Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Indoor Surprise, yield and cultivation

Indoor Surprise tomatoes were developed by breeders specifically for those who love small fruits and want to grow them in pots. This variety has very low bushes and an early harvest. Growing takes place in greenhouses, in open ground or on the balcony of a house. The productivity of this variety is very high, the fruits have a bright, unique taste.

These tomatoes can grow in an apartment and bear fruit even in winter, if they are provided with all the conditions for growth and given a place where it will always be warm and light enough. And then during the winter holidays it will be possible to pamper everyone at home with fresh vegetables in a salad.It is very easy to grow them, you just need to know all the requirements for breeding and care.

Details about the variety

The characteristics and description of the variety can help determine how to properly grow and care for it. Surprise is an early ripening tomato, its fruits ripen almost simultaneously, there are a lot of them. They can be grown for sale or for large quantities of preparations.

The bushes of these crops are very low; they do not grow more than half a meter. That is why it is very convenient to grow them on the balcony or in the house. They won't take up much space. They do not need to be tied with ropes. The foliage on the bushes does not grow very densely, medium, dark green in color. The inflorescences are simple. The fruits usually ripen two and a half months after the seeds are sown.

These fruits are oblong in shape, similar to plums. Usually red. Bright sweet and sour taste, very rich, tomato. Fleshy. Their weight is usually no more than 50 grams. The skin is dense and smooth. The fruits grow even and smooth, one similar to the other. Look perfect in slices or salads. They tolerate transportation well, are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate.

This culture is immune to many diseases and is not capricious in care. Tolerates cold and drought well. Gardeners choose it for its unpretentiousness. To be sure that planting will bring excellent results, you need to know about the peculiarities of cultivation.

tomato seeds indoor surprise

How is this variety grown?

Growing indoor tomatoes begins the same way as in conventional tomato crops. The seeds are first sown in separate containers, wait for germination, fertilize, and water. Then they are planted in pots at home or in a greenhouse in the garden.This is a troublesome task, but as a result, summer residents receive a lot of delicious fruits.

When planting in a container, a distance must be maintained between the seeds. As soon as seedlings with two or three leaves begin to appear, they are planted separately. Strong seedlings are planted in the garden or in pre-prepared pots with soil. It is better to take store-bought soil and mix it with humus and fertilizers. Tomatoes cannot grow without fertile soil.

The distance must be maintained between plants and in the garden, approximately thirty centimeters.

For a good harvest, the bushes need sufficient lighting, high-quality watering, and fertilizing. If all this is provided in full, then the bushes will never get sick or wither, the taste of the fruit will be the way it should be.

The plant is very low and does not take up much space. It can be planted in pots and placed in the garden. Despite its small size, the bush produces a fairly bountiful harvest. Taking care of your plant will help increase the chances of healthy flowering and fruiting.

Features of care

These hybrids, grown in beds or in flowerpots, require the same care. Taking into account the characteristics of the variety, we can draw conclusions on how to properly care for this plant.

Rules of care:

  • It is constantly necessary to loosen the soil around the bushes, making it softer and lighter. This way, food, light and water will reach the roots faster;
  • Watering should be good, but in moderation, once a week will be enough. There is no need to flood the bushes;
  • Spraying bushes for the purpose of preventing diseases with special products purchased in the store;
  • You can remove the lower leaves so that there is no contamination from the soil, and so that the plant does not rot, food is drawn to the fruits, and not to the foliage;
  • If tomatoes are grown on the balcony, then it is best to choose the sunny side, where it is constantly warm and light. If there is not enough light, then you can create it artificially;
  • Weeding is an important step in caring for vegetable crops. Diseases and insects can be transmitted from them; they take nutrients from the bushes;
  • This hybrid loves constant feeding with fertilizers, it grows only in high-quality fertile soil, so you should not forget about minerals and vitamins, you can also put peat, sand, manure;
  • In addition to regular watering, you can spray the foliage with warm water from a spray bottle;
  • Choose medium pots; for such bushes, a five-liter pot is enough.

tomato bushes indoor surprise

When growing at home, it is necessary to provide as much as possible all the conditions that exist in a greenhouse in the garden so that the plant feels comfortable. Can be taken out into the air periodically. Good care is the key to a wonderful harvest!

Measures against pests

Tomatoes are sometimes attacked by harmful insects. This could be spider mites, aphids, butterflies, slugs, and mole crickets. They damage foliage, eat fruits, spoil the appearance of seedlings, and take away useful substances. They must be destroyed at the slightest suspicion that they have taken up residence.

Usually, to combat them, special solutions are diluted, plants are watered or sprayed, thereby creating an unfavorable habitat for unkind guests. Preventative measures for healthy plants are also always necessary. Do not allow high humidity or heat in the greenhouse, remove weeds with roots. Potassium permanganate or soap solution is good for spraying.

Reviews from gardeners

Surprise tomatoes always have positive reviews from gardeners who plant them.It is always interesting to find out the opinions of different professionals in order to understand whether it is worth planting these types of crops in the garden.

appearance of tomato indoor surprise

Angela: Every year I try different varieties of tomatoes, this year I decided to try the low-growing Surprise. The positive aspects are that it does not need to be pinched and the branches on it cut off; the fruits are born almost identical, smooth, even. The variety is not fussy to care for, but loves good feeding.

Oleg: I planted the indoor surprise in pots on the loggia in the summer. Excellent bushes have grown with beautiful even fruits. The taste is unusual sweet. Since there were few seedlings, we mostly ate fresh vegetables. They are easy to care for and do not require special attention.

An indoor surprise - a tomato that all lovers of low-growing crops will love. Its small oval fruits will look aesthetically pleasing in jars in the form of pickles or on the table fresh. Caring for them is simple and does not require much effort. Have a great harvest!
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