Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Hypil 108 f1, yield

Many gardeners are wary of hybrid tomato varieties. Tomato Hypil 108 F1 belongs to the mid-early varieties. It is not difficult to grow it on your own plot; just follow the requirements strictly and the plant will reward you with a rich harvest.

Description and characteristics of the species

To understand what a particular variety of tomato is, you should carefully study its detailed description. This knowledge will help you decide whether it is worth planting tomatoes on your plot at all.He is called an improved Kaspar.


  • Bush: determinate.
  • Height: 50-70 cm.
  • Root system: powerful, taproot.
  • Ripening time: 120-126 days from germination.
  • Number of tomatoes in a brush: from 3 to 5.


  • Shape: pear-shaped or plum-shaped.
  • Weight: 100-120 gr.
  • Color: red.
  • Density: high.
  • Pulp: medium-viscous.
  • Chambers: 2-3, few seeds.
  • Transportability: good.
  • Presentation: excellent.
  • Shelf life: long time.

Hypil tomato seeds

Growing the species

The seedling method is mainly used. But there is the possibility of growing without seedlings. The weather conditions of the growing region must be taken into account. Tomato Hypil F1 is thermophilic. When choosing a place for planting, you need to give preference to areas that are well-lit by the sun and protected from the wind.

A garter to the support is required. Step-sonning at will.

After the appearance of 2 full leaves, you need to dive. Seedlings are demanding for consecration. During the initial period of development, plant roots do not absorb phosphorus well. Therefore, when planting, it is recommended to add it to the soil.

The plant, which has reached 36-45 days, is planted in open ground. To get a good harvest, you should plant from 2 to 7 plants per 1 m2. It is best to use a 40 to 50 scheme. The soil must contain organic matter.

Tomato variety Hypil 108 F1 thrives in high soil moisture and low air humidity. Drip irrigation is recommended; it helps increase productivity.

Disease susceptibility

A plant with a high degree of disease resistance. For this, many summer residents choose this variety for growing in open ground. Tomatoes are not susceptible to diseases such as:

  1. Fusarium wilt (1.2 races).
  2. Verticillium wilt (all races).
  3. Alternaria stem cancer.
  4. Bacterial and gray spotting.
  5. Nematode.

appearance of tomato hypil

Pros and cons of the tomato variety

Characteristics of a species include the disclosure of positive and negative aspects. On this basis, the final choice of the summer resident is made in favor of one variety or another.


  • Disease resistance.
  • Versatility in use.
  • Drought resistance.
  • Suitable for mechanized cleaning.
  • Long shelf life and good transportability.


  • Intolerance to temperature changes.
  • Lack of light slows down growth and fruiting.

green tomatoes highil

Harvest volume and methods of consumption

If all agricultural technology requirements are met, up to 4.5 kg of tomatoes can be obtained from one plant. From 1 m2 you can get up to 8 kg of tomatoes.

Tomato productivity is very high; the hybrid is named one of the best varieties for canning. Its fruits are equally well used for pickling and preparing fresh salads.

Opinions of summer residents who grew the hybrid

Reviews of the Hypil 108 F1 tomato will help novice gardeners decide whether to purchase seeds for planting.

  • Nina. I planted tomatoes, tied them up and took stepson. But all the fruits became infected with some kind of disease. I got angry at them, but accidentally discovered an untied and untied bush. Which was simply dotted with fruits, smooth and beautiful. Next year I decided to try to plant again.
  • Alyona. I liked the taste of tomatoes, fresh and canned.
  • Pioneer. It admits that it only works with proven tomato varieties. After one very dry summer confirmed the high productivity qualities of the Hypil tomato, there is no substitute for this variety. I liked everything very much.
  • Svetlana.They were grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Plants planted outside were severely affected by blossom end rot. And those that grew in the greenhouse pleased us with their taste and abundant harvest. There were a lot of tomatoes.
  • Natalia. I was one of the first to try to grow this hybrid, but I didn’t find anything special about them. But due to the high yield, he plans to grow them again, only for canning.

Hypil tomato bushes

Many summer residents do not trust hybrid varieties, considering them harmful and undesirable for growing on their own plot. But upon detailed study, we can conclude that they very often help out. Abundant harvests, even and strong fruits, friendly shoots - this is not the entire list of advantages of F1 type varieties.
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