Cultivation with description and characteristics of the Tarpan tomato variety

Every gardener dreams of a big harvest on his plot. Tomato "Tarpan f1" is an excellent example of plants that produce excellent yields, but at the same time do not require special care.

Feature of the variety

In addition to the fact that Tarpan f1 tomatoes have high yields, the fruits have excellent taste. This hybrid has the positive characteristics of an ideal tomato. The description of the variety can begin with the fact that this variety of tomatoes belongs to the early ripening varieties. Already 100 days after the shoots appear, you can expect the first harvest.If the farmer meets the necessary conditions for growing the plant, then up to 12 kg of fruit can be collected from each square meter.

This variety was bred by Dutch breeders. It was specially developed to be planted in regions with moderate climatic conditions. The tomato bush of this variety is not large, with a minimal number of leaves. The leaves are small in size, with a pleasant light green tint. An average of 4-6 tomatoes develop on each cluster.

Advantages of Tarpan

Among the most characteristic positive differences of the variety, the following can be noted:

  • attractive appearance of the fruit and excellent taste of ripened tomatoes;
  • high yield;
  • the ability to resist many common tomato diseases;
  • small bushes can be compactly marked in a greenhouse or on a small area of ​​a personal plot.

inscription on the board

Reviews of this variety from those who planted it, only positive, no negative sides found.

Description of fruits

Almost the entire harvest has marketable fruit. Their distinctive feature is the following parameters:

  • tomatoes have a red-pink hue;
  • the shape resembles a sphere flattened at the bottom and top;
  • ribbing is weakly expressed;
  • relatively dense outer skin;
  • quite juicy pulp;
  • pleasant sweetish taste;
  • the fruits are of medium size, but grown in greenhouse conditions can reach 200 grams;
  • retain their qualities and do not lose their presentation during long-term storage;
  • are not afraid of transportation;
  • After harvesting at the stage of technical maturity, they ripen well.

tomato Tarpan

In cooking, these tomatoes are used for raw consumption and for making salads. They are suitable for preparing preserves. Small size allows you to marinate whole in jars.Tarpan tomatoes are often used in baby food for preparing vegetable purees and juices.

Growing rules

Tomatoes of the Tarpan variety do not require special care when growing. They need the basic requirements that are inherent in most common varieties and cultivation will not cause difficulties both for those who have been planting such vegetables for many years and for beginning gardeners.

two red

Like most early varieties, seeds are sown in containers in early March. These tomatoes do not require soil disinfection or the use of special preparations to stimulate growth. The soil in which the seeds are sown should consist of an equal amount of garden soil and rotted humus. Garden soil can be replaced with turf soil.

After the seeds are placed in containers with soil, they are lightly watered and covered with film to ensure moisture retention. By ensuring the air temperature in the room with the sown seeds is +23 degrees, you can soon expect the first entries. The emerging plants must be installed in such a way that sunlight falls on the containers. To water young tomato sprouts, use a spray bottle. This way, when watering, water will not damage delicate plants.

cut on the ground

Diving is carried out after most plants have 2 true leaves. Picking grown seedlings involves replanting plants removed from the soil into other containers. In this case, each plant can be placed in a separate pot. For this purpose, peat cups sold in special stores are successfully used. After planting the seedlings, their first feeding is carried out.

Planting seedlings

The time for planting seedlings in open ground is primarily affected by weather conditions. The possibility of recurrence of frost and the soil temperature in the region should be taken into account.

Although the size of the bushes is small, it is not recommended to thicken the planting of tomatoes. Water the tomatoes with water heated under the sun. Avoid excessive watering. It is better to do this more often, but in moderation. After watering, the next day, the soil around the bushes is loosened. This ensures that the roots retain moisture for a longer time. To increase productivity, tomatoes are fed three times a season.

hanging tomatoes

Tomato pests and typical diseases

"Tarpan f1" is resistant to characteristic diseases of nightshades, but preventive measures should still be taken in order to grow them and wait for the harvest. So, when planting seeds, the soil is disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of copper sulfate. This will help prevent plants from becoming infected with fusarium. It is recommended to treat tomatoes planted in the ground with antifungal agents, as well as antiviral drugs, before the ovary appears.

If late blight damage is noticed on the plants, then in this case they are treated with preparations containing copper.

Tomato bushes and their fruits can be affected by the following garden pests:

  • slugs;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • Colorado potato beetles.

perfect tomato

If appropriate measures are not taken, these insects can completely deprive a farmer of his tomato harvest.

Note! When fruits or ovaries appear, it is contraindicated to treat tomato bushes with pesticides.

To get rid of aphids, the bushes should be sprayed with a soap solution. Slugs should be removed manually.You can get rid of Colorado potato beetles if you promptly remove the eggs that the female insect has planted on the leaf, or use special preparations.

tomato pyramid
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