
  2. "Raw jam." Rub the berries (1 kilogram) through a sieve, add sugar (2 kilograms). To dissolve the sugar, place the container with the sweet puree on the fire and heat to 50-60°C, stirring constantly. Divide the jam into jars. Once cooled, it will look like jam.
  3. "Cold jam." Rub the currants (1 kilogram) through a sieve. Add granulated sugar (1.2 kilograms) and mix thoroughly. The sugar will dissolve within two hours, at which time the jars can be prepared. During this time, stir the berry mass periodically. If foam forms, it must be removed at the end of the process. Place the puree into jars and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar on top.

red jam

How to properly store workpieces?

Prepared cold jam should be stored in a cool, dark place. The best storage is the refrigerator, but you can also make jars in a deep, cold cellar.

redcurrant jam
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