A simple recipe for apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter

Apples are rich in various vitamins and other beneficial substances. They cannot be stored in the freezer, so they are used to make preparations for the winter in the form of jams and preserves.

There are few people who will refuse a bun with a sweet apple dessert. Products made from these fruits, made at enterprises, are not as tasty as apple jam prepared in a slow cooker. The whole process takes little time if you follow simple recipes.

Cooking features

Jam can be prepared in a pressure cooker or in a slow cooker. All models differ from each other, the program is selected from the following:

  • stewing;
  • soup;
  • jam;
  • bakery.

Those housewives who already have a special mode for jam in this kitchen appliance simply follow the instructions for the multicooker. But if there is no such program, use the universal one - “quenching”. The amount of apples and sugar is selected by everyone independently, since the volume of the bowls is different for all models.

Selection of apples for jam

If you plan to make jam with apple slices, then the fruits are selected not overripe and without damage. Any juicy apples of normal ripeness are suitable for granular.

delicious jam

The fruits are washed and peeled, the core is removed. For one part of apples, it is enough to add half as much sugar.

On your own plot, all the fruits are healthy, without chemicals. But if they are purchased in stores, then you should pay attention to such a sign of unreliable products as a glossy peel without the slightest flaws.

As a rule, harmful substances are most contained in the skin and you can get rid of them if you simply remove it from the fruit. But it’s still better to choose fresh ones grown without nitrates.

Methods for making apple jam in a slow cooker

You can cook a delicacy from apple fruits in any model of multicooker. Below are several recipes that, simply followed, will bring excellent results.

Five Minute Recipe

To prepare this wonderful amber jam, you need apples and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. If the fruit is very sweet, then less granulated sugar will be needed. According to the recipe, take 1 kg of ingredients.

cooking process

The fruits are thoroughly washed and dried.They are peeled from the cores and cut into slices. Place the apples in the slow cooker and turn on the “stewing” program for 1 hour. After 20 minutes, add sugar to the bowl and mix with the apple pieces.

The finished jam is poured into pre-sterilized jars.

Clear jam

In order to cook this dessert, you need:

  1. Apples - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 800 g.
  3. Water - 2–3 l.
  4. Vanillin and cinnamon.

For future jam, juicy and large fruits are selected. In general, all varieties are suitable, but if you come across sour apples, it is better to increase the amount of granulated sugar to 1 kg.

Due to the fact that the fruits are cut into slices, even damaged specimens are taken and collected from the ground. They are washed well under running water, dents and stains are removed. Next, they are cut into slices and the cores are discarded.

apple slices

Peeled and crushed fruits are placed in a basin of water, in which 1 tsp is pre-dissolved. citric acid. This procedure is necessary in order to protect the apples from darkening when exposed to air.

The slices are taken out and dried, then mixed with sugar. Pour 1 tbsp into the multicooker bowl. water and apples in sugar. Cook the product with the lid off, stirring with a wooden spoon every 5 minutes.

To start, select the “stewing” or “cooking” program. On average, it takes half an hour to prepare jam. After this time, vanilla and cinnamon are added to the bowl, the lid is closed, and the dessert is cooked for another 5 minutes.


To prepare you need to take:

  1. Apples - 2 kg.
  2. Sugar - 2 kg.
  3. Cinnamon - 2 sticks or 2 tsp.

Ripe and firm fruits are selected for jam. They are washed under running warm water and cut into slices or pieces together with the skin.The core is completely removed.

jam in a jar

The prepared apples are transferred to the multicooker bowl, covered with granulated sugar, the ingredients are carefully mixed and left for 5 hours so that the sugar mixes with the apple juice.

After the specified amount of time, cinnamon is added to the bowl, after which the future delicacy begins to be cooked. The “quenching” mode is selected on the display. At the first stage, the apples are cooked in syrup for about 10 minutes.

A total of 3 approaches are performed, each lasting 10 minutes. If the multicooker has a “Multicook” mode, then you can select it for jam. The temperature is set at 100 degrees.

While the apple dessert is being prepared, it is not stirred, but only the slices are carefully immersed in the syrup with a wooden spoon. Each subsequent cooking helps thicken the syrup, and the fruits eventually become transparent.

apples on the table

Hot jam is placed in clean, sterilized and dry jars. The containers are rolled up with metal lids.


After preparing the jam and cooling it, the jars are stored in a cool place for the winter. Basements and cellars are considered the most favorable for placing workpieces. But even at room temperature, nothing will happen to the jam. It retains its beneficial and tasteful qualities for 2 years.

If the apple harvest is large and you can’t eat all the fruits, you can make aromatic jam from them in a slow cooker. This sweet dessert is perfect with pancakes, pancakes and just tea. Baking with it turns out amazing. Both adults and children eat jam with pleasure.

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